Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo has been one of the only government affiliated doctors to actually tell the truth about the COVID vaccines and he’s now sounded the alarm over the jabs and the fact that they are prone to cause CANCER.
Referencing a Canadian study, Dr. Ladapo says that “billions to hundreds of billions” of DNA molecules were found in EVERY SINGLE DOSE of Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID mRNA vaccines.
Combined with the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) inside the jabs that is used to deliver medicine directly into human cells, Dr. Ladapo fears these injections will transform healthy human cells into cancerous ones.
To back his theory, Dr. Ladapo cites an FDA report from 2007 – long before they were corrupted by the COVID dollars signs – which discusses the regulatory limits for DNA in vaccines.
In that report, the FDA also discussed the risk of integrating DNA in vaccines and how it can lead to issues with the heart, brain, blood, kidney, liver, bone marrow, lung, ovaries, and testes, draining lymph nodes and spleen.
“DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health, and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg, gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients,” the doctor said.
He added, “If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.”
Others have raised similar significant concerns with the mRNA vaccines as well, such as Dr. Eduardo Balbona, an internal medicine doctor from Jacksonville, Florida.
Dr. Balbona reported that after receiving single or repeat doses of the mRNA vaccines, some of his patients experienced a host of different symptoms and felt “ill immediately afterward.”
“They have the vaccine, and from that moment on, they’re just not well. Often … they lose their blood pressure, or they have a crazy blood pressure. It either drops to 70 or goes to 200,” Dr. Balbona said.
He added further that several of his patients developed posterior orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) after receiving the mRNA injections which, according to the Cleveland Clinic, is a condition that “causes your heart to beat faster than normal when you transition from sitting or lying down to standing up.”
Dr. Balbona went on to point out that “mRNA technology was misused in the COVID pandemic. It should not be given indiscriminately.”
He adds that it is unquestionably “gene therapy” that should not have been administered without fully informing patients of the potential risks – of which there are many.
It’s no secret by now that these injections are wreaking havoc on the human bodies and any vaccine skeptic who was once branded as a “crazy conspiracy theorist” is now being completely validated.
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From what I’ve experienced and am hearing today about the covid-19 “vaccine”. It appears there’s been a all out attempt to to commit genocide on a global scale never seen before.
As for us and our home, we read the writing on the wall.
I saw some kind of untested concoction being pushed by a tyrannical abomination like never seen before in this nation. It was an easy decision for us.
Run! Run away as fast as you can!!!
Now how many Human beings have been killed by this so called “vaccine” that didn’t even meet Websters dictionaries definition of a vaccine. (High
Treason) comes to mind also.
Folks, it’s time to WAKE UP!! This was the Globalists plan from the beginning. To de-populate the world and guess what? Out of their tactic of using fear the masses lined up for this toxic shot without blinking an eyelash of suspicion. You wonder why people are dropped dead everyday from some “unknown” cause. Do some research. If you were one of those who lined up like sheep find out how you can de-toxify what they put into your body and don’t cave in to anymore of their experimental “vaccine’s”. All is falling into place prophetically. Read your Bible, it’s all there and make sure your right with God when that trumpet blows to collect up born-again believers to meet Jesus in the air. He’s coming soon and time is short. Today is the day of Salvation. Don’t be left behind. Maranatha
Is this the reason it was forced on us to kill us? When they wouldn’t take the jab in congress by dems who would get virus several times makes you wonder why? When I found out Fauci and his aider lied to sitting President Trump and admitted to it while covering up the fact they also made the virus was big red flag. These people along with all misinfo and people who made these killer vaccination should all be court marshaled. Fauci raked in the dough while we died for depopulation as Gates refers to. Anyone who believes our government is not against us are fools who are plain stupid. The doctors who got fired for coming forward about it were right all a long. Our government will do anything to kill us under orders of Obama and other corrupt politicians. I want to know how much money corrupt doctors got for every dead person they killed? In my world they are all murders. When does the swamps mass stupidity stop and they are held accountable? Puppets doing swamp dirty work needs to be held accountable also. Those of us that did the hard work to make this country into a great place are now being killed off. Why do you think boarder crossers didn’t have to get the vaccines?