The night commemorating the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death turned violent in Portland this week, as rioters started a dumpster fire and attacked police officers during an unlawful assembly in the city’s downtown.
Portland Police responded to reports, soon posting an image of a dumpster fire outside of the Justice Center in the downtown area. Reports included protestors throwing spikes in the roadways and throwing frozen water bottles at officers.
Some in the mob later broke out the windows of a local coffee shop. Five people were arrested in the events.
If this is how protestors celebrate when all counts were guilty in the case involving former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, what would they have done if the case had turned out differently? The protestors appear unsatisfied with any response.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken even approved flying Black Lives Matter flags over U.S. Embassy buildings to commemorate the day. However, with the group’s ongoing violent protests, our nation may not want to continue highlighting the controversial movement. A Fox News report shared:
“According to a leaked memo from an anonymous State Department source, the department wrote that it “supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content” as well as in speeches and foreign diplomatic engagements on May 25 “and beyond.”
The violence continues to point out the contrast between those who violently protest for more rights and law enforcement responding to violent activities. While progressives push to defund the police, their supporters show the need for increased support for police officers in many communities.
Minneapolis is a powerful example. Nearly 200 police officers have left the force since last year, many citing post-traumatic stress. Instead of defunding police, the situation has led to millions of dollars to recruit new officers.
The situation is similar in other leftist communities. Activists push for social workers over officers, yet several of the same cities have experienced spikes in violent crimes in the past year.
Chicago ranks among one of the nation’s deadliest cities, with dozens of shooting deaths already in 2021. Instead of addressing the problem adequately, Mayor Lightfoot has been reportedly only giving interviews to “reporters of color.” How is this going to help improve racism tensions in her city?
Instead of building an administration on race or defunding police, how about addressing the real problems of violence? When criminal activities are allowed and sometimes even encouraged through media attention and lack of enforcement, we should only expect to see more in the future.
Some states, such as Florida, are creating laws to stop protestors from certain actions against law enforcement. These positive actions help encourage and strengthen police officers, letting them know they are supported in their communities.
If more states took this approach, maybe we’d see fewer dumpster fires and safer streets. It’s at least worth a try, and it will definitely work better than looting a Target or breaking out the windows of a downtown coffee shop.
George was a liar and a druggie,he got what he deserved. He was a big man, surprising Chauvin was able to stop him!!
Correct – he probably would have ended this all by an simple overdose – he was doing so well … my foot !!!
Two stable data:
1. Fighting among ourselves is just what China wants us to do.
2. Even a multiply-convicted felon can make good license plates.
You are so right china is laughing, and Biden is out of it, and Harris all she does is laugh in front of the camera. Good people in this country are not taking a stand.
We’ve forgotten first and foremost giving in to what criminals and violent prisoners and blackmailers WANT is NOT the answer. It empowers them. Every person is responsible to follow all rules, laws, respect for others property and lives to live in our Country called United States of America. A True American.
Where fault can be found? Good question. Even thought black families for the most part lived below the economic leavel “before welfare” and “one parent” family’s. The famiy unit consisted of both male “father” and mother “woman” as God entended. Break down of moral principles over the decades had lead to this lack of disciplen. It is not just the black race, but every race when moral break down takes place. Crime rates gose up,responcibilty and consequences occure. Floyd was a criminal by all accounts that I have learned, never mind his race or gender. Take in to account his record and you may see him in a different light or the true light of his nature.
Thugs honoring a thug. It’s what leftists do in Biden’s lawless America.
Well said friend. Making a marter out of a drug addict is what China and Russia love to see. They have achieved their goal of turning us against beach other.
The Most Important Question that remains unanswered is What is the Governing Body of Portland going to do about what is happening there? Stand by and Watch? None of this is about George Floyd, it’s about Control and being out of Control! Where’s the Mayor, Governor, Anybody? National Guard? Congress? Pretender Biden?
Portland’s corrupt mayor happens to also be the chief of police, go figure. He can’t do one job why give him 2?
That sounds like a conflict of interest. He should be removed from one or maybe both!!
Portland police should be backed up by the government. Giving police the wright to shoot to kill rioters that’s distributing Portland that’s the only thing rioters will understand.
Because he is black who killed Babbitt.
they are all afraid if they say something, blm and antifa will be at their personal doors…
so they stay out of it to stay safe. this is why we need strong people in these positions instead of a bunch of mealy-mouthed followers.
Sam you ate so right. The mayor and governor have no back bone they are scared. The national guard needs to come to town and start shooting, it’s a no brainer.
My thoughts exactly, who is doing anything about this. It’s not going to stop until someone takes control of thoes thugs. They dont care about that druggie, it’s all about destroying.
George Floyd spent his life preying on black people and yet they lionize him. He thankfully killed himself so he can’t do any more damage.
