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Scientists Insist the Rise in Heart Attacks Since the Vaccine Rollout is in No Way Shape or Form, 100%, Never in a Million Years Related to the Vaccine…No Matter What the Evidence Says

It’s 2023, so if someone is still insisting to this day that Joe Biden got 81 million votes, or that the COVID shots are “safe and effective,” we have to assume that person is either stupid or lying. Or maybe both.

Now that most people are awake to the fact that the COVID shots are killing or injuring people in large numbers, scientists are inexplicably doubling down on appearing to be idiots. The scientific community in America continues to embarrass itself to new lengths every week. In the latest example, a new study has discovered what’s causing the huge increase in heart attacks.

And guess what? It’s not that one thing!

Scientists at the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center have published their new findings in the Journal of Medical Virology. Their conclusion is that the huge increase in heart attacks – especially among younger people – is COVID-19 itself. So, there you have it!

What other possible cause could be behind the dramatic increase in heart attacks? We didn’t use to have so many heart attacks prior to the pandemic, so there’s a certain type of logic to go with this. It’s too bad that the numbers don’t really support their hypothesis.


They’ve found, according to this latest study, that the heart attacks increased in 2020 by about 14%. There were a little over 1.5 million heart attack deaths that the Cedars-Sinai doctors identified between 2012 and 2022. And in 2020, there were 164,096 deaths compared to 143,787 heart attack deaths in 2019.

Heart attacks did go up the first year that COVID-19 came along. And then they jumped even more in 2021 and 2022. Pretending that the coronavirus is causing all these heart attacks is a convenient way to keep letting Pfizer and Moderna off the hook.

Why did heart attack deaths jump in 2020? Well, that’s easy. The lockdowns and social distancing. People stayed home and many started drinking depressed to cope with being socially ostracized. If you’re over 40 and you start drinking too much, you’re going to have a heart attack. That’s just a fact. We didn’t need the coronavirus to cause those heart attacks. People sat around not binge-watching Netflix and drinking too much, and voila! More heart attacks.

If coronavirus were causing an increase in heart attacks, that increase would have stayed stable with 2020 levels. But that’s not what happened.

We’ve had an even bigger increase in heart attacks in 2021 and 2022, and it looks like 2023 is off to a bang as well. In 2021, heart attacks for people over 65 jumped by 14%. Among the 45 to 64 age group, fatal heart attacks increased by another 20% over 2020 levels.

And heart attacks among adults age 25 to 44 increased by a whopping 30% over 2020 levels. So, we’re supposed to believe that the coronavirus, which doesn’t even make people in the 25 to 44 age group get the sniffles in many cases, is causing a huge increase in fatal heart attacks?

Unfortunately for the scientists behind this latest study, we have a growing body of evidence from around the world that is concluding that something else besides COVID-19 is causing the increase in heart attacks. Coroners are finding massive blood clots during autopsies that never used to exist prior to 2021. Pathologists are finding huge clusters of spike proteins in the ovaries, testicles, livers, brains and hearts of people. And those spike proteins didn’t come from COVID-19, because of the lipid nanoparticles surrounding them make it… let’s say… fairly obvious what’s causing the heart attacks, strokes, sterility, raging terminal cancers and other problems.

Looking at heart attack deaths in the US is one thing, but basic pattern recognition skills should tell you that something other than COVID-19 is causing all these deaths. All-cause mortality is way up in heavily vaccinated countries, but way down in countries that largely avoided the COVID shots. Countries that avoided the mRNA shots are faring much better than America, Canada, Japan, the EU, and other heavily vaxed countries.

If you thought that the people in white lab coats were supposed to be smarter than the rest of us, it looks like that hypothesis was inaccurate. The scientific and medical community continues to damage its own credibility with ridiculous studies like this.

You can read the Cedars-Sinai “research” for yourself HERE if you are so inclined.

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7 thoughts on “Scientists Insist the Rise in Heart Attacks Since the Vaccine Rollout is in No Way Shape or Form, 100%, Never in a Million Years Related to the Vaccine…No Matter What the Evidence Says”

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