The FDA wanted to wait 75 years – long after most of us who are alive today are long dead – in order to publicly release the clinical Pfizer trial data on the company’s COVID shots. The good news is that a judge declared that to be a bunch of hooey and forced the FDA to release all the documents immediately.
The bad news is that the documents encompass hundreds of thousands of pages. Concerned people are poring over the data and we are now learning devastating things that Pfizer and the FDA knew about when they authorized the emergency use of the experimental medicines.
The things they’re discovering continue to be awful.
During the early days of the vaccine rollout, many of us suspected that something was off, based on simple anecdotal observations. But at the same time the mainstream media, Pfizer and the FDA were all telling us the shots were “safe and effective.” You didn’t need to have a doctoral degree in epidemiology to tell that this was a lie.
Some people started sounding the alarm in early 2021 about something called vaccine-associated enhanced disease, or VAED. There was good reason for this. Pharmaceutical companies had experimented on cats with mRNA vaccines for feline coronaviruses. (Cats catch coronaviruses just as humans do.) Researchers a few years ago injected a bunch of cats with their latest batch of mRNA gene serum, and then infected them with a non-fatal strain of feline coronavirus.
But then every vaccinated cat died. And again, it was from a NON-FATAL strain of feline coronavirus.
What happened was a vaccine-associated enhanced disease event. Not only did the vaccine not prevent the cats from catching the disease, but it enhanced the disease when it hit their vaccinated systems, so it killed them. This was dubbed the “nightmare kitty scenario” by some in the early days of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Some experts were worried that this experimental vaccine that was rushed through the approval process by the FDA would actually end up killing a whole lot of vaccinated people.
Yet the FDA and Pfizer were telling the public that just wasn’t possible. The vaccines were safe and effective, and there were no incidents of vaccine-associated enhanced disease during the trials. Surprise! That was a lie.
One of the documents uncovered in the hundreds of thousands of pages for Pfizer data, thanks to the court order, is a one-sheet report titled, “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports.” It’s a report that explains all of the vaccine-associated enhanced diseases that had occurred during January and February of 2021, the first two months of the rollout.
It turns out that 38 people died in VAED incidents, immediately after being injected with the COVID shots. Pfizer lists these as “possibly relevant events” in the report. Gee, ya think?
It’s comforting to know that if a giant pharmaceutical company with absolute immunity from lawsuits kills you with an experimental medicine, they’ll view it as a “possibly relevant event.”
Another 71 people were hospitalized with life-threatening reactions to the vaccines, including 8 people who were permanently disabled. 16 people were hospitalized with non-life-threatening reactions. Eight people suffered respiratory failure and seven people began having seizures within moments of being injected. Another 30 people experienced severe diarrhea and 20 started vomiting.
And out of 317 VAED incidents that Pfizer identified during the post-authorization monitoring period, 135 vaccine recipients were hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia. The shots didn’t work for those people at all, and in fact likely caused their hospitalizations because it enhanced COVID in their systems.
Anyone who brought the possibility of VAED up a year ago was completely vilified by social media, the mainstream media, the FDA and Pfizer. Their shots were magical! They couldn’t hurt anyone!
Pfizer and the FDA knew on March 1, 2021, that the shots were making people sick. And once again, they lied about it. If you received the vaccine after March 1, 2021, and your doctor did not tell you there was a chance that the shot could kill you (in a “possibly relevant event”), then you were not given informed consent for this medicine.
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Maybe you can take all this “Theoretical” earnings and spend it on learning Proper English. You know. Just things like Spelling & Syntax would be nice.
Wow, you like to stir strife huh? Does their spelling grammar get to you that much? LOL
Scammers have no place on here.