That’s because, with these demonstrators, any excuse will do!
George Floyd was a low life, career criminal, drug addict. Floyd died of overdose of drugs. I don’t understand why 4 officers were unable to place him in the back of the police car. Police need martial arts training. To think those poor officers lives are ruined because of that low life floyd. Floyd’s family getting 2 million dollars. Wrong wrong
The two million should go to the police officers!! Not some low-life POS!!
They keep talking about George Floyd legacy , like he was a hero. He was a criminal , does’t anyone remember he went to prison when he was with a gang because he held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach . The world is a better place without people like him.
I bet if the family was asked to choose between the 27 million they got or justice for their drugged out George. Guess which one they would pick, but they got it all and their still not satisfied.
BLM is a Terrorist Organazation and it needs to be ELIMINATED !
Those that are members need to either be arrested or shot on site makes no difference which race or sex !
Enough is enough obliterate the Terrorists completely !
No they need to be burned on site just like they do the cities.
I like that. BLM = BURN, LOOT, MURDER ! So appropriate. And I agree with your entire statement. Lack of punishment is the entire reason for the problem. Start with the corrupt government officials who have done treasonous acts against our country. No one is ever held responsible. What message does that send?
Right on. Shoot a few and this bullshit would soon stop.
It is unbelievable what is happening in Portland NOW. Could the mayor and governor be afraid of the rioters? This is showing great weakness on their part. I can’t believe Biden had the Floyd famy at the white house. What is happening in law enforcement is a disgrace, defunding the police is out of my normal thinking. It’s like bowing down to criminals. Now a law for police ” no chokeholds” , are the criminals aloud to use a chokehold on the police? This BLM is getting out of hand now,
Part of the problem is the Mayor saying she would only talk to black reporters. They feel emboldened to have the mayor support them even if they burn the city down.. Mayor watches the fires burn and does nothing. She rejected Trumps offer to help. The government can’t go in with the national guard unless approved by the mayor or governor.
What do you expect when their heroes are Banditos?
IF, ….. Portland Officials are DUMB enough to keep letting the Protesters burn, loot, destroy property….Then So Be It…..That tells everyone JUST HOW STUPID the Town Officials ARE.!! It is Way Past Time – that the Protesters aren’t being Shot for their Evil Doings.!!! Our Society just seems to keep allowing the IDIOT PROTESTERS to just keep doing their Rotten Evil Things……………There Are A Lot of People that would Agree with Me….Just Eliminate Them….Exterminate them like the Rats they Are…!! ! !
The Biden administration is a real sad state of affairs. I wish we had trump back. If too many restrictions are put on police, we are going to see crime go up up up up. It is not an exact science on how to handle a resisting violence criminal. The police officers safty comes first. The black people seem to over playing this BLM it is out of control. They are killing each other at record numbers. A picture tells a thousand words.
If Portland want to get ahold of situation they can. But it doesn’t look like these council or police chief is using their BRAIN! Yiu are not going to stop what i call TODAY WOODSTOCK! These antifa and BLM can be easy deal with. Just form a circle around the block and STOP ALL FOOD SUPPLY FROM GOING TO THEM. INCLUDING WATER! No it not wrong, it teaching them what it would be like if they were CAPTURE IN A REAL WAR! They will soon realize they are lucky enough to survive if they can handle what some AMERICAN TROOPS HAD TO HANDLE BEING A PRISONER OF WAR! Lesson learn is what you call RESPONSIBLE AND RESPECT FOR LIVES!
Cutting off their supply of drugs and marijuana would achieve faster results. Just say’n…
Ybring in large fire hoses, like they did in Ireland to break up riots. IT WORKED. Portland won’t do it because it would be labeled racist.
George who?
Clooney – right
This is what happens when you let thugs run the city. They want more money, that’s what it is all about. They didn’t get what they wanted and that is kill all whites so they can take over, but where would their money come from if they do that, didn’t think about that.?
Seems like a perfect way to “honor” a POS drug addicted thug . LET IT BURN ! 1 less shithole to worry about
Question— why don’t we hear about people fleeing Portland like they do NYC and California? Having your business looted and burned every week has got to be at least disheartening! Kate Brown is a Nazi. Do these Portlanders live in their basements? Guess they have to. All their cars have been stolen – or burned. Or maybe this is what they voted for!
We should change the law to hold any protest or demonstration to this standard:
Compare the 2020 Portland demonstration with the previous major Portland demonstration (Battle of Portland 1985):
2020: Violent crime skyrocketed, and protestors participated directly – including shootings.
Previous: Crime plummeted throughout the city with the demonstrators working directly with the police, supplying much-needed surveillance and communications.
2020: Extensive interference with vehicular traffic.
Previous: Positive direction of traffic.
2020: Maintained an atmosphere of anger and fear.
