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More Researchers Worldwide Connecting COVID Shots to Comas, Brain Damage

A coalition of researchers has published a new batch of findings on damage that the COVID shots are doing to the brains and central nervous systems in some recipients. Their peer-reviewed, scientific research was published in an issue of “Vaccine,” the official scientific journal of the Japanese Society for Vaccinology. Their findings showed that the Pfizer COVID shot increases the risk of recipients developing swelling of the brain. In some cases, the swelling is so severe that it puts patients in a coma. And the Moderna shot is even worse, according to the findings.

The researchers tracked patients in databases kept by Optum, HealthCore and CVS Health. Those are medical insurance company databases, which tend to be very accurate. Insurance companies need to manage risk, so they don’t collapse financially, and therefore they keep pretty good track of things like medical injuries.

Two of the databases showed elevated instances of myocarditis and pericarditis in vaccinated patients. No surprise there, right? All three databases showed elevated instances of anaphylaxis. The most worrisome part of the study, however, was the brain stuff.


Patients who received the Pfizer shot were up to 70 times more likely to experience encephalitis or encephalomyelitis. Patients who received up to 2 or 3 Moderna shots had an even greater likelihood.

Encephalitis is a swelling of the brain, while encephalomyelitis involves swelling of the nerve sheaths inside the spinal cord and the brain. Sometimes the conditions are mild, but sometimes they’re so serious that they can put you in a coma or even kill you. Recent studies have been published all over the world showing a worrisome link between the COVID shots and brain swelling. And somehow, this is one of the “side effects” that has been missed all this time.

Researchers have now published studies showing the increase in Taiwan, Thailand, Peru, Belgium and Japan. The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) also has many cases of severe encephalitis and encephalomyelitis.

The researchers hypothesize that the spike protein is triggering a cytokine storm in people. This is a common condition that can be caused by intensive cancer treatments like chemotherapy or chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy. In layman’s terms, the body’s immune system begins to attack the body’s own tissues. Some patients have been able to recover from brain swelling with steroids or other medicines.

But some patients are in a coma. It’s unclear from the papers whether these people were placed in medically induced comas to prevent further brain swelling, or whether the Pfizer and Moderna shots put them in comas. Either way, doesn’t the risk of brain swelling sound like the sort of risk that doctors should have to give patients under the rules of informed consent? Patients then could weigh the risks and rewards:

Take the vaccine and get no protection from the coronavirus while weakening your immune system and possibly putting you in a COMA, or… maybe get coronavirus and have a fever for a couple of days. That may not seem like a difficult choice to make, but then again, people in Pennsylvania just elected John Fetterman to the US Senate, so…

Here’s another thing that stood out against the study published in “Vaccine.” Patients experienced an increased risk of encephalitis after each of the three individual shots from Pfizer (two main doses and the booster). With Moderna, patients had an increased risk of brain swelling after the second and third shots, but no increased risk after the first shot. With the Pfizer shot, every dose carries the risk; with the Moderna shot, the risk gets progressively worse after each dose.

Additional side effects that they found in the insurance databases include Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), thromboses with thrombocytopenia (TTS), and transverse myelitis. GBS is the facial paralysis that struck singer Justin Bieber earlier this year, causing him to cancel his world tour. TTS is the massive blood clotting issues that coroners from around the world have been finding in the bodies of vaccinated people. Transverse myelitis is a form of inflammation that happens in one section of the spinal cord.

It’s been almost two full years since the rollout of the COVID shots. And we’re just now finding out about this risk of brain swelling and comas. These shots were launched way too early and should never have been mandated by Joe Biden. We haven’t even reached the period where long-term potential risks (5 years or more) are going to start showing up. We have a long way to go.

You can read the study in the Vaccine journal HERE.

