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Pfizer Admits It Has No Pregnancy Safety Data on the COVID Shots

Now they tell us. More than a year after Pfizer first started its 2021 COVID vaccine safety trial on pregnant women, the pharmacy giant has quietly – very quietly – announced that it doesn’t have any pregnancy safety data. None. They did have 349 pregnant women sign up for a trial that began in February 2021, but here we are two years later, and Pfizer says it has no data. What do you suppose happened to those 349 pregnancies?

This has been one of the biggest concerns of the public since the vaccine rollout in December 2020. Are the shots safe for pregnant or nursing moms and their babies?

We have tons of anecdotal evidence from OB-GYNs that they are seeing skyrocketing rates of still births and miscarriages since the shots became available. Back when they conducted their Phase III trials, both Pfizer and Moderna excluded pregnant women. Yet the medical community told the public from the very start that it was better for pregnant women to get the shot than to catch COVID. This was a gamble at best, since there was no safety data available, or criminal negligence at worst.


Because there was no long-term safety data, the WHO initially recommended against the shots for pregnant women. Even they knew that with no data at all, it was probably not a good idea to start injecting pregnant women with experimental gene-editing technology. But in January 2021, the CDC suddenly changed its website to read, “COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended in pregnancy.”

Britain’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) stated, “COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended in pregnancy.” Multiple medical agencies throughout the US then began recommending that COVID-19 vaccines not be withheld from pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Hundreds of thousands of pregnant women, or young couples planning to get pregnant, lined up and got the shots because of those recommendations, which were based on… nothing.

The document inserts for the shots say that pregnancy trials were conducted on animals. We’ve covered that previously, ever since Dr. Naomi Wolfe uncovered the documents of those trials.

Pfizer tested its vaccine on 44 French rats. 22 were given the vaccine, and 22 were given a placebo. The vaccinated pregnant rats had a miscarriage rate that was more than double the placebo group’s rate. (9.77% among vaccinated rats, versus 4.09% among unvaccinated)

In the trial, Pfizer declared that the difference between the vaxed and unvaxed pregnant rats was “not biologically meaningful.” Then they killed all the rats before they gave birth.

Moderna allowed its pregnant rats to live long enough to have their babies. In that trial, a “statistically significant” number of the baby rats were born with skeletal deformations. Moderna wrote in its results that the deformed skeletal structures of the babies were “not considered adverse.”

Pfizer then began a trial on pregnant women in February of 2021. They originally announced they wanted to recruit 4,000 women for the trial. But they stopped recruiting after 349 women signed up. Pfizer has never given an explanation for why they suspended the trial. All 349 of those women have given birth by now, so Pfizer could at least release that data if they have it.

But nothing has been forthcoming.

In an internal email that has now been made public, Pfizer announced that they stopped the trial after receiving 349 enrollees, because so many global health bodies were recommending the shots. The company states the study “could no longer be justified.” Pfizer is basically saying that since the horse was already out of the barn, what was the point of doing a big trial? Safety, schmafety!

Pfizer goes on to say in the email:

“This proposal [to suspend the pregnancy study] was shared with and agreed to by FDA and EMA. Pfizer does not yet have a complete data set from the maternal immunization study.”

The takeaway for anyone reading this is that two years after the vaccine rollout, there is no human trial safety data on pregnant and nursing women. All of the public health agencies are still insisting that the vaccines are strongly encouraged for pregnant women, but there is no scientific data whatsoever to back up the claim that the shots are safe for them.

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