The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to ignore the science when they put out guidance on how MEN can “chestfeed” babies.
The CDC posted the official guidance on their website under the “Health Equity Considerations” section in the “Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies” toolkit.
“Transgender and nonbinary-gendered individuals may give birth and breastfeed or feed at the chest (chestfeed),” the CDC claims.
“An individual does not need to have given birth to breastfeed or chestfeed,” the CDC adds. “Some families may have other preferred terminology for how they feed their babies, such as nursing, chestfeeding, or bodyfeeding.”
This completely absurd guidance being offered up by the federal agency suggests that they are proposing men should try to “feed” babies through their chest despite being PHYSICALLY incapable of doing so.
“Healthcare providers working with these families should be familiar with medical, emotional, and social aspects of gender transitions to provide optimal family-centered care and meet the nutritional needs of the infant,” the CDC says.
Surprisingly enough, the absolutely delusional leftists that seem to be calling the shots at the CDC did actually acknowledge the fact that biological men pretending to be women are incapable of producing milk – sort of, anyways.
The agency suggested that if men want to “chestfeed” they will need to take “medication to induce lactation,” never mind the fact that men don’t have milk ducts
At this point it’s unclear why ANYBODY would take health advice from a CDC which has OBVIOUSLY become more obsessed with embracing radical left-wing ideologies like transgenderism than it has with following REAL science.
Countless doctors reacted to the CDC’s bizarre new guidance by confirming that it could have massive health implications for the babies being “chestfed.”
“We have no idea what the long-term effects on the child will be’ if a breastfeeding trans woman uses ‘all kinds of off-label hormones,” Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the conservative Association of American Physicians and Surgeons said.
“The CDC has a responsibility to talk about the health risks, but they have been derelict in doing that,” Orient added.
“The idea that the fluids produced by trans-identifying men are comparable to breast milk produced by biological women is very hard to believe,” said Dr. Stuart Fischer, an internal medicine physician in New York. “You can’t fool Mother Nature.”
This is the type of nonsense that the Biden administration ordered federal agencies to prioritize from day 1 of Joe’s presidency.
Democrats care more about advancing their idiotic and absurd ideologies than they do about doing what’s best for the American people.
That’s EXACTLY how we’ve gotten to the point where our tax dollars are being WASTED on a federal agency that’s supposed to be focusing on potential pandemics but is instead focused on being as woke as possible.
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HERE ========= ??
so many stupid coments i do not believe any of them
All the post on this site have nothing to do with the article. I’ll say it, men can’t get pregnant and men can’t lactate. If you manage to be successful in lactation it’s not real milk as and you should care more about the heath of your baby. But ofcourse all Trans people care about is themselves.
Terrie” You are so right. Why are these advertisements even allowed! The idea of a man breastfeeding is disgusting. Why did this website even print something so ridiculous?
Buttigieg took three months off work, trying to breastfeed their adopted baby. He was unsuccessful. So was his partner, another male.
Of course Buttigieg has been unsuccessful in his Biden job, too. We knew he wouldn’t be able to do either. He couldn’t even have a team fill potholes when he was a mayor.
DITTO Terrie! Bogus claims!
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