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21 thoughts on “More Researchers Worldwide Connecting COVID Shots to Comas, Brain Damage”

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  3. Why is government still pushing for the shot? This is how the reduce population. This should never be happening. No meds should be given without being tested. The vaccines WERE NEVER TESTED. We can sit and watch people die thanks to our own government and MONEY HUNGRY BIG PHARMA

    1. Today’s teenagers will be marrying and wanting to have children. How many will find out the shot made them sterile?
      What are the long-term health issues going to be?

  4. Horrible, and Joe Biden is still mandating the Covid Vaccine on our Military. What kind of stupid is this!
    I am just one of the common folk in this country and they turned a virus into an epidemic. The shots have probably killed more than the virus. What happens when Russia or China decides to drag un into a conflict and half our Military is gone cause they refuse the shots or now have severe medical problems. We are screwed!

    1. Biden, NoBummer, and Killary sold Hummer, and Heneges Makers of High tech Military Equipment, to the Chines Peoples Liberation Army, Sold our Uranium to Putin, it ended up in Iran. Sold and gave away all military equipment left in Iraq to ISIS, “their creation”, To expensive to ship back to the US, but not to Benghazi, Same In Afghanistan, gave it to Alkaida and Taliban plus $.85. BILLION in cash. Gave the rest of our military equipment to Ukraine, Sent the USMC . to Ukraine being slaughtered by the Russians, And the Mandatory Vaccine to Kill off the Rest of the Military, Sold all of our Emergency Oil reserve to China, Intended for our Military. Biden has let the Chines buy farmland near, or around US military bases/installations. Sold the US to the Chines, They can now move Right inn to the US through California. They ware also the main players in stealing the 2020. election by manipulating the Dominion Voting Machines. All Planed by the Elite, Guess you know who they are.!! They are preparing their military as we speak.!

      1. Yes…exactly why they are after our arms. Our government is a puppet of these enemy nations with Biden playing the lead role in the entire play. The bobble-head-in-chief! He is doing their bidding in securing themselves our nation. Rise up Patriots!! This may just be 1776 all over again. It is US or them! We can’t be sitting on the fence anymore. WWG1WGA!!

    2. So far, more than 50. MILLION world wide has died from the Covid Vaccine, and 10.000. are dying every day in the US. Cancer up 46%. The Bill Gates Moderna Vaccine is the deadliest of them all.~ How do You convince those none Vaccinated that the Vaccine works…And at the same time try to explain to the Vaccinated that they need a 2nd and 3rd Booster shot because the Vaccine don’t work?? Dr. Fauci is now in Hiding.

      1. Investigating Fauci’s bank account has determined he is $5 million dollars richer than he was two years ago.
        He has been well paid under the table.


    1. The DemonRatPack has guaranteed Big Pharma a free pass, they are protected from any lawsuits, Moderna was established by Bill Gates, For one purpose only, The Covid Vaccine. That contain the Spike and HIV-Protein (Virus) It causes AIDS. Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Make sure to take IVERMECTIN, (a must,!) than Zink, Magnesium, Calsium, D’3, C, and keep your immune system intact. And No More Shots!!!

  6. I had a severe reaction from the Pfizer booster shot – I actually thought I was going to die. It took a couple of weeks for me to recover – NO MORE SHOTS!

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  8. So happy I didn’t fall for this untested “vaccine”… sad to say 2 friends perished from that shot… coma & gone..

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  10. The vaccines destroy your immune system so you can’t fight off anything, as Agenda 21, and 2030 continues.

  11. Guillain-Barré Syndrome is a far more serious and deadly disease than what is inferred here. GBS is where the central nervous system is attacked by the immune system, and is in many cases fatal if not treated promptly. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is its chronic cousin, which attacks peripheral nerves and is incurable and frequently crippling.

  12. I am shocked and maddened by this information. We were like “ginny pigs” used for their specimens. I have a runny nose almost constant since my Moderna, (2 shots) and I will NEVER get another. NO one will be held responsible for the deaths that have occurred because of these Companies experiments. I would have like to copy this off but no way to do. Thank you for sharing this information.

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