Navy football assistant coach Bill Ray Stutzmann was fired Monday after refusing to take a COVID-19 vaccine, tweeting he continues to “stand firm” regarding the matter.
“The Naval Academy Athletic Association policy regarding COVID-19 requires all coaches and staff to be vaccinated against this virus. Based on my religious convictions, and after much thought and prayer, I am unable to follow the requirements of the Naval Academy’s COVID-19 policy, as it had changed these last few months,” Stutzmann said in a statement on Twitter.
“After applying for a religious exemption and attempting to further negotiate alternative working arrangements, I was ultimately relieved of my duties here at Navy,” Stutzmann added.
He said his refusal to take the vaccine was based on his “conviction of faith.”
“I continue to stand firm in my conviction of faith, but I understand and respect that each individual and institution has a choice on how they wish to manage these issues,” he said.
The military announced in August that its members would be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Why would the military fire someone over a shot? It’s not about the vaccine or the science. It’s about the politics and power.
Stutzmann’s case is public because of his football coaching role. But how many other people are facing removal from their jobs or military service over Biden’s government overreach? Biden’s mandate threatens up to 100 million people and could destroy our economy. This at a time when our economy is already in a downward trend. Not to mention Biden is destroying our national defense with his mandate.
What began as reports about a “woke” military has now shifted to cleaning house. The vaccine appears to serve as one part of a multilayered effort to transform the military. Vaccine? Check. Pay for transgender surgeries? Check. Filter Trump supporters? Check. Diversity training at military academies? Check. Drag queen performs at military base? Check. Fly Pride flag outside embassies worldwide? Check.
What’s next? Will Navy football players kneel for the National Anthem, too?
It should be no surprise when reports emerge about leaders like Gen. Milley regarding going rogue on then-President Trump. There seems to be some kind of corporate insider game among certain leaders in the military that are more focused on politics than protecting the nation.
Don’t get me wrong. We honor our veterans and care for those who serve our nation. But when we’re dividing who gets to stay over a vaccination requirement, we’re only hurting ourselves. There are better ways to protect the safety of our troops.
And don’t forget, this Navy coach sought a religious exemption. He wasn’t blasting his leadership. He believed it was not appropriate for him to take the vaccine, perhaps because of concerns regarding aborted fetal tissue used in some forms of vaccines (though this was not stated). If so, why the forced exit?
If our military is willing to fight for our freedoms, shouldn’t we stand for theirs? This coach should be hired by the best and brightest program possible to show it’s the Navy’s loss when a good guy leaves over bad policy. Here’s hoping Stutzman ends up on national championship team for standing for his convictions. God knows our nation needs more people like him.
Trump should have done to the general, the same as Truman did too MacArthur! Demonstrating that the President is his commander and chief of the arm forces of the USA! It’s prevented Coups for over 200 years
I don’t not know why lawsuits have not been filed already. Mandate is just an important sounding word that is NOT law. Whether you cite religious beliefs for not getting the vaccine or just plain old good moral judgment the government nor ANY corporate entity should be able to MAKE you do anything that goes against your beliefs just because it goes against their way of thinking! My body my choice, right? This is a blatant violation of an individual’s Constitutional rights as a human being……plain and simple.
This is bs! This is America not China!
Totally agree!
Absolutely correct. I am an essential worker now being kicked to the curb for refusing the experimental vaccine after giving this company 35 of my best years of my life!! Communism!!!
Get biden out of that office now. He is doing damage to our country. And if he is let stay in the office he will fuck us up so deeply we think we were living in chinese communist pig’s hell hole.
Biden is only a puppet for Obama! Obama is the real Socialist calling the shots. He has always been a destructive force against Americas freedom. This Usurper Kenyan needs to be shutdown in the harshest of ways by the Conservative Leadership. Bring this to the attention of the American citizens and show what a real traitor of America is all about!
Biden is using the military GENERAL TO CHANGE OUR MILITARY INTO A SOCIALIST CONTROL MILITARY! These men and women are going to have to stand up against their commander officer! Even if it split the military in half! The vaccine has NOT BEEN APPROVED AS THESE DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS ARE CLAIMING! But being force down our throat. Til they can show me the TRUTH ABOUT THE VACCINE, I would not believe anything out of BIDEN LYING MOUTH! ONLY WISH HE DROP DEAD!
Being pro-life taking that experiment means I condone abortion. Not going to do it. The fake pitus etal isn’t really catholic he is a heretic. Finally the pope stated no catholic can be pro abortion and practice their faith.
When I served in the USAF during the 90s we were required to get vaccinated against many diseases that most Americans don’t receive. It was to protect us when we went out of country. The same holds today except I don’t think they are doing it for the same reason!
I guess the chaplains will go next!
Impeach Lyin’ Biden NOW!
People, people, people. We cannot be defeated by the Confederacy of Dunces in the Administration. Let’s do an alternate economy. Support small business once again. Work for them. Start up new small business and be the one who decides. We are innovative and patriotic people.
“They are in front of us, behind and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29 to 1. They can’t get away from us now!” said legendary Marine Chesty Puller. Let us pull up our bootstraps and find a way to live without them. THAT is the American Way.
Amen. That is the solution that will keep us in control. We don’t need these Big Corporations to survive. They have run the locals out of business and now we are paying the price. Make an extra effort to patronize the mom and pop places of business. If they all disappear one day we are screwed.
More gestapo BS.
Start saying ” MY BODY, MY CHOICE” let them tell how this is different than allowing murder of innocent children, can’t have it both ways.
The Clearfield Doctrine 318 U.S. 363-371 1942. Prohibits the coaches firing as well as the U.S. Constitution. Federal appellate court has said:
“Federal criminal laws are not administrative edicts handed down upon the masses as if the administrators were God delivering the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai…
It is not the role of the executive — particularly the unelected administrative state — to dictate to the public what is right and what is wrong.”
I hope the coach exercises his right to sue the communist scumbags into oblivion.
What about all the illegals that are pouring across our borders that haven’t even been tested? Why are they not tested and vaccinated? Are they more important than the American citizen? In all my 91 years, never have I seen the American citizen treated with so much disrespect. It’s as if we are the illegals.
As the pot boils over you can stick your mandates where the light wont shine!!!!
We are living in a society brainwashed by our non educational system, and a media controlled by lunatics. Mr. Potato Head thinks his opinion, and decree is to be taken like the word of God. This may finally start the war on the government, because they are worse than any foreign enemy we could face. You think that excluding the Post Office wasn’t for a reason, because when the workplace shootings begin, because people’s livelihoods are taken away over an unconstitutional mandate, they don’t want it at Federal facilities.