All-cause mortality (ACM) is up across the country ever since the rollout of the so-called “COVID vaccines.” We were supposed to have fewer people dying once the miracle mRNA gene serums became available. If you got the shot, Dr. Anthony Fauci told us, you became a dead end, stopping further transmission of the virus. With so many millions of Americans turned into a dead end for the virus, you’d think the number of deaths in the country would decline. But that’s not happening. In fact, one publicly traded funeral company just posted record profits for the second quarter of 2022.
Earlier this week, it was reported that the CDC has been caught fudging the numbers of deaths in the US from cancer and heart attacks. Instead of listing “Unknown Cause of Death (UCoD) – Cancer,” the CDC was switching between 40 and 75 death certificates to “Unknown Cause of Death (UCoD) COVID. This does not cover up the jump in all-cause mortality in the US, but it does shift the blame from cancer to COVID. The same goes for heart attacks. In some cases, the CDC is going so far as to change people’s death certificates weeks after they died, to shift the cause of death to COVID and so people won’t make the obvious connection.
Meanwhile (we’ll get to the funeral home news in a sec), the official CDC numbers are giving us a clearer picture of excess deaths after the COVID shots were rolled out. During the six years prior to the pandemic, the US averaged 2.6 to 2.8 million deaths every year. But in 2021 – after the COVID shots became available – the US had 3.46 million excess deaths. That’s a 24% jump over the average 2.8 million high. There were 1.91 million excess deaths in 2022 as of the end of August. That’s on track for a 16% increase over normal for the year.
Short of a catastrophic event that causes major loss of life, the all-cause mortality rate doesn’t normally shift more than a percentage point or two. The number of people who die every year tends to be pretty stable. Anything increase higher than a couple of percentage points should mean a major red flag. Stop the presses and investigate to find out why so many people are suddenly died compared to previous years.
Instead, the CDC is shifting things around to make it look like COVID is still killing lots of people.
Now, to the funeral home! Service Corporation International (SCI on the New York Stock Exchange) is a large, publicly traded funeral operator. Keeping in mind the fact that deaths and all-cause mortality stay fairly stable in countries like the US from year to year, try to guess what funeral company SCI just posted in YTD profits? Go ahead, take your best guess!
Try $500 million. The earnings report was released on Tuesday, and SCI’s stock price jumped almost 14% on Wednesday. SCI’s chairman and CEO Thomas L. Ryan said during the earnings report announcement that the company had expected the number of deaths to drop back down in 2022, thanks to the vaccines no doubt. They expected 2022 to be a loss year, as things would probably return to a 2019 sort of level. Instead, they made $500 million in profit.
Ryan specifically said to investors and shareholders:
“What we’re telling you is, the third quarter of this year, we did 15% more calls than we did in the third quarter of 2019. That is not what anybody would have anticipated and that has just a very de minimis amount of Covid deaths in it.”
“De minimis” is a legal term that means “a trivial amount.” The funeral home company says that COVID deaths are a trivial amount of the business they’re seeing at this point.
So, here we have the CDC trying to boost the number of COVID deaths to make it look like the COVID shots aren’t causing unprecedented amounts of terminal cancers and heart attacks in healthy, working-aged people, while the largest funeral operator in the world says the amount of COVID deaths are trivial. Unbelievable.
And the people who locked everyone down, shut down businesses, destroyed kids emotionally and psychologically, and tried to force everyone to take the shot are asking for a “pandemic amnesty.” Let’s just forgive and forget! It should be impossible for all of us to forget, because the bodies just keep piling up.
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WOW – This article sure attracted a lot of spamyurds…
The mRNA is doing what they intended .Covid became the vehicle for the implementation tril of Depopulation by vaccination.All planned 2013 and conveniently the CCP came to the rescue for NWO and WHO and all uninformed and naive leaders .
Bunch of sick minded GLOBALIST freaks, and now they want AMNESTY???? UH- EXCUSE ME…NO. THEY SHOULD ALL BE JAILED OR WORSE.
We need for the funeral directors to come to the aid of the people and speak up!! The clots they are pulling out of the vaccinated corpses is filmed in a documentary called “Died Unexpectedly” and is an excellent example of how this definitely is depopulating us. Warning: it is graphic! All who planned this “plandemic” need to be the first to depopulate themselves from the earth. And just let us go on living the lives that we have.
And once again, Where is the Media’s coverage of this? Oh yeah still packing water for the Party of Lies & Corruption.
I can’t believe anyone would believe anything this Government of corrupt Fools would say.
Everyone who wouldn’t get the jab that got fired, has claims against the Tyrants, but it’s our $ they will get paid with. Gain of Function Fauci retired with a huge Government pension, instead of jailed with only bread & water.
The excess deaths they are trying to cover up is just the latest corrupt act of inept Tyrants in Biden’s joke of a Executive Government.
The CDC lied?!! No surprise there. Everyone already knew the CDC is no more honest than the FBI. Two pshaws and the readers moved on. Both are simply doing what modern American government does. They lie.