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Reports: Yuma County Sheriff’s Office Raiding 2020 Election NGO Offices

We are truly living in an age of miracles. Just a couple of days ago, the RINOs at the Wall Street Journal finally reported that Russian collusion was a hoax, and that Hillary Clinton was the villain in that story. Crack reporting, guys! At that pace, they’ll probably mention that there might have been something amiss with the 2020 election sometime in 2025.

To speed up their reporting process, they might want to pay attention to what the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona has been doing the past few days. There are now multiple on-the-ground reports that law enforcement there is raiding the offices of the same non-profits that are referenced in the film ‘2,000 Mules.’

Multiple people have told The Gateway Pundit and other reliable conservative news sources that they’ve seen formations of unmarked YCSO vehicles descending on the non-profits in San Luis, AZ that were allegedly involved in the 2020 ballot trafficking. The sheriff’s deputies had a search warrant and confiscated all the electronic devices from one location. They then went to the home of a woman who runs that Democrat Party-affiliated non-profit and searched her house for further evidence.

The woman’s name and the names of the non-profits that have been raided have not been publicly released as of this writing. Expect the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office to hold a press conference with the announcements very soon, especially if arrests have been made.


David Lara is a private citizen in Yuma County who presented evidence of ballot trafficking to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich prior to the 2020 election. Again, this was BEFORE the 2020 election. And Brnovich did nothing about it. Arizona voters might want to keep that in mind, since Brnovich is running for the Republican nomination for US Senate this year. (Blake Masters is the MAGA candidate in that race, for those keeping score at home.)

Anyway, David Lara tells The Gateway Pundit that during the non-profit raids last week, law enforcement had interviewed multiple employees about the ballot trafficking operation specifically mentioned in ‘2,000 Mules’. Lara said the interviewees “sounded like tweety birds. They sang.”

Gary Snyder is a candidate for the Arizona State Senate, hoping to represent Yuma County if he wins. Snyder was in San Luis last week and confirmed that unmarked YCSO vehicles were raiding non-profit offices. So, there are multiple witnesses on the ground who’ve confirmed these raids.

For those who missed it earlier this month, the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office made a public announcement that no one in the county should register to vote with the help of a non-profit or NGO. The reason for this is because those entities – the same ones involved in 2020 – have been allegedly stealing the identities of Republicans who register to vote.

If you register as a Democrat with one of these outfits, you’ll receive your ballot. If you register as a Republican, the YCSO says the non-profit will harvest your personal information off the registration card and then toss it in the trash. Then, they allegedly use your identity to create a Democrat registration for you and have your mail-in ballot sent to an address controlled by the non-profit or NGO. Each registration stolen from a Republican in this manner creates a +2 shift in the outcome of an election in favor of the Democrats. (One vote is subtracted from GOP totals, and one is added to the Democrat totals.)

The sheriff also announced that his office had accumulated evidence of voter impersonation, in which ballots are being cast for dead people or sometimes in the names of living people who have been known to not vote for the past several elections cycles. His office also found evidence of many Democrat voters who had duplicate registrations in multiple precincts. (Cheating just seems to be baked right into the cake if someone is a Democrat voter.

The Yuma County Sheriff’s Office also announced that they’ve found evidence of many false voter registrations. The registrations are falsified by adding a fake name and fake birth date with a real address which then receives the mail in ballot.

Mark Brnovich is finally about to be backed into a corner if the YCSO begins arresting these fraudsters and offering them up for prosecution. And he won’t be able to simply brush them under the rug this time. The real Arizona voters (bless them) won’t allow the Attorney General to run and hide under his desk. We’ve been waiting for these arrests for far too long!

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14 thoughts on “Reports: Yuma County Sheriff’s Office Raiding 2020 Election NGO Offices”

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  2. That sounds promising. And would be just in time for a good public show of an “Insurrection”, a much one worse than Liz Cheney’s so much overrated January garden-party at the Capitol!

