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Mom Warns Against COVID Shots After Daughter Dies of Heart Attack

A mother in Germany is warning parents to “think twice” before allowing their children to be injected with the experimental gene serum that everyone is calling the “COVID vaccines.” Her daughter, 15-year-old Cheyenne Braun, suffered a massive heart attack just 10 days after her second injection with the Comirnaty BioNTech shot.

The heart attack was so bad that the young girl was left in a coma for two weeks before she died. Her 16th birthday would have been two weeks ago. German police are investigating the girl’s death, but at this point, no one expects them to really find anything.

This is just one of the thousands of tragic stories resulting from the push to continue vaccinating younger and younger people. The FDA here in America has just authorized a third “booster shot” of the Pfizer vaccine for healthy 16- and 17-year-olds who are at no risk at all from COVID. What’s the result of this going to be?

The American Heart Association has just published a study that might provide an answer. They looked at all of the sudden teenage myocarditis cases that suddenly popped up this year in the US, prior to July 4th, 2021. 139 adolescents with a median age of 15.8 years developed myocarditis within 30 days of taking the COVID shots. 136 of the 139 youths who developed sudden myocarditis this year received a second COVID shot just TWO DAYS before the condition developed.

97.8% of all adolescent myocarditis cases in the US this year were directly caused by the COVID shots.

Part of the heart muscle dies when a person develops myocarditis. It shaves many years off a person’s life. 20% of those boys who got the COVID shots will be dead within two years. 50% of them will be dead within five years. This is a problem that medical science cannot correct. If this had been a normal year, only 3 adolescents in America would have developed myocarditis between January and July 4. Instead, 139 of them developed this condition.

You can read that American Heart Association study HERE. Wonder if Dr. Fauci is going to “follow the science” on that one?


Another tragedy is unfolding in Canada right now. Pregnant mothers across the country are delivering stillborn babies at unprecedented rates.

Dr. Daniel Nagase is a hero that most Americans have never heard of. He was one of the first doctors to successfully treat COVID patients with ivermectin, resulting in a 100% survival rate in his patients. Dr. Nagase has confirmed in interviews that the stillborn births to vaccinated mothers is a real phenomenon. In Vancouver, BC, there were 13 stillborn births in a 24-hour period in one hospital. All of the mothers were vaccinated against COVID.

Then, in Waterloo, ON, there were 86 stillborn births between January and July. Again, all of the mothers were fully vaccinated. During normal years, only 5 or 6 stillborn births occur over the entire year in all of Canada. Those 86 stillborn deaths represent a 28X increase in the normal annual number in Waterloo. Dr. Nagase states:

“Certainly when you see a correlation, then you have to start asking, is there something in the water in Waterloo? Is there something in the air? Is there some toxin in the food supply? But when you see the same correlation in different parts of the country – in Vancouver, and then in Waterloo – and you see an increase in stillbirths, you have to ask yourself what is going on that is both in Waterloo, ON and Vancouver, BC that is suddenly causing an increase in stillbirths?”

Indeed. Naturally, Dr. Nagase is being vilified by the Canadian press for “spreading disinformation,” yet he is relaying firsthand information from his fellow doctors and nurses who are too afraid to speak out.

We’ve seen a 46X increase in adolescent myocarditis in the US this year. Canada has seen a 28X increase in the number of stillborn babies. The experimental gene serum shots known as “COVID vaccines” are the common denominator.

Cheyenne Braun’s mother has chronicled her daughter’s death and her grief on her Facebook page in Germany. It’s impossible to imagine the grief that she is experiencing right now. She writes that she knows this is her fault, because she is the one who signed the release for her underage daughter to get the COVID shot that resulted in her death. And she wants other parents to hear Cheyenne’s story before they even consider allowing their own kids to get jabbed. Here’s hoping that many people will listen.

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34 thoughts on “Mom Warns Against COVID Shots After Daughter Dies of Heart Attack”

  1. It’s working ! These governments control of people and de-population, what a way for politicians and elites to get away with murder of it’s own people and getting rich in the process! All peoples are the majority are afraid of the minority1 This is what people get for just complaining about it without true actions against by any means necessary to Stop it. Only a massive nation and world wide Unity of both civilians and military can stop this worldwide tyranny by draining the swamps! You the People are their boss, kick them all out and jail them!

    1. I a dog person (show & obedience train) we know as does the government this drug is a muscle weakener what’s in the body tendon, muscle, cartridge ALL AFFECTED BY QUINOLONES what affects a unborn baby (weakening muscle while trying to go muscle) and it’s in the side effects that come with the drug… look up..Quinolone antibiotics!!!

    2. I am creating an honest wage from home 1900 Dollars/week , that is wonderful, below a year gone i used to be unemployed during an atrocious economy. (axd31) I convey God on a daily basis. I used to be endowed with these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody. Here is where I started……….

