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Republicans are Planning to Impeach Joe Biden and Expunge Donald Trump’s Impeachment At the Same Time

After the recent and very disturbing amount of information we’ve seen CONFIRMING that Joe Biden and his family are a bunch of treasonous criminals, Republicans are now saying enough is enough, “It’s time to impeach Joe!”

Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN) is saying that we need to oust the traitor occupying the White house IMMEDIATELY while simultaneously expunging President Donald Trump’s unjust impeachments.

Rep. Banks pointed out, “we already knew that [the] Bidens are the most corrupt family ever to live in the White House, and that’s saying a lot after the Clintons lived there.”

“But what we saw more of is more proof and more evidence,” Banks said referencing the FBI’s informant document which reveals what the Bidens did in Ukraine.

“It’s time to impeach him. The evidence was already there, but this is further evidence that this is the type of high crimes and misdemeanors that should prevent this man from serving any day longer in the White House than what he already has. On top of that — man, I mean, this evidence proves that they impeached Donald Trump because he was right,” Banks said, calling for the expungement of former President Donald Trump’s political impeachments.


“At the same time that we impeach Joe Biden, it’s also time to expunge the fake impeachment against Donald J. Trump at the same time as well,” he said, making it CLEAR that those impeachments were nothing more than political attacks.

“I’m all for expunging those Trump impeachments too,” he said, adding that there are “way too many Republicans, especially on Capitol Hill, that want to — want to just ignore the Biden corruption.”

Banks added, “Either you do believe in the rule of law and you do believe that those who are corrupted abuse their power — like Joe Biden and the Biden family — should be held accountable or you don’t.”

The Republican continued, noting that pressure is mounting on the GOP to do SOMETHING about the Biden corruption.

“The evidence is clearly there that Joe Biden is the most corrupt president in American history and his abuse of power and Hunter Biden — the real story, the real story is that Joe Biden made so much money, millions of dollars from the corruption of Hunter Biden selling access to the ‘Big Guy,’ to Joe,” Banks said, pointing to the “mounting evidence of other abuses of power.”

“I’m not in leadership. I don’t have influence over that, but count me in the growing column of Republicans in Congress who believe this is so important and absolutely necessary to move forward with impeachment hearings,” he said.

Banks said the “evidence is there for us to do it.”

“It’s staring us in the face, so I don’t know what the timing will be. To me it can’t come soon enough. Our country is — has been so badly ransacked by these left wing radicals who owned the Biden administration, and we can’t let him get away with any more of it,” he said.

Does this finally means that Republicans have enough evidence to IMPEACH Joe Biden? And more importantly, will they actually do it?!

“I hope we see it. I hope it comes soon,” Banks said. “America deserves it.”

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19 thoughts on “Republicans are Planning to Impeach Joe Biden and Expunge Donald Trump’s Impeachment At the Same Time”

  1. I’d like to know why they didn’t impeach him for opening the border for the invasion on our soil, and is now depleting our weapons for a corrupt country in Europe to protect their border. You missed it again mcarthy.

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    2. There is always a simple answer why Bidung has not been impeached, besides the deep state, Kamala Harris.

  2. Biden and all the democrats should have been impeached a year ago, no McCarthy sits on his dead ass and lets biden and the democrats destroy more of America everyday. We need to get this scum out of office asap.

  3. If any Congressmen or Congresswomen does not believe in the Constitution as rule of law needs to resign and step down immediately. Your service is no longer needed

    1. In my opinion, the Dems. are not allowed to disobey any thing against Biden because Garland has totally control! I heard he was furious because President Trump would not appoint him to Supreme Court, of course hearsay. Also, Bidens open boarders, with no background and no shots required is unfair to Americans, and we were energy free and on day one he shut down our pipe line and used our reserve that is saved for us in case of a war.

  4. So your telling me, Creepy Joe who married his baby sitter, showered with his daughter, Had Daddy get him out of the Vietnam draft by paying off doctors, and when Vietnam was over all of a sudden creepy Joe was cured. Doesn’t recognize his grandson, Looked at his watch while they were unloaded the bodies of the soldiers that Biden was responsible getting them killed. Biden is truly a CRIME FAMILY! Biden doesn’t deserve to be buried in Arlington Cemetery. besides the line would be so long. Ask Creepy Joe and his cohorts knew how the Kennedy brothers got killed with the old regime. Ask why the Twin Towers (explosives in the basement) were destroyed shortly after large insurance policies were put on them.

  5. I am skeptical that snollygosters, McCarthy and the useless GOP in the Senate (Milquetoast McConnell and his band of “Do Nothings,” will pursue the impeachment of sinister Biden and his cabal of self-serving sycophants.)

  6. I agree with all the Biden criticisms because they are all true, facts that indicate that Biden is the worst excuse for a President in American history. But, let’s get rid of all the in-between ads posting on here as replies and stop peddling BS to everyone who tries to keep up with genuine politics! Amen!

  7. I agree ? with everyone’s comments! I have a great idea! Why don’t we get all these EVIL people together in one room! Mayorkas, Biden, Garland, Fauci, Wray and Pelois!! Impeach all of them. Look at the money ? we would save!!!!!

    1. I agree, but how? Garland has final say
      We must, protect our Constitution at all cost. It has served and saved us all these year and the only reason a change wanted, they have not been able to rewrite, and stop us from having protection, they want full control and it isnonly thing stopping them.

    2. If we can get President Trump back, we can. He is only one with knowledge and the stamina & nerve to handle that bunch, reason they are trying so hard to impeach him: and that rape charge in a dressing room, women fall all over him, he would never need to rape any women. I am a women and I believe if an adult is raped, unless reported and a rape kit is done at the time, it is, he said, she said!

  8. ALoha,

    If Americans would read my books like President Reagan did, they wouldn’t be in this mess. Read my “CLIMATE CHANGE CRAZINESS EXPOSED!” and my ‘KILLING AMERICA ‘From Christian America to Atheistic and Anti-Christian America'” books and read the two most comprehensive books in print on Climate Change and American History by Gerald N. Wright.

  9. SO GLAD THERE GOING TO IMPEACH OLD CROOK– ASS JOE. NOW CAN YOU IMPEACH OLD CRAZY LADY HARRIS TO ?. ANN PUT BABY HUNTER BEHIND BARS THEN GET THE ASS LICKING DEMS OUT !! Get them all out and put Trump in and hope america can be saved. Also get the slave talkers out !!!.

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