  3. I can attest to the scheme outlined by this article as u too reported election abuse and fraud being committed prior to the election and i too never heard a peep back from the elections commission. The scheme i experienced involved my son who didn’t remember that we had him registered to vote some 11 years ago and because of this he had never voted
    Well all of a sudden he started receiving post cards in the mail thanking him for voting for the first time. One came from el paso texas and we left ve in northern Arizona. The second post card came from Maryland. Both were hand written and claimed to be from some Arizona voting coalition which actually was from an outfit in Chicago Illinois. Bottom line is my son never voted . But apparently he voted twice. He was a registered independent but I’m willing to bet that he has now voted twice and i ll also bet that if looked into that he voted for Biden.whom we can’t stand. And that he cast multiple ballots. This is possible as well as he has had two last names due to being adopted. The saddest part about it all is that i nor my son has ever received a single call or message at all. And i left multiple reports as we received multiple post cards.

  4. good job keep up the good work officers , the only way a democrap can win is by cheating wish u’s thought about this sooner like in 2020 , cause biden wouldn’t be in the presidents seat right now , & we wouldn’t be the shape were in now , we would have Trump in & our gas would be down & our grocries would be there stocked & still low prices , also we would have our gas & oil pipeline done & running,,,, thanks keep up with the good work , im on uer side ..

  5. These thieves have to be jailed! Start at the top and work you way down the line. I assure you there won’t be many dems available to run for office as they will be in jail, they are all thieves and liars! This has to end before the citizens rise and run them out of town on a rail, like it was done in the past. Perhaps we should go back to what works. If you cant get to the pols, don’t vote. If you don’t have an ID don’t vote. If it all means that much to you to have your vote counted, then get off your ass and go tot the voting precincts and vote.

    1. Amen!! I agree!! They need to get this whole entire scheme proven and exposed and ASAP!! We have to get those votes overturned and Trump re-installed immediately!!

  6. I’m from Tennessee and it’s such a tragedy that our news media doesn’t report anything that really matters with the country especially with all the voter fraud they’ll mention high gas price but they don’t tell you about all the Drilling that Joe has shut down the rise with covid but they don’t mention 139 countries coming across our open border even the baby formula but they don’t tell the American people at the border restocked and it goes on and on they are such a big part of this mess and oh yeah the laptop these people owe President Trump an apology for all the harassment he didn’t deserve

  7. DON’T BLAME ME FOR THIS MESS ! I voted for the very first time in my life because it was of ut-most importance to prevent this FAKE GUY from taking the oval office ! 48 years in politics, and he never did any good for this country ! Now, with the help of 2,000 mules helping that guy to be installed into power, he promised to unify our country ! How did he do that ? By writing executive orders to destroy everything our GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP did to make America GREAT AGAIN ! Now we have open borders for anyone who wants to come here, ( ANYONE ) ! WITHDRAWING OUR TROOPS OUT OF AFGHANISTAN, AND LEAVING ALL OUR CITIZEN, WEAPONS, SKIDS OF CASH, AND A US AIRPORT THERE ! EMPTYING ALL OUR FOOD SHELVES WHILE AT THE SAME TIME, RAISING OUR COSTS & DRAINING OUR COUNTRIY’S BANKS ! S. M. H. UHG ! HE IS KILLING AMERICA !!! He and they should all be prosecuted to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE law !

  8. Fraud cannot be stopped by ignoring it they must be arrested in the justice system hast to do its job because fraud hurts people and that’s why they call it fraud

  9. Can only be done by removing the liberal idiots from judges’ and leadership positions at all levels, beginning with school boards.!!! Get out there America and regain the values that made America in the first place!!!
    Also, bring back public executions and have them carried out within one year! Don’t take years of feeding and housing these rabid infestations of society.

  10. These crooked Democrats need to be prosecuted and thrown in prison. Then have the electors recalled, and this farce of an election handed to the rightful and duly elected president re-instated. Then the Democrat Party should be barred from entering any candidate for any elected office due to cheating and fraud. Big assed Bill Barr should be made eat crow, and publicly apologize to Donald Trump! Go Az ! FJB !

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