  2. The real tragedy is that too many people are buying the Fauci lie and won’t even open this if I send it to them.

    1. Donna, I had four families pull their children from my 4-5th grade Sunday School class for bringing a printout of information from Liberty Counsel about injury to a 12 yr old girl after receiving the Covid shot. I told them to take it home to their parents to inform them about the dangers, since the shots were going to be authorized for their age group. The hateful messages I got online from the leader of these parents are saved on my computer, and have been printed out for our pastor to view. He knows anything I do is out of love, yet he is caught in the middle, being one of the same younger generation that has reacted with hatred toward me. This is not good for our church.

    2. Why are people that have conflicts of interests with Pfizer on the FDA Approval Board?

      Why is the FDA not releasing the testing data on vaccine that SCIENTISTS have requested through the Freedom of Information Act.

      It should be released to the public as soon as possible but the FDA only will release 500 pages monthly and stating that it will ALL be released over a period of 70 YEARS!!!

      What are the FDA, Pfizer and pharmaceuticals hiding that they would need 70 YEARS!!!

  3. Wake up fools. The vaccine is doing what it’s supposed to do…KILL! They have already proven that the vaccine does not prevent infection nor does it keep you from spreading the virus. But it is starting to kill people.

  4. Hope she file a wrongful death lawsuit against the company and the government of Germany! Vaccine is just a death shot! It these rich people way of killing off the middle class and poor people! And only way to stop it is fight back against them!

  5. I have been pushed to get shot and oressure to get shot. I know better. I look at India,UK, Israel, and many other countries that are nearly fully vaccinated that now have more cases. Vaccinated are causing variants not unvaccinated. Babies being stillborn and people we know who developed blood clots are very common yet they lie to us—depopulation and dollars. Also in elderly who take vaccines, it escalates dementia. Only reason there are less deaths is due to ivermectin and infusion which govt. and drugs companies are lagging in production or making it legal to obtain. WHY. Depopulation and dollars for big Pharma. Young athletes are dying all over world and it is covered up. Why take an unproven vaccine in your body that doesn’t work and may cause you harm. Ask UK if mortality rate has gone up in UK considerably in vaccinated people

  6. I have been pushed to get shot and oressure to get shot. I know better. I look at India,UK, Israel, and many other countries that are nearly fully vaccinated that now have more cases. Vaccinated are causing variants not unvaccinated. Babies being stillborn and people we know who developed blood clots are very common yet they lie to us—depopulation and dollars. Also in elderly who take vaccines, it escalates dementia. Only reason there are less deaths is due to ivermectin and infusion which govt. and drugs companies are lagging in production or making it legal to obtain. WHY. Depopulation and dollars for big Pharma. Young athletes are dying all over world and it is covered up. Why take an unproven vaccine in your body that doesn’t work and may cause you harm. Ask UK if mortality rate has gone up in UK considerably in vaccinated people

    1. The only proof that Joe O’Biden has given us is that he’s a plagiarist and pathological liar. Anything coming out of his mouth can’t be trusted. That’s pretty much true for all the rest of the Democrats too, although the plagiarism habit is quite acute in Joe’s case,

    2. Well we saw a video of him getting an upper arm injection that we were told was the vaccine, so we assume he told the truth and got it, despite he and Harris saying they didn’t want anything developed during Trump term. We also saw Harris getting a shot.
      But then we’ve found how much they lie, so guess we believe they told the truth that time. Biden is certainly frail enough to warrant needing extra protection.

      1. well, vic. I see video of people in movies getting shot, but do I believe they actually died? NOPE. what you saw was a “set” made for joey bribem to pretend he got the shot. did you look closely at the needle? how she was holding it? you should. that demented POS never got the jab. why? well, he is taking meds for BLOOD CLOTS. this shot causes blood clots. if he had taken it, he would be dead by now. if jabbed at all, it was with saline. why do you think he exempted congress from the jab? he knows it kills. why exempt the roaches scurrying in at the border? no shot, no masks. they are the new demon rat party voting base. coming for our jobs, homes, etc. they bring nothing to the table but a hand out for welfare. we aren’t getting the elite from these countries nor the educated. we are getting the dregs. easily controlled population, as long as the government welfare checks keep pouring in. free stuff, free medical care, who wouldn’t want that for the rest of their lives??? the “families” get $800.00 from the U.N., and another 2,500.00 relocation money. wooo hooo, color me brown and drop me off at the rio grande.

  7. Getting a”jab” of any kind enters those sheeple into the march of the “walking dead”! A massive death toll is about to explode when the manipulative DNA experiment begins it’s ugly agenda which seems like it has already started! Those that have gotten the jab should enjoy what life they have left while they can! Lights out will eventually happen prematurely to the ones that took the “jab(s)”!

  8. These shots are a death sentence,plain and simple, everything is going to plan, for the globalists like gates,fraudci, to reduce the population on the planet. Wake up before your a statistic.

  9. Because his dementia has gotten worse fast. I know it escalates dementia because I trust Dr Peter McCullough, whose is a well-known cardiologist and internist, who has told of a patient of his who’s dementia was so mild. After second shot could not remember anything. In years to come, people will die of heart attacks and strikes, cancer and dementia and nothing can be proven as maybe years down road. You lose your natural immunity. Also understand aids is showing up more in UK. Texas needs to Texit.

