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NEW LOWS! Biden Could Be on his Way Out Sooner than You Think if this Continues

President Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to trend downward as more polls are showing America has lost complete confidence in his ability to lead.

New polls released by CNBC and Quinnipiac confirm that Biden has reached a dangerously low point in his presidency, with Americans concerned about the surge in violent crime, rapidly worsening economy, skyrocketing inflation, and Biden’s questionable response to the Ukraine conflict.

The CNBC survey found that most people already did not think the American economy was doing well.

A plurality of respondents, 47%, said the economy was in “poor” condition, and another 35% said it was in “only fair” condition. Just 15% said the economy was in “good” condition, and 2% said it was “excellent.”

Another plurality, 43%, said the economy would get worse over the next year, while 26% of respondents said it would “stay about the same,” and 26% said that it would “get better.” A majority, 56%, believed there would be a recession in the next year, while just 29% said there would not be.

The survey found that Biden’s approval had sunk to a new low of 38% overall, with 53% disapproval.


Just 35% of voters approved of Biden’s handling of the economy, while 60% disapproved. Biden’s approval on the Ukraine crisis was slightly higher: 40% of respondents approved of his handling of the Russian invasion, while 49% disapproved.

In the Quinnipiac poll, Biden was weighed down by perhaps even worse results. Overall, Biden’s general approval rating dropped to just 33%, matching his low point in Quinnipiac’s polling from January, with 54% disapproving, one point higher than in January.

The recent polls are just the latest to show Biden hitting new lows in his approval rating. A CBS poll released on Sunday showed that Biden had fallen to the lowest level of his presidency, 42%. An NBC News poll taken in late March showed Biden’s approval at 40%, the lowest level recorded by NBC. And a recent Reuters poll also found Biden’s approval at 40%, the lowest rating for Biden in its poll.

The White House is trying to spin a narrative that Putin is to blame for all of America’s worsening problems but it’s falling flat on the public’s ears – which could be why confidence in Biden is sinking like a rock.

The President has also delivered several out-of-pocket comments which the White House has been forced to walk-back – further raising questions about the commander in chief’s mental ability.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed that Biden was simply living up to his campaign promise to “shoot from the shoulder.”

“Jen, three times now the president has made comments about the war that the White House or he himself subsequently said did not reflect U.S. policy or a legal determination when he said Putin is a war criminal, when he said that Putin cannot remain in power, and of course, his comment about this being genocide in Ukraine,” the reporter explained.

“Does this not send a signal to the world that there kind of is an asterisk next to anything that the president says?” she asked.

“Well, when the president ran, he promised the American people he would ‘shoot from the shoulder,’ is his phrase that he often uses, and tell it to them straight.”


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11 thoughts on “NEW LOWS! Biden Could Be on his Way Out Sooner than You Think if this Continues”

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  3. You can’t just get rid of Joe without Kamala with him! They came as a team, they must leave as a team! Americans deserve a “Two For One Special”!

  4. It’s inconceivable that Biden’s approval rating isn’t even lower than it is. How ignorant & and uniformed can 15% of the participants in this poll be to rate Biden’s performance as excellent. One wonders what mental planet they’re on. Shameful, they are so indoctrinated into a destructive “Group Think,” that the reality of the outrageous prices for everyday staples are out pricing folks budgets and are becoming less available in stores; yet,they perceive Biden’s utter failure in leadership as “excellent?
    We have reached a point in this deviant, amoral and lawless society whereby inmates are running the asylum.(sic) This is the outcome of over 45yrs of Communists infiltrating our EDU system; the removal of GOD, Allegiance to the Flag, Patriotism and true education of the basics-math;science and Spellingin our classrooms.The last step to convert this country ignorance and oppression is to totally destroy the family and isolate the parental input necessary to form a family bond.
    God help us defeat the radical agenda that has taken hold of America.??

  5. biden harris and pelosi should be up for treason now. these 3idiots are running our country to the ground.they need to be removed. the people of our country want them out.the idiots in our country that think biden is doing a excellent job are sick in there heads. wake up people these demorats are disgracing us everyday. we the people had enough of there garbage. we need president trump now.

  6. All senior politicians need to take cognitive test just in case it time to take the car keys away especially when their running a country and maybe a IQ test to make sure they’re not morons or idiots

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