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Serious Question: What’s the Deal with Long Covid? Is It Real? Does the Vax Cause It?

One particular aspect of the pandemic that we have not paid much attention to is the phenomenon of “Long Covid.” This condition appears to hit some people when they catch Covid, and then they are stricken with debilitating symptoms for months afterward that drastically reduce their quality of life. Long Covid is sort of like going to Burning Man in the Nevada desert, only slightly more dignified.

Now that we’re a couple of years into Covid, we’re finally starting to get some data about Long Covid, including information about who is more likely to catch it and suffer from it. So, we’ve decided to finally dive into the Long Covid debate – mostly because parts of the debate are hilarious.

Now, before we get to the data, there are three schools of thought about Long Covid. One is that it’s just caused by the coronavirus. Some people catch it and their symptoms last for many painful, insufferable months. Long Covid is caused by Covid itself, in other words.

In the second school of thought, Long Covid is caused when the immune system is weakened from taking too many Covid shots from Pfizer/Moderna. Great vaccine skeptics like Igor Chudov and Steve Kirsch fall into this school. They think vaccination causes some people to develop Long Covid.


And in the third school of thought, Long Covid is thought to be a psychosomatic mental illness that mainly afflicts deeply unhappy feminist hags who are seeking attention. Covid vaccine researcher and independent journalist Alex Berenson is the person who has come up with this theory. Full confession: I’m on Team Berenson. Mostly because I experience great personal joy from pointing and laughing at bitter, miserable feminist hags over their mental illnesses.

Now, here’s some info on the new data on Long Covid. It’s hard to argue with data, so that’s always a great place to start. (Attention liberal Democrats and Anthony Fauci: This is called The Science.)

According to a new study published in the Lancet, Long Covid is primarily striking vaccinated people within the first few months of getting jabbed. They looked at tens of thousands of vaccinated people who caught Covid, to try to determine how many of them ended up developing Long Covid (they did not study unvaccinated people and Long Covid).

Among 43,174 people who had been jabbed less than 3 months before catching Covid, 1,966 of them developed Long Covid (4.6%). Among 9,607 people who had been jabbed 3 to 6 months before catching Covid, 445 developed Long Covid (also 4.6%). And among 3,222 people who caught Covid more than 6 months after getting jabbed, only 90 developed Long Covid (about 2.8%).

The data shows that the longer a person makes it after vaccination before catching Covid, the less likely they are to develop Long Covid. Long Covid seems to be striking people within the first 6 months after vaccination.

But again… is Long Covid even real?

Having read Alex Berenson’s book “Pandemia,” I’m now as skeptical as he is. The first descriptions of Long Covid appeared back in August of 2020. Here are the symptoms that a woman described for Long Covid to The Atlantic magazine. And remember, Covid is an upper respiratory infection that strikes fat people and old people really hard. The Long Covid sufferer interviewed by The Atlantic suffered from:

Hand tremors. Gynecological problems. Night sweats. Farting. Morning nausea. Bulging veins. Excessive bruising. Erratic heartbeat. Sensitivity to light. Sensitivity to sounds. Fatigue. Short-term memory loss. And brain fog. Plus, a March 2021 study from California found that women were much more likely to develop Long Covid than men.

None of these symptoms sound even vaguely similar to the actual symptoms of Covid. Not even close! So, how did this “condition” end up being referred to as “Long Covid” in the first place?

Berenson believes that Long Covid is, most likely, another psychosomatic (in your head) illness that is poorly defined and has no known cause – even if Big Pharma wants to call it “Long Covid.” It’s more like fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome or other fake diseases that pharmaceutical companies make up out of thin air so they can try to sell you another pill.

Whatever illness these attention-seeking feminists have, its symptoms don’t resemble Covid. So, how can we call it “Long Covid?” And do we have to keep pretending that it’s just a super-strain of Covid because feminists say they have it?

I can’t recommend Berenson’s book on Covid policy, masking and the vaccines enough. It’s hilarious and incredibly insightful. You may not agree with Berenson on everything (I don’t), but his arguments for Long Covid being a psychosomatic illness that’s just in the heads of bitter feminists seeking victim status seem to be spot-on.

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8 thoughts on “Serious Question: What’s the Deal with Long Covid? Is It Real? Does the Vax Cause It?”

  1. I find your comment about fibromyalgia insulting since I was diagnosed with the condition in 2009. I don’t take any pharmaceuticals for it. Mostly because they don’t work.

    1. I have had life threatening auto accidents with whiplash head concussions and lower back pains, drugs did not help me get back my life.
      So for 65 plus years I have studied and used natural methods that have existed for thousands of years, WOW THEY WORK AND HAVE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

    2. I have heard from many sources that the vaccine and continues boosters hurt our natural immune system. Your comments please.

  2. We got covid in January, 2020. No vaccine to take then. We didn’t get vaccinated then because we thought natural immunity would be better than a shot. Hearing about this we aren’t about to gey jabbed. My wife got long covid in April of 2021. She dealt with that for over 1 1\2 year’s. Taking a vaccine that won’t