We’re not making this up. One of the 13 RINO (Republican in Name Only) representatives who voted to pass the Democrats’ nearly $2 trillion infrastructure spending bill is from Nebraska. His name is Don Bacon.
Under fire for stabbing Americans in the back and siding with the socialists, Rep. Bacon defended his vote. Said Bacon, “Most of the hard infrastructure bill is paid for by unspent COVID money that was already appropriated by Congress.”
Rep. Bacon failed to explain how you pay for something with money you haven’t spent yet, especially if you don’t have it in the first place.
The bill does repurpose hundreds of billions originally passed in COVID relief bills. But most of the amount, like harmful unemployment benefit increases turned down by the states, would never have been spent.
American taxpayers, with the passage of this 2700-page, so-called bi-partisan, behemoth that no elected official had time to read, have already seen a tax debt increase of $40,000 per household. Infusion of more mega-billions of dollars into the economy will aggravate already burgeoning inflation.
The term “bipartisan” in the lexicon of Democrats and its mainstream toadies signifies yet another victory for progressives, who fight their battles one at a time. Also, using fake savings claims might work well for Democrats who call profligate spending “investments,” but aren’t Republicans supposed to favor fiscal responsibility?
Is this bill a centrist compromise? According to The Heritage Foundation, it is far from that. Most troubling is that the bill sets the stage for a $3.5 trillion left-wing spending package passed along party lines by the House. If the Senate caves, that socialist bonanza would be the largest spending program on Planet Earth.
Then there’s the mind-boggling waste, political correctness and increased toxic government intrusion into the private sector. Some examples:
-There are massive amounts of waste in transportation spending. The bill adds as much new spending to Amtrak as for highway improvement, when rail and buses account for a tiny fraction of road travel. Then, believe it or not, there are millions in set-asides for bee-friendly landscaping, weed control, and expensive mandates to favor unionized contractors over non-union shops.
-The bill opens the door for federal intrusion into local projects normally paid for by residents, or already under way in the states and private sector. Anyone interested in a federal grant for reflective sidewalks, weather resistant projects and tree planting?
And don’t forget: For every dollar that the feds disburse or sub-allocate to the states, there is a burdensome regulation, a reporting requirement and a crew of career regulators standing by. As the government doles out billions for electric vehicle charging stations and workforce training programs, what it gets in return is more control.
Perhaps the most egregious example of that control is a section of the bill that requires each state to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from highway transportation. States must develop a so-called “carbon reduction strategy,” which must be approved by a DC bureaucrat and updated every four years.
There is no mention what environmental benefits the strategies must achieve, nor any level of emission reductions that are required.
Don’t worry. The bureaucracy will figure it out.
It goes with saying these rino’s need to be primaried out. I get democratic cities are dumb electing the same brain dead people over and over. They are getting what they wanted crime and shooting and burning. But I want to think the people who voted these rino’s in got duped
They are RINO TRAITOR POS on both sides they should be voted out period. And by the way the ppl like Nancy,. Have cheated for year’s. Obama right in there with them he needs to go I can’t stand none of those swamp rats. And RINO TRAITOR POS.W
we should be able to recall them for not working for the good of the country
His dare this old buzzard do this to the American people. Everyone. Take a look at your households an see what this administration is costing us Prices goin up. Gas an oil skyrocketing. Goods sitting on barges in the ports. Let’s just hope we can get thru this an hope to vote in people that want American to stride again.
Yes, I voted for John Katie, and will NEVER vote for him again…I’ll do a write in before voting for a traitor. And this is his second time this year. He is a tool.
his head needs to be put on a post so everyone can see what happens to trators
RINO is just another useless word that means “Communist Traitor”,much like the word “bipartisan”.
So rino bacon ya screwed Americans on ths fraudulent infastructure bbb I won’t forget any of you 13 and come election time in 2022 guess who’s names aren’t going to see may votes your all toast you betrayed Us we won’t forget!
So rino bacon ya screwed Americans on this fraudulent infastructure bbb I won’t forget any of you 13 and come election time in 2022 guess who’s names aren’t going to see may votes your all toast you betrayed Us we won’t forget!
So rino bacon ya screwed Americans on this fraudulent infastructure bbb I won’t forget any of you 13 and come election time in 2022 guess who’s names aren’t going to see may votes your all toast you betrayed Us we won’t forget! Let’s Go Brandon!
POS Bacon with the shit eating grin & forked tongue, back stabbed his constituents & SOLD his soul to the DEMONIC DEMONRATS. The worthless COWARD appears to be proud of himself for backstabbing his constituents & accomplishing absolutely nothing.
Also among those 13 turncoat sell-OUT RINOs who went in on that $$1.2$$ $$TRILLION$$ bill is Jeff Van Drew (NJ) who crossed over during Pres Trump’s administration!!
The other TREASONOUS VIPER COHORTS ARE Brian Fitzpatrick (PA), Andrew Garbarino (NY), Anthony Gonzalez (OH), John Katko (NY), Adam Kinzinger (IL), Nicole Malliotakis (NY), David McKinley (WV), Tom Reed (NY), Chris Smith (NJ), Fred Upton (MI), and Don Young (AK)!!
I don’t know who you are, Don Baker. I actually don’t care who you are now you have become a RINO. To me you are lower than a snake’s underbelly. Where you come from causes me to have pity for your constituents and the state you represent. Nothing good can come from what you have done. Your name will forever be associated with the cheating, lying, hypocrite democrats. You will remain exactly what you are. A HYPOCRITE! Not worthy of the people who voted for you!