One of the leading cancer doctors in the world says he’s seeing alarming rates of young people dying from “turbo cancers” ever since the COVID booster shot was introduced into the world. Dr. Angus Dalgleish is the head of oncology (cancer) at St. Georges Hospital Medical School London.
Writing for Aletho News, Dalgleish says his colleagues in Australia and the US are seeing similar rates of fast-acting terminal cancers and also more cancer relapses in the wake of the mass vaccination program.
How much longer are the CDC and the FDA here in America going to continue denying that something went terribly wrong with these experimental shots?
Dr. Dalgleish says that cancer patients in remission don’t normally relapse unless they go through a traumatic life experience of some sort. If someone goes through severe depression over the loss of a loved one, or if they get divorced or go bankrupt, they’ll often relapse a few months later, and their cancer will come back. He says that’s not happening now, though.
Patients are just relapsing out of the blue. This is especially true in patients under 50. Dalgleish and his colleagues are noting that they’re also seeing a spike in young patients (under 50) suddenly being diagnosed with colorectal cancer. The American Cancer Society (ACS) just announced this fact in January.
Colorectal cancer is now the number one cancer in men under 50 and the number two cancer in women under 50. Prior to the COVID vaccines, colorectal cancer was only the fourth most common cause of cancer in people. The ACS says 6 of the top 10 cancers have seen dramatic spikes over the past year, and they expect an astonishing 2 million first-time cancer diagnoses in 2024.
Doctors in multiple countries agree that the patients dying rapidly from turbo cancers only have one thing in common: They all received the first booster shot, which was the third shot in the original series dating back to 2021.
Excess deaths have also continued to increase in heavily vaccinated countries, even though no one wants to talk about it. Data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that excess deaths among 15- to 44-year-olds have continued to increase from 2021 through today. The Lancet published an article in December showing excess deaths are up 11 to 15% among people under 25.
As Dr. Dalgleish notes, “What makes this all the more surprising is that negative deaths should be the norm after a pandemic as you cannot die twice!”
The medical literature makes it clear that the body’s T-cell response is suppressed after a person receives the COVID booster shot from either Pfizer or Moderna. The body simply can’t fight off cancer or other illnesses after that happens. Dr. Dalgleish also points out a fact that we’ve been reporting for a couple of months, which is that the vaccines contain DNA from a monkey virus called SV40.
SV40 is a monkey virus that is commonly used in non-mRNA vaccines. Researchers have found that the COVID shots, however, contain unsafe levels of this monkey virus DNA. Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Surgeon General from Florida, suspects that the lipid nanoparticles that contain the vaccine juice are more easily able to penetrate the cell wall, unlike in normal vaccines. In addition to altering your DNA, which basically turns you into a mutant, SV40 could very well be triggering these turbo cancers in the young and boosted.
Does anyone have a better theory? Researchers at Harvard claim that the excess deaths among young people are being caused by “sleep disturbance.”
“Get a good night’s sleep, Timmy, or you’ll get a brain tumor!”
Instead of pulling the COVID shots from the market completely, which is what doctors like Joseph Ladapo and Angus Dalgleish are urging, the CDC is telling doctors that they don’t want to cause a panic among the unvaccinated. Sure, the vaccines might kill you from turbo cancer. But at least no one panicked!
Early awareness, diagnosis, and treatment might be able to stave off some of the excess cancer deaths that are expected this year. The CDC, however, doesn’t even want to tell anyone this is happening because they don’t want to cause a panic. If you’ve been vaxed and boosted, now would be a great time to get a regular checkup and have blood work done.
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Both moderna and pfizer should be sued out of existence!
the only problem with the law suit is that the government waved most safety precautions, certainly any long term testing, to ensure the vaccines became available ASAP. The government, with the interests of its people at the forefront, was as complicit as the pharm folks.
Call me crazy, but, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the UN have been preaching Depopulation for years!! What better way to reach a depopulation measure than by creating a pandemic, a vaccine that screws you out of your immunity system, and then death!! Covid-19 was their trial-run project!!! The next one they are calling it “Disease X”, will have close to a 100% lethal effect. The CCP has developed one that’s 100% lethal on lab mice! All the CCP has to do is add a DNA factor of the European chain to make it selective for Caucasians! The CCP/Communist ideology wins the world without going to war! It’s the New World Order/WEF!!
CDC can take their covid booster and shove it. I was given on booster and 6 weeks later I lost all the feeling in my feet. The doctor that looked at my feet said it was permanent. There was nothing they could do to help me. But I’m lucky to be alive. Don’t take it, as a matter of fact don’t take any vaccines from these evil assholes that want to depopulate the earth.
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Look at this…………………………
Yes covid and all the covid vaccinations were to be the depopulation of the world. And it didn’t go fast enought to suit them be very afraid cause another one is coming and it will be more deadly. The democrats want the ” one world order ” . And there working to get it. We are just lab rats to the cdc and all others who want to try out there ill gotten gaines. The democrats don’t care that they use us. What can the people do to help thenselfs from all this — stop voting democrat for every office — instead get these democrats out of all government offices and agencies that’s the only way our country can survive.
It doesn’t do any good to talk about what we should be doing it’s way past time to take action and I’m ready to put my life where my mouth is are you!!!
My sister got the booster wound up getting Covid lost most of her memory for over a month then all of a sudden out of no where comes 2 tumors that were hidden in her right lung hum where did they come from all of a sudden she’s been going to a pulmonologist for years because he body couldn’t get used to the altitude but never Cancer that was in Aug 2023 then after she started getting better this happens and they started her on chemo which her body didn’t do well on so they waited before starting keytruda 6 treatments it wasn’t working so they put her on hospice and I would go over 3 days a week and cook meals she could eat for the week but sadly she passed on Oct 28 2023! The CDC and FDA were lying this whole time to America and biden knew from the start he is culpable in these deaths biden caused a lot of unnecessary deaths right along so fussy fauci the pathological liar and criminal and this commie regime!