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Report Confirms Federal Government Worked to Censor Conservative News Sites During 2020 Election – And its About to Happen Again!

A disturbing new report confirms that globalist nonprofits, academic institutions, and one private company all teamed together with arms of the federal government and Democrat activist groups in order to censor conservative news sites in the months before the 2020 election.

The report adds that the same consortium is planning to deploy the same exact tactics for the 2022 midterm elections.

The syndicate’s name is the “Election Integrity Partnership” and it’s primarily comprised of four organizations: the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika, a social media analytics company.

As the 2020 election grew closer, the group created a system which government entities like the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department could file “tickets” on certain news stories, flagging them for censorship or ‘misinformation’ labels.

The EIP also was blatantly biased in the way they went about this censorship. The group allowed the Democratic National Committee to file tickets through the system, as well as the Democrat-aligned groups Common Cause and the NAACP.

Not surprisingly, top conservative news sites such as Breitbart News, Fox News, the New York Post, and the Epoch Times, were targeted by the system, but it didn’t stop there.


The EIP also allowed for social media accounts of prominent conservative influencers to be flagged – meaning the Democrats literally had free reign to silence whoever they deemed to be a threat to their power.

Accounts like Charlie Kirk, Tom Fitton, Jack Posobiec, Mark Levin, James O’Keefe, and Sean Hannity, were targeted to name a few, but perhaps the most flagrant target of the censorship system: President Trump himself.

The consortium acted to suppress all things Trump, including the president’s sons Eric and Donald Jr, likely having a major impact on Trump’s ability to spread his messaging right before the election.

The group actually admitted to doing these things itself, in a voluntary disclosure which was published in a recent report.

The report states that EIP was successful in censoring content on social media. In 21 percent of cases, platforms labeled content identified by the EIP, and in 13 percent of cases, the content was removed from the platforms entirely.

This information clearly reveals a Democrat-aligned effort to restrict voters access to certain information ahead of the 2020 election.

The group also reportedly plans to “get the band back together” for the 2022 midterms, while claiming that this time they will be even more powerful.

“We’re getting the band back together (with several improvements) for the midterms,” said Kate Starbird of the Center for an Informed Public, in a tweet this August.

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20 thoughts on “Report Confirms Federal Government Worked to Censor Conservative News Sites During 2020 Election – And its About to Happen Again!”

  1. Google paying a great income from domestic 6850USD a week, this is tremendous a three hundred and sixty five days beyond i was laid-off in a totally horrible financial system. H20 many thank you google each day for blessing the ones guidelines and presently it’s miles my obligation to pay and percentage it with all and sundry ..
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    1. These are the Globalists trying to CHANGE our Nation into something No American ever wants! DO YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE THE WAY IT WAS BEFORE COVID? Think hard about this!!! Because if you do, it’s time you get up off your behinds and do something about those oligarchs besides letting them stomp you and your beliefs into the ground!

      BELIEVE ME, you and your happiness have nothing to do with what those SNAKES ? are doing.It’s about P O W E R AND CONTROL!

      So do NOT LET THEM TRY TO DO THIS AGAIN, but sound the ALARM if you see it going on! Make flyers and put them on the employee cars at Google and the other Controllers!! EXPOSE them in front of the world so no one wants to do business with them! Hit them in their revenue and they are going to back off and scream!!

      Those Snakes think the American people are stupid and lazy!! LET’S SHOW THEM A DIFFERENT SIDE OF AMERICANS — one that defends our lifestyles and demands people in our federal govt THAT LOVES OUR NATION!! Not like the ninny tweaks in there now that use Americans and our Nation as tools to further their SICK TWISTED AGENDAS!! THAT’S STOPPING NOW!