Previous: Maintained an atmosphere of enthusiasm.
2020: Left the city a mess.
Previous: Left the city clean – even re-sodded the park.
When is someone with balls going to shoot these sob and stop this shit??????
As long you are selling yourself and your country to the devil (same as Europe) and do nothing about your corrupt government and their financial superiors, I have no pity for your downfall !! If you still not yet realize that you are being fooled grandiose, you do not deserve better either !! And that means for the complete western civilization !!
That’s the spirit. Y not abandoned the city as it used 2B known and turn it in2 a place where idiots and morons can vent their ideology. No police, no fireman, no EMS, no government, just out right craziness.
Escape from Portland!! All we need is Snake Pliskin.
Listen,i am not a big fan of the police.. but with that said when they say step out of the car, or hands up or try to search you if we all comply we will not be shot.. Period..George Floyd put up a struggle the entire time.. Grant it nobody should kneel on anyone but doubt that alone killed him..If your child goes missing ( GOD FORBID ) 0r your car gets stolen or your house gets broken into everyone wants to call the police but other then that there no good..Crazy.
This all started with the rioting all over the country BECAUSE CRIMINALS WHO HAPPEN TO BE BLACK RESISTED ARREST. THEY ALL HAD CRIMINAL BACK GROUNDS. NOW BLM is over doing all the marching with the BLM protests, and riots. Looks like we the good people are taking all this crap, and BLM and antifa know it.
Shoot all the arsenists, with a “I didn’t see a thing” attitude. If fact, catch all the arsenists and shooters and take them to Alcatraz at night, unknown to the public and dump them off with a bottle of water for each one.
I am fed up with this nonsense!
Maybe they will rethink at the polls next time
Oh never mind! I guess it doesnt matter who they vote for its who the democrats program the machines to win!
Wild Animals that kill rangers farm stock and hunted down and destroyed. These rioters & looters need to be elimated and order restored while we still have a country.
Hey, you worthles politicians how about flying a MIA / You’ll never be forgotten flag instead of some blm rag
Its time to ask the Hells angles and Mayans plus any help along the way . They seem to care more for the U.S.A. than the elected. Let them take over then give them the town. Since most are returned vets they have fought for the rights the elected are so willing to give away.
Honor George Floyd, this is sickening to me. For Biden to have the floyd family at the white house was so wrong. I an sure Obama was behind that. What is goi going on in Portland, the mayor and governor need to step down. It seems like they are afraid of BLM. This BLM is taking it to far, they need to be crushed. When are the good people in this country going to say enough is enough?
I agree with comments above.
George Floyd killed George Floyd.
This all started with the rioting all over the country BECAUSE CRIMINALS WHO HAPPEN TO BE BLACK RESISTED ARREST. THEY ALL HAD CRIMINAL BACK GROUNDS. NOW BLM is over doing all the marching with the BLM protests, and riots. Looks like we the good people are taking all this crap, and BLM and antifa know it.
This courtly was built on the backs of immigrants; Asian, Irish, Blacks and Jews etc. And Iet us not forget what this country did to the Native Americans and is still doing. I grew up in Portland on the east side in Multnomah county and I sit today crying over my home as it is being destroyed.
I was 10 years old (1965) when I found out I was part Cherokee and I was proud but my family told me I must not tell anyone as my mom was afraid she would loose her job and my grandparents would not take any of the government money; grandpa said it was blood money. In WWII the Japanese Americans were put into patrolled camps, their homes confiscated and they could only take what they could carry. My neighbors husband flew in a fighter squadron to fight for America and when he got home and collected his family they had to start all over with nothing. They like the other immigrants did not riot or demand compensation but were proud to be Americans. My grandpa even said one of his proudest moments was when he finally got to pay taxes! I agree that black lives matter but it is ALL
lives matter!!!
It isn’t just China laughing but Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia and all the nations that want to conquer the US and they are doing it without firing a shot at the United States of America. I pray that “We the People” will once again stand together as we are all immigrants in the beginning and make this country “America home of the brave, the proud and the free.”
The city deserves everything they get.
I live near a up scale little town in Pennsylvania. The town had a vigil for George Floyd. The speaker was a professor from a near by college. I could not believe they were having this vigil. On the local news, showed about 20 people attended. I can’t believe anywhere having a vigil for a low life drug addict career criminal. What is this showing the youth of today?
Today’s youth have been brainwashed by their so called “ professors, so all they learned going through the public education system is to hate America and they want the country to become a communist dictatorship.
They were told that this way everyone would be
“ equal” and money will be growing up in the trees.
Just wondering, what happened to these kid’s families, parents??? Didn’t they ask themselves what kind of “ quality education “ do their kids get in
school ?
Apparently not !!!
So now, we must be dealing with the consequences!
Sounds like , more need to be taken OUT