  10. Because his dementia has gotten worse fast. I know it escalates dementia because I trust Dr Peter McCullough, whose is a well-known cardiologist and internist, who has told of a patient of his who’s dementia was so mild. After second shot could not remember anything. In years to come, people will die of heart attacks and strikes, cancer and dementia and nothing can be proven as maybe years down road. You lose your natural immunity. Also understand aids is showing up more in UK. Texas needs to Texit.

  11. I am willing to guarantee that joey bribem never got the jab. any takers? he is on Ivermectin, as are all congressmen. why do you think he can hang with sick people and never get the virus?? the same drug they call horse wormer. the one he laughed at Trump and made so much fun of. the same drug he BANNED hospitals and doctors from using. look around. lawsuits are popping up from families desperate to save their loved ones. the hospitals are PAID FOR EVERY COVID DEATH. they classify all death as covid. auto accidents, gunshot , they are all covid caused. big money.

  12. The Moron “Mom” who led her daughter to the death jab & allowed the Nazis to give her the LETHAL injection is as much to blame as the Lethal injection itself. If the mom has the where with all to start warning everyone after the tragedy, she definitely had the mental capacity to have done the research on her own about the death jab being a toxic bio weapon, and refusing to let her daughter any where near the Nazi injectors.
    The “sheeple” who have suckled the government teet (tax payers) have been lulled into the hallucination ‘trust the Government we will protect you & take care of you, take the hand out” Are the ones who have sold their souls to Satan, & make fighting for freedom for Real patriots a larger task, as they expect the patriots to fight for them, because they won’t stand up for themselves. They are afraid the welfare spigot will get turned off & can’t imagine having to fend for themselves. (Cowards).

  13. All a cover up. This isn’t a vaccine, it’s a poison. And when I see a photo of sleepy Joe with his sleeve rolled up getting the vaccine I realize it’s as much a phony photo as his Presidency. Do you really think they’re administering the shot to him on camera? And what if he had an adverse reaction? I’m not fooled, it’s probably a vitamin shot at best. We’re living in some very dangerous times.

  14. When things get better, and they will..Are we going to forget everything that we have been put through ????
    Things are going to get worse before they get better, but they will get better…We will save our country..But will we learn from all of this??? Our freedoms are being taken away, more and more, day by day..When the fight is over, and we get our freedoms back. What will we have learned???.What can we do to make things better. If the present administration can spend billions to help illegals enter and stay in this country…They just proved to us what can be done..our homeless veterans that fought for this country deserve better, as well as all the other legal citizens in this county. God help us to learn from the evil that’s spreading in our country. Give us the strength to put a stop to it..Let us learn to love one another and help each other. Together we can make our country bigger and better than ever. Without you lord , we are nothing.

    1. I rarely respond to any remarks. But you beautifully layer out our future. I pray we wake up before it gets really ugly. They are using the new variant which mutated 32 ways. It’s much easier to catch person to person. But so far it’s been far less serious. I worry about China developments of a more deadly virus. If the current shots lose effect in protecting against Covid-19’s, does that mean that perhaps the natural immune system over came it? Is there a chance if people refuse to take boosters, their natural immune system will survive? I have so many questions and no answers. Thank you for speaking out so clearly.

  15. It boggles MT mind that patents continue to give the “vaccine” to their kids knowing the side affects. It goes to show how many people are willing to give up everything and get the shots. Whats next for everyone, micro chipped like dogs?!

  16. Biteme joe is a lying SOS. He never got any shot. This was a staged event to fool us into getting vaccinated. If you believe him and follow his advice you are a moron. His entire administration is trying their best to kill off any one who stands against their socialist agenda. If you refuse to recognize what they are trying to do to you then you will surely die as they want you to. Just look at Fauchi, he is a murderous agent of this govt. He needs to be removed as much as Biteme joe does.

  17. Any parent who is giving permission to vacinate their child is killing their own child. This government is not to be trusted under Joe Biden and Fauci. Also Bill Gates and globalists are depopulating the world. They should all be hanged (like people do in the middle east, i.e. Hussain). That would be justice for these evil rich billionaires.

  18. Vaccines are toxic drugs. Natural immunity is always safe and effective. Just the opposite what fake media shoots out.

  19. To the few who mentioned God i thank you. Everything that is unfolding has been prophesied throughout the old and new testaments in the only Book we should be looking to. The Bible. God gave us a land flowing with milk and honey but also promised it could be taken away just as easily. Our people have turned to sex and drugs and money as their God all while refusing to give God thanks and following his laws. Without law there cannot be freedom.
    For those of us who refuse to be sheeple and know that God is our saviour hopefully we will be spared the worse of what is yet to come our way. We need to guard ourselves and our children from these Satanist and put our trust in our Lord not some newly made vaccine we know nothing about for a virus thats really very curable. My whole family had covid and we all recovered without meds or vaccine. Our bodies are amazing at healing themselves if we take care of what God gave us and Trust Him with the harder stuff. He wants us to survive and made us to be able to on our own. God help us all and God bless us all.

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