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    1. I believe she is dictating her comment which many times puts words “similar” to what she is saying. I have a friend who dictates everything and her final comment is a wee bit confusing — you know how our cell homes tend to put different words in our text — if the words aren’t spoken clearly (no accent), then the comment is going to read different. HOWEVER, I get what she is saying and she is right! THIS POLITOCAL B.S. is like a Third World Country, which the U.S. IS NOT!! IT HAS TO STOP AND PEOPLE LIKE GOOGLE AND THAT GROUP OF WEB COMMENT CONTROLLING GEEKS NEED TO FIND A DIFFERENT JOB BESIDES HARASSING OUR EX-President DJT AND HIS FOLLOWERS! So we BITE them back by exposing their actions to Americans AND OTHER COUNTRIES so those Nations refuse to do business with them!! If Google and fellow Snakes can play dirty with the Americans, we can BITE them on their asses where it really hurts!

      1. Yep, my comment above: Google changed my cell “phone” to cell “home”! Don’t you just love that auto spellcheck/word substitution feature that Google uses? NOT! I’ve turned that sucker off so many times and it still comes back to haunt me! Anyone have an idea of how to permanently stop it besides not going on Google period?

  2. Why aren’t these people being sued or arrested for treason? Not only is this treason, it’s illegal activity and they all should rot in prison. Where are all the conservative lawyers at? They should be going at these people with everything and anything they can legally to try and stop these people. You can bet if you dig deep enough, you will find mules paid by these traitors.

    1. Amen to that JC democrats are a corrupt organization becoming more like the socialist countries running toward communisms.

    2. “Why aren’t these people being sued or arrested for treason?”
      My question, too. And what’s mindboggling is their avowing a return of the same shenanigans for the midterms There is definitely something terribly awry here.

  3. So what if this organization flagged false information? Trump’s organization was full of it. How many lies from him were broadcast by Fox, et al?

    1. “Trump’s organization was full of it.”

      How about offering some proof as support to your statement, unless you are willing to concede it is pure hearsay? Really!

    2. Name what Trump said that was false. Massive voter fraud has been proven in EVERY US state and the total number of incidents is 10s of thousands. Your kind needs to be eliminated from our country, period.

  4. None of this is new or unique
    The fight for what’s right has been
    Going on for thousands of years.
    Pray for this country that when the
    Vote is counted that the ones counting them are honest people.
    The system is reaching out to the
    Military to be the bean counters.
    And we hope that they will step up
    And get involved. It seams the only
    Group that has not been torn down
    By our Society as corrupt and self-serving is the brave service members
    Who have put their lives on the line
    To protect this great country. Let’s
    Get the word out to them members
    Current, and past for them to get
    Involved with the process I bet no
    One will find fault in their counting
    The vote. Please push these words
    To them.

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  6. I agree with Johnny that there needs to be honest people counting the votes. I believe also that the military may just be the option (instead of the city clerks) in the final vote counts. These counts should be ongoing all day and at the end of the day, the count should be called in a few hours after the election is finished. One vote per person…in ONE DAY!! No pre-voting, not few days afterwards votes coming in. The Postal Service is no longer dependable for mail ins….there were many found in ditches (all for Trump of course) in 2020. And this is only one example. Why we cannot trust the city clerks is obvious….we need at least 2 of each party present in the counting (and some are registering as Republican, when they really are D’s).

  7. These are same people who said no voter fraud in 2020. It’s appalling that even the judicial system was in on it. They are going to do it again ?. Republicans wake the hell up. I told you President Trump had three times more votes before the rigging began. Accountability for everyone involved in our election fraud including judicial system and government. Anyone who believes in voting integrity needs to take precautions this midterm but pleas vote. Inform right people if you see or know something. No one listened when Biden said they had they where going to do it in 2020 and now admitting their going to do it in 2022. Keep eyes and ears everywhere please.

  8. I don’t believe one word the MSM tells us, they are blatantly lying to the people! Donald Trump did win the 2020 election, the coronavirus is a hoax, climate change is a hoax and a whole lot more mush they’re trying to tell us is not true, I now subscribe to the Epoch Times, will only watch OANN and Newsmax, enough is enough!

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