Powerful People Use RINO Politician to BRIBE MAGA Ally Kari Lake and Her Response is EPIC

A top “Republican” official was caught on an audio recording trying to BRIBE firebrand MAGA candidate Kari Lake in an effort to get her not to run for Senate later this year – but why?

Jeff DeWit, Chair of the Arizona Republican Party, set out to stop Lake from running for Senate while admitting that he was working on behalf of “powerful” people in Washington.

DeWit – exposing himself as nothing more than a dirty RINO – told Lake to name her price for turning her back on the American people, but she REFUSED.


“There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,” he tells her in a conversation that took place back in March 2023. “But they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is in a big way.”

Lake pushed back on the entire thing while arguing that she would be a great candidate and slamming anybody who was trying to bribe her as “corrupt.”

“Well, maybe you’re right,” DeWit agreed. “If you say no, it’s fine, it’s your choice. Don’t tell people.”

Lake, you may recall, was narrowly “defeated” in the 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race when Democrat Katie Hobbs – WHO LITERALLY RAN THE STATE’S ELECTIONS – mysteriously received a bump in votes that would be enough to push her past her Republican opponent.

That election had all the familiar elements of theft that has become the new norm for Democrats – suggesting these “powerful” people certainly wanted to keep her out of that role in the same way they want to keep her out of the Senate.

In the recording, Lake suggests that due to her refusal to comply, they’re going to try to have her killed, but DeWit argued that they’re trying to “get her on their team.”

“But if they’re pushing a globalist agenda, I can’t do that,” Lake replied, making it CLEAR that she stands with the American people.

“The ask I got today from back east was: ‘Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?’” he explained.

Lake then flat-out tore the offer to pieces and exposed it for what it really was. “This is about defeating Trump and I think that’s a bad, bad thing for our country. If they’re going to steal the election to make me and our movement go away, I’m not letting them do that.”

DeWit doesn’t even deny that and this point is particularly noteworthy because he was actually the chief operating officer for Trump’s 2020 campaign – meaning Trump may have had people working to SABOTAGE his campaign from the inside.

Next, he just bluntly asks Lake to give him a number.

“Just say, is there a number at which….” he began before Lake cut him off.

“I can be bought? That’s what it’s about,” she said.

“You can take a pause for a couple of years,” DeWit insisted. “You can go right back to what you’re doing.”

“No,” she said – noting that she would even take a billion dollar bribe. “This is not about money, it’s about our country, I’m willing to tell them that and they’re going to have to f**king kill me to stop me.”

DeWit later suggested that these people are so powerful they would kill HIM if this bribery attempt ever got leaked just to cover their tracks.

It’s clear that Lake can NOT be controlled by the same powerful individuals that has managed to sink their claws into politicians on both sides of the aisle – which is precisely WHY they wanted to get her out of the way.

It’s also clear we need DeWit to spill who put him up to the bribe. Was it a powerful member in Congress? A certain powerful Senator who HATES the MAGA movement and wants to return us to the George Bush era of the Republican Party?

You can hear the full audio below.



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8 thoughts on “Powerful People Use RINO Politician to BRIBE MAGA Ally Kari Lake and Her Response is EPIC”

  1. I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels as1 so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
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  2. This is Treason and he should be charged and “if” convicted executed on PPV! MAGA ! I hope the court systems a wake up and uphold the laws of the land and constitution ! IF NOT WE 74,000,000 PLUS AMERICAN PATRIOTS “WILL” WITH WHAT EVER IT TAKES!! MAGA!

  3. Keep on standing up to them Kari Lake we the American people need that. Now i would like to say something about the border. The Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul is voicing his concerns about the dire situation in are border in Arizona the powerful drug cartels are taken over they have powerful advance surveillance and powerful drones to fight are border patrols with. This border shit needs to become top priority, there are way to many unchecked illegal aliens coming into “our country” the dam democrats needs to take the blindfolds off and see the danger its getting to be to late. Biden does not deserve one American citizens vote !! He has to be made to do something about this millions upon millions of a mess he’s made. They are dangerous and there getting alot of “our” tax money that every American citizen worked there ass off for.!! This has to stop there are to many already in here for the true american people to take care of. And the cartels are also still sending drugs unchecked into are homeland when is the American people going to flood washington with STOP THE INVASION NOW!!!.GET THESE ALIENS OUT OF OUR COUNTRY NOW !!. People you need to call,. Write tell your politicians you want this to stop and do it every day till the whitehouse is overflowing with complaints about closing and stoping the border crossings let no one esle in period. The powerful drug cartels are hurting us with there killing families. There drugs are now everywhere thanks to Biden and his administration. Anyone who votes for Biden is making the fat drug cartels jump for joy, cause they know as long as a democrat is in there all in !!!. Thank about that people. We much stop all this illegal aliens unchecked coming into our country. We cannot keep on letting this happen. People stand up tell Biden know votes what so ever tell all these illegal aliens our gone from “our” country. Maybe that will stop the invasion if enough people did that.

  4. Katey Hobbs is scum, but the idiots who voted for her are worse. Let that case of flagrant election interference be a lesson to the spineless pathetic GOP and highlight the need for massive early voting! That said, governors term out in 8 years, US Senators do not. Kari needs to win the AZ Senate seat and make those corrupt Dem MFers pay for decades!

  5. I agree Biden does not deserve one American citizens vote— look what all the man has done to “our” homeland ( you have to say it that way cause of all the illegal immigrants ) make sure to say ” our” so the illegals know it’s not theres !!!. Biden has destroyed our country. The true American citizen has a hard way to make a living and what does Biden do — ” makes it harder ” — He much HATE the American citizens– he gives all our tax money to helping the illegal aliens ( not the american families ) heaven forbid that !! It would kill him to give our on tax money to helping the under middle class families to live. He also gives all our tax money to his belove Ukraine. Where in his cold heart is the American people? I don’t thank he gives a dam about them !!. So when you go to the high price store and when you have to double lock your doors and your triping over invaders into your land then thank your president and know not to vote for him again. Yes Biden is the worse thing to ever hit the white house. He has proven that **** himseft *****.

    1. DeWit needs put in a monkey cage and sent to Africa . I assume that is treason or lock up in jail offence for bribeing a candidate— so glad Kari Lake is honest and can’t be bribe. We need these dirty Rhinos out of office they are worse than democrats cause they turn
      on there own. The ones that DeWit is working for needs put with the Apes in Africa. The dirty low lives put money before people.

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