The fact that Pfizer hiding this adverse reaction data from the FDA is reason enough to bring criminal charges against Pfyzer and to remove its Vaccine off of the market. With this Data now on record and the hundreds of thousands of long term disabilities, tens of thousands of deaths and the fact that the mRNA Vaccines do in fact alter THE DNA of recipients, ALL THESE DANGEROUS VACCINES SHOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN PULLED OFF THE MARKET! Add to that the fact that these vaccines do not stop the spread of Covid and that fully vaxed people are dieing from Covid presently at a much higher rate than the unvaxed, why are these vaccines still on the market? Then there is the question of why the FDA has approved a fourth shot of the dangerous mRNA vaccines as well as approved them for children. THE DOJ HAS FAILED IN ITS DUTY TO INVESTIGATE PFIZER AND THE FDA AND MUST BE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO!!
The FDA KNEW all this, but hid the evidence. They were poised to make millions on the stock market. Time now to audit Pfizer, and find out just how many Gov’t employees are involved in this. But, as I said above, NOTHING will be done until the DC Thieves have gotten their Cut.
We are behind in this nation. I saw a video where, months ago, the International Courts in Brussels held court and decided that whoever is giving these vaccines is going to be criminally responsible. They declared these “vaccines” as killers. They sent lawyers out to the UK and visited clinics and hospitals talking to doctors about the mandates and the dangers of the vaccine. They issued them ORDERS from the court to stop the vaccines. If they did not comply, they would be jailed. Why is the UK (and some of the European nations) doing this, but the US is not? Why are we the last to even hear about this decree from the International Courts? It is time to tell the truth to the people. This is nothing but a intentional plan to depopulate the planet. And it is wrong.
Depopulation .
Instructed? The FDA is just as criminally guilty as Pfizer. ALL the top people at the FDA must be held liable just as much as Pfizer.
And now we know WHY they wanted to hold this data secret for 75 Years.
But, like Stealing Elections, nothing will be done about it. Pfizer made $37 BILLION in profit last year. Pfizer is also in the Top 10 Stocks our Congress people were buying. Any Wonders why they’re having MANDATES to take this? Shots free but the Gov’t (meaning us Taxpayers) pays $100 per dose!
“Trust us, we’re here to help”!! Despicable!
a time as never before…and will never be again, the corruption, the globalist, and crooks on the hill are well connected to courts, sin, and lies. They chanted ”lock her up” did they? and many cried, ”the election was stolen,” now the infamous laptop, what does all this mean
that we the people have been HAD! SOLD OUT FOR FILTHY LUCRE who will deliver us from such.? only GOD
Just say NO to ALL jabs & increase your health at the same time!
The hope of the United States of America is not in the Swamp that rules in Washington, DC nor in the demoncrat governors and state leaders. It is in Jesus Christ alone. We have a bunch of warped-minded liberal politician who hate God, who hate the country, and want their own way. May Almighty God free us from the sad like of joey biden and his gang of thugs.
And yet with all the adverse events and deaths some countries are still rolling out vaccine passports and requiring an EUA drug to be administered before people can travel or live their lives without interference from a govt. Something is going to have to give. They can’t give the vaccines (which are not really vaccines at all but genetic therapy) away at this point. Too many people have been damaged or died. I can’t believe this is even happening in our country. Time to stop the madness.
Well, if this article is true and the vaccinated sue, “Let the good times roll!”
I had one Moderna shot last September out of desperation. My brother was hospitalized for supposedly Covid. I got scared, freaked out and got one shot. I wish I hadn’t. My brother died a couple of days later from coronary artery disease! They said because of covid Bullshit! I wish I never got that shot……
I received the Moderna vax and it caused cerebeller dysfunction and ataxia. I also have a blood cancer. Now I must use a walker and wheelchair to get around
The FDA can read and knew the shots were anything but safe. Their job is to protect the public from having bad drugs/vaccines whatever, put on the market. They are our only line of defense against mega pharmaceutical companies who’ve been responsible for lying to the public and putting out deadly medicines in the past. The FDA knowingly kept quiet and did nothing to stop the shots when all the deaths and terrible side effects started coming in. They are as complicit as the pharma companies, they’re too compromised to protect the public any longer and need to be defunded IMO.