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Moderna & Pfizer Finally Begin Long-Term Myocarditis Vaccine Studies

Drug companies Pfizer and Moderna are just now starting long-term studies to try to figure out if there could be some sort of link between their COVID shots and heart damage. Hey, wait a second! Are Moderna and Pfizer spreading misinformation about the COVID shots? Because we have it on good authority from the CDC that these shots are totally safe and effective, even for pregnant or nursing mothers. Somebody should lock Pfizer and Moderna out of their social media accounts for even suggesting that their shots could hurt people. And on a more serious note – why weren’t these studies done before governments injected more than a billion people with these shots?

Warning signs started popping up in 2021 as soon as the Pfizer and Moderna shots were approved for people under the age of 70. It especially became apparent that something was horribly wrong with the shots by April or May of 2021, when some of us (*ahem!*) started pointing out that an incredible number of college and pro athletes were collapsing to the ground while clutching their chests. Something weird was happening and it seemed to be correlated to these new, experimental shots that they were requiring athletes to get in order to keep playing their favorite sports.


Something was “off” and many of suspected it early on. By the summer of 2021, it was undeniable. Two heart conditions called myocarditis and pericarditis, which none of us could define at that point, were showing up in younger and younger people getting the shots. The correlation seemed pretty clear.

In August of 2021, the FDA sort of stopped ignoring the safety signals, and politely asked Pfizer to conduct some short-term and long-term trials to see if their mRNA shots cause an elevated risk of myocarditis. This correlation that was obvious to a lot of people at the time, however, didn’t stop the FDA from approving the shots kids in the 12 to 18 age group, followed by the 5 to 11 age group, followed by the infants to 4-year-old age group. But at least they decided to check on the long-term risks finally.

The FDA asked Pfizer/BioNTech to complete one study no later than 2024, and a longer-term study by 2026. They sent a similar letter to Moderna in January of 2021, asking for one study to be completed by 2023 and a long-term study by 2028. Moderna has already started its short- and long-term trials. Pfizer/BioNTech says… they’ll get around to it. Eventually. Maybe. No rush!

A Swiss study that we told readers about just a few weeks ago found that 100% of people receiving their second COVID shot (either Moderna or Pfizer) showed some signs of heart damage three days after the injection. All 777 trial participants showed elevated levels of troponin in their bloodstream. Troponin is a protein that only appears in heart muscle tissue. It doesn’t appear in the bloodstream and won’t show up on a blood test, unless your heart has sustained damage.

That controlled study – peer reviewed and published like we used to do in something called “science” – found that every single participant sustained some level of heart damage.

Another study that was just published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology just found elevated levels of myocarditis in vaccinated people. The incidence of myocarditis in unvaccinated people is and has been about 2 per 1,000,000 for years, pre- and post-COVID pandemic. The incidence in myocarditis among vaccinated people is 35.6 cases per 1,000,000. Vaccinated people have an 18X risk of developing myocarditis.

A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found an even greater correlation. 1 in 200,000 recipients developed myocarditis after the first mRNA injection. 1 in 30,000 developed it after the second injection. 1 in 50,000 developed it after the booster shot. That is a massively more common incidence than the 1 in 1,000,000 risk of myocarditis in the unvaccinated population.

There’s something ironic about asking Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna to all of a sudden take a closer look at their shots to see if they’re more likely to cause myocarditis. We have all of these independent, third-party scientific studies from all over the world showing that the correlation exists and it’s real. But now we’re going to trust Pfizer and Moderna and take their word for it when they finally release the results?

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5 thoughts on “Moderna & Pfizer Finally Begin Long-Term Myocarditis Vaccine Studies”

  1. Everyone that died after a shot died from heart problems, not Covid. They will explain this away as an unexpected problem having nothing to do with Covid. In our current medical regime, profits trump patients. It’s all for the bucks!$$$$$$$$$. Who looked at the results and certified the shots? There’s your problem.

    1. Oh BS
      Yeah, we’ll look at Bill Gates for starters and we don’t need to look any further.
      How in the heck was Trump supposed to know they were going to depopulate with the jab? He didn’t. Especially when his advisors on his team were ROGUE. Only a few could actually be trusted.
      Lay your blame elsewhere dude.

  2. Is there any doubt that both companies will ‘Cook the results’ to prove their desires???? On another front, Big Pharma was smart when they negotiated their immunity from responsibility if ANYthing went wrong with the jabs. Can our government say the same thing for themselves? All those who were required by the government to take the shot or lose their jobs, (military, those in the medical field, etc, etc) and had personal health problems that can be shown to be from the vaccine, or had a loved one affected or died from the shot, should sue the government for damages. Same for private business if the company required it, or against the government again if they coerced the company to require it. Those who promoted it as a must take, must themselves bear the consequences.

  3. I developed cardiac arrhythmia, as has my cousin, much aunt. A lot, or all, those young healthy sports pros, likely the healthy 44 yr old Crown Princess of Thailand just died while walking her dogs, and so many others are dying or having problems from the vaccine causing cardiomyopathy or myocarditis. Kids are sometimes ending up on heart transplant lists, waiting to see if a donor is matched.
    Swiss study showed 777 people checked ALL developed heart problems after vaccines, even just initial 2 shot series.
    But Pharm and Fauci fight tooth and nail against Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin treatments. And don’t look for other options. Shame on those money hungry monsters, lying to pubic worldwide.

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