New federal guidelines have been issued in order for all voting machines to be updated with new security features ahead of the 2024 election. Guess how many states are going to fail to update their systems in time for the election?
Zero. Not a single one.
All of the current machines that are certified under the current standard, which is “deprecated,” will still be used in the 2024 election anyway.
The National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) is worried that “conspiracy theorists” will spread “misinformation” about the voting machines being unsecured once the word gets out. The new guidelines come out in November, but NASED admits that not a single state will have its machines set up to be properly certified for next year. This is outrageous.
NASED stated in a letter to the US Election Assistance Commission and made this demand:
“The [federal government] must be unambiguous: voting systems certified to the [old standard] will remain federally certified after November 15th, 2023, and jurisdictions can continue using and purchasing those systems consistent with state or territorial laws and regulations.”
In other words, NASED is saying that not a single voting machine in any state in the country will be certified—so the Biden administration that was installed in a coup fomented by these shoddy machines should ignore that and let them use the machines under the old standard. Gee, we wonder how Joe Biden will respond to that idea.
As we reported last week, the damning Halderman Report in the Curling v. Raffensperger case out of Georgia, two computer science PhDs found that every single Dominion Voting Systems machine in the entire state is compromised. The report showed that all Dominion machines can be exploited to subvert all of their security measures. The machines can also be used to change the votes of individual Georgia voters.
Halderman wrote, “An attacker with brief access to a single ICX or a single Poll Worker Card and PIN can obtain the county-wide [cryptographic] keys.”
He warns that “[A] dishonest election worker… with just brief access to the scanner’s memory card could violate ballot secrecy and determine how individual voters voted.”
And the report kept getting worse after that. “Malware can still change individual votes and most election outcomes without detection.”
Yes, absolutely. Halderman also states that it would be impossible to tell if the votes had been tampered with. “Such cheating could not be detected by [a risk limiting audit] or a hand count.”
In the conclusion to Halderman’s report, he states that Georgia voters have no reason to have any confidence in the outcomes of their elections. The Dominion machines are mandated by the Georgia state legislature to be used as the primary method of voting in the whole state.
There is supposedly a security patch from Dominion that would correct these issues, but Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that he just won’t have time to update the machines before 2024. The Dominion machines are used in 24 states total, and the ICX ballot scanners mentioned (which are also made by Dominion) are used in 16 states. None of them are secure. All of them have the same security vulnerabilities, which is what the Pillow Guy Mike Lindell has been trying to tell the world ever since the 2020 election was stolen.
Even many of the states that require hand-marked paper ballots still use some form of electronic scanner to count the votes, rather than relying on the more trustworthy system of hand counting with observers from both political parties present. All of the machines are officially compromised, and they’re not even trying to hide it at this point.
But we are the ones branded as “insurrectionists” and “conspiracy theorists” for questioning the election results. No one in the federal government, including Republican Senators and Representatives, seems even slightly interested in ditching these ridiculous machines in favor of paper ballots.
I don’t understand Republican voters in Georgia at this point. Why aren’t you guys marching to your legislature with torches and pitchforks right now, demanding that the machines be sent to the scrap heap? Your elections are being stolen, and Raffensperger knows it. Yet he still refuses to do anything about it.
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What thee F___ des this have to do with voting?
Let’s get back to paper ballots,that way we will have no or at least less voter fraud.Unfortunately ,Democrats will never win again would be a great day for America.
I have always supported that view
To Sergio Oliva:
No $hit Sherlock. We had Fraud in Georgia but the media keep that under raps. The worthless Media we have in this state and people like Stacy Abrahams fueled the Fire. The Black far left Congressman from Georgia sent the Boston Marathon Bomber money in prison and would have sent money to his brother, thank God the Boston police killed him 1st!
I’m earning a respectable $60k/week from home, which is amazing considering that a year ago I was unemployed in a terrible economy. These instructions were a gift, and now it’s my responsibility to spread kindness and make them available to everyone.
Information Is Here——————————>>>
Again. What the F___ does this neve to do with voting?
Goody goody for U. Donate some to the Childrens’ hospitals. Then come back & brag.
OK! for appearances sake we will admit that there are problems with the old voting machines. Of course many of us knew that after the debacle that was the 2020 general election. Arizona appears to be the “gold standard” of this by taking control and eliminating many of the standard procedures required by the election officials. So now they are acknowledging that new machines will be purchased — but not until after the 2024 election. I guess that they don’t want to give up the golden goose quite yet. B.S.
Yeh. The rats swarm & USes slumber.
This is what I have been saying for years. The only to fix this problem is to junk all computorized voting machings and replace them with the old mchanical counter machines that we used befor electronic voteing! Paper ballots are not the answer. They can be lost, stolen, and replaced with fraudulent ballots.
AC from ulster
Poll watchers must stay the course. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR POST. DO NOT BE BULLIED INTO ABANDONING YOUR POST. This is where a lot of the problems eminated from. This is when votes were flipped or thrown out. Our polls MUST BE monitored at all times to decrease the potential for fraud.
Biometric voter identification coupled with ballot verification will reduce fraud, errors and illegal voters to an acceptable level. A programmable voting machine is to a criminal as candy is to a kid. Good grief, voters deposit and withdraw tens of billions from banks flawlessly every day. They use credit and debit cards within acceptable boundaries.
Politicians harvest billions by being re-elected for decades. Democrats have perfected the art of re-election. And because they control about half of the voting population, they need only limited contact with criminals to sway battleground states to their favor. History will record the 2020 election as a high point in corruption and America’s most criminal year.
This is the very reason our founding Fathers created the Second Amendment and the Militia!