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Sanity on Transgenders Starts to Return in the UK, But Not Here in the US

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK has just banned the use of all puberty blockers in kids under 18. That’s refreshing and unexpected! Cambridge University is also having a big brouhaha right now after an author and fellow was invited to a debate but was declared “hateful” to trans people by a college master. Cambridge donors and alumni are furious that the hateful person who says true things about transgenders was even invited to the school in the first place. But the college is standing in favor of free speech. Way to go, Brits! How do we get some of that sanity imported over here to the USA?

The NHS says that if a British child announces to his or her parents that he or she (the only two genders) is actually a she or a he, it’s just a “transient phase.” All of the scientific and medical evidence points to the fact that children who identify as transgender don’t stay that way. They change their minds as they get older. The NHS says the evidence shows that “in most cases gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence.”

I wanted to be an astronaut when I was 5 or 6. Then the Space Shuttle blew up when I was 12 and I changed my mind. It happens. Kids change their minds about all kinds of stuff, including this transgender confusion that woke public schools and Hollywood are filling their heads with.

So, the NHS has banned puberty blockers on all kids under 18. Bravo! This is the right step, because as noted, kids change their minds. The problem is that if a child is rushed to the clinic for puberty blockers, or worse, operated on with gender reassignment surgery, that’s permanent damage. The Brits are absolutely making the right decision.


And let me just say something to the “trans community” right now that apparently needs to be said here in the US:

Our compassion for your mental illness only extends to the point where you think it’s okay to talk to our kids about your weird weekends. If you leave our kids alone, we’ll keep our mouths shut and you can go about your horrifying business, preferably in the privacy of your own home or at Congressman Adam Schiff’s house when his wife and kids are out of town.

Plus, before anyone rushes their child to the clinic because their teacher convinced them that they’re the wrong gender, can everyone please ponder this fact for a moment:

According to the latest research from the National Institutes of Health here in the US, as few as 4% of all “trans” people – men and women combined – ever have surgery performed in the downtown area. What’s the matter, guys and dolls? If you’re so convinced that we need to reorder all of society just to accommodate your dress-up fetish, why don’t you opt to go all the way and get that operation?

The fact is, 96% of you people are actually what we used to call “transvestites,” or people who have a sexual fetish for dressing up in the opposite gender’s clothing. You don’t get the surgery, because you know in your hearts that you’re actually transvestites and not transgenders. That’s a fact. Look in your underpants and be honest with yourself. It’s okay.

Meanwhile, if 96% of transgender adults never opt to get South-of-the-Border surgery, why in the name of all that is holy is American society rushing kids to the operating table? All of this garbage should be banned, with stiff, life-changing penalties for non-compliance by doctors and hospitals.

Why have the Brits been stricken with sanity on this issue, while we’re still completely crazy here in the US? Things didn’t use to be this way.

Polygamists, “throuples,” people who want to marry a houseplant or a pet, transgenders… they’re all coming out of the woodwork in the last few years. It’s encouraging that the UK is taking steps to protect children from the freaks. But it still feels like we’ve got a long way to go here in America.

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2 thoughts on “Sanity on Transgenders Starts to Return in the UK, But Not Here in the US”

  1. I thought the World had gone crazy but I realize now that it’s mostly here in the USA, and definitely within the “Leftist Agenda” to allow children to be “Groomed, have their Genitals removed, and hormonally replaced with opposite Sex Hormones” To think that an Entire Presidential Administration
    would condone this kind of Mutilation of the Minds and Physical bodies of Children is Beyond the Wildest Imagination of the “Twilight Zoned, Mentally Deranged, Satanistic, Inhumane, Unconscious, Perpetrators, and I can’t describe any more worthless Humanoids that were ever allowed to exist!

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