MSNBC Reveals Its Liberal Bias…on Twitter!

MSNBC revealed its clear anti-conservative, liberal bias in a now deleted Twitter post that has led to new concern over the network’s leftist emphasis.

“Conservatives don’t mind affirmative action hires so long as the people hired fit their preferred demographic,” the Jan. 29 tweet said. No context was provided, but it appears clear that the post was aimed at conservative criticism of President Biden’s announcement to nominate a Black female as the next Supreme Court justice.


This is a disgusting comment, that shows how little MSNBC grasps conservative’s counterargument. Conservatives are not against the idea of a Black woman on the nation’s highest court, some have been quick to point out that choosing a justice based on solely on gender and race is also discrimination. When it comes to leading the court, Americans deserve the best person for the job regardless of other factors.

The concern is a reasonable one, especially given Biden’s series of bad choices since becoming president. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell took a more nuanced approach, knowing the Senate does not have the numbers to block Biden’s nominee.

McConnell simply asked Biden not to select someone with a “radical left” agenda. In other words, the progressives in the House who continue to push the more liberal person possible should not get the attention they seek. Instead, Biden should consider all options from his party and choose someone less divisive and more moderate. He ran on a platform of uniting America, its time he start doing it.

McConnell has been around long enough to know Biden won’t suddenly choose a conservative because Republicans don’t like his choice. He’s only trying to do what damage control he can under the current circumstances.


Despite MSNBC’s targeted trashing of conservatives, there will be some Black female judges who fit the criteria needed to serve in the Supreme Court. There is apparently already a list of seven women that has circulated among some Democratic leaders for consideration.

In an effort to support the least radical of the options, South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham has come out in support of his state’s District Judge J. Michelle Childs.

“She’s highly qualified. She’s a good character, and we’ll see how she does if she’s nominated. But I cannot say anything bad about Michelle Childs. She is an awesome person,” Graham said during a Sunday interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

The fact that a leading Republican made this statement stands in direct contrast with the accusations of MSNBC’s tweet. There are no Republican leaders sitting around trying to stop a Black woman from serving on the Supreme Court. Conservatives are concerned about the policies of the left and how they are hurting America, not the color of their skin.

For example, Virginia just selected its first Black female Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears. She happens to be a conservative Republican. Conservatives are all for such leadership when values are in alignment.

But for MSNBC and others like them, conservatism has been equated with skin color in a way that is racist for the network itself. At least the post has been removed, a sign that someone at the network realizes MSNBC’s bias shouldn’t be that blatant.

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37 thoughts on “MSNBC Reveals Its Liberal Bias…on Twitter!”

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  2. MSNBC is a joke for news outlet! Doesn’t belong on our TV or on the AIR! Twitter shall had block them for their racist views on conservative people. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who the real racist is when they open their mouth! Liberal is no different than an Klan or a black panther follower that RACIST AND HATE PERSON! Take into consideration they sure want to destroy other people who try to better themselves. Must be the reason why they supported the use of drugs!

    1. I have never been able to understand the racist democrats blatantly get away with racism and have been since the civil war . The black people must be considered usful idiots by them. Since the civil war they have considered them 3/5 of a person. Not me . It took 100 years for the civil rights act to pass and it was passed because the white republicans passed it . Not the white KKK democraps. Ever wonder why pmsnsc and cnn never tell the truth ? It is because they are run by racist democraps that will say anything to further the great lie .

  3. Why announce that you will pick anyone by their Gender, Race, and Skin Color before they are picked? How does anyone think that might make the person picked, feel about the reason they were picked? Knowing that Race, Gender, and Skin Color were the deciding factors and not their Qualifications can weigh pretty heavily upon a person that is qualified because of that decision, because that position is for Life and could cause doubt, indecision, and introduce feelings of guilt where there should only be Unbiased, Fair, Non-Political, Non-Partisan, Justice Based Decisions made by whoever is nominated!

    1. Your assuming the person “nominated” has MORALS . It has become painfully obvious that NONE of the democraps have them .

    2. the people doing the choosing and the ones chosen dont care what you think. one gets to be the first pResident to choose a black woman, and the black woman gets what she wants, prestige. its a win win for them both. do you honestly think that the candidate thinks one second about the fact that it is pure discrimination to choose someone because of their gender and race? didn’t seem to bother obama when he was chosen, and left a multi-millionaire. get real, people. today, it is all about money and standing. I guarantee you that bribem and whomever he chooses will not lose a wink of sleep. one will laugh all the way to the country club and bank, and the other will just laugh. no brain.

  4. The President must go by qualifications ahead of what they look like. He must also nominate someone who will rule by the rule of law and not legislate from the bench. This judge must uphold the constitution of the land. Mr. President, go by experience and the rule of law when you nominate somebody to the bench. We must not ever have a judge who legislates from the bench. That is the job for congress and the senate.

    1. do you think the pResident cares about qualification? not hardly. he wants a black woman for the black vote, and a liberal who will vote along party lines, not the constitution. read the backgrounds of the people he is considering. almost all are militant. do your own research. learn. then speak.

  5. Seems to me the media are the most racist people around. They use the race card at every chance they get. They try to divide us, along with the democratic party. The party of racism. I have no problem with a well qualified black woman to sit on the supreme court but that shouldn’t be the measure for any position. I thought we had gone beyond that. Our constitution says we don’t award or deny people based on race.

  6. Think everyone (should) understand by now that people who throw words like RACISM, RADICALISM, SUPEMECIST, etc, are usually the worst offenders. It’s a children’s game , and these people never really grew up.

  7. Biden Has shot himself in the foot, boxing himself into a tight corner. Good leaders dont talk before they think.

  8. I hope we find and or make up all kinds of dirt and lies like they did to Trumps nomination! Turn about is fear play

  9. Biden blocked 2 highly qualified Black 1 Hispanic SC nominees as a Senator, he’s a total f***ing hypocrite. The Marxist Dems no longer bother to hide their blatant hypocrisy, they shoe it with glee and don’t GAF what we think. The mistake they make, is failing to realize “we” are no longer just GOP, now they’re losing independents and even disgruntled Dems. VA and the NJ close call were stark warnings they continue to ignore. November will be an electoral bloodbath for Dems and the only thing they will have accomplished is swapping a mediocre Negress for an old Yid.

  10. Democraps have for Centuries held Back from Giving Blacks the Right to Vote. The Republicans always Voted for the Blacks. Unfortunately the Democraps Lie, Cheat and Steal. They don’t tell the Truth. Democraps = Communism

  11. Biden is not making any choices. He is being told what to do by the secret people in charge of him at the WH.

    1. SECRET ? NOT HARDLY . Queen nancy slipped and SAID IT OUT LOUD “The OBAMA administration ” . Not to mention the queer ( michelle , is really MICHAEL ) is on tape telling everyone how he wanted to “Call the shots from the basement ” with a PATSY taking all the heat .

  12. SECRET ? NOT HARDLY . Queen nancy slipped and SAID IT OUT LOUD “The OBAMA administration ” . Not to mention the queer ( michelle , is really MICHAEL ) is on tape telling everyone how he wanted to “Call the shots from the basement ” with a PATSY taking all the heat .

  13. hey Dennis. pissaki also let it slip in an interview with a news host last week. she said she was so happy working for the Obam-biden administration. she quickly corrected herself, but the word was out., we republicans know what she meant. the world should know. he said it himself. would like to rule from afar, with a moron to take the heat. well, folks, we have it.

  14. Perv Biden choosing someone for a position based on their race is ILLEAGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL !! Can you imagine if President Trump had said ” I will only consider a Hispanic Women ” . The GESTOPO of the democratic party and all their little NAZIS along with all the FAKE opinion networks would have had a major meltdown !!! The ONLY way we are going to get a start of taking OUR country back , is by big time flipping the House and Senate in 2022 !! BELEIVE IT !!

  15. The demonrats need a “Token” to appease criminal sectors of society BLM, the organized theft rings that are smash, grab & run without consequences need to feel they have an advocate on the bench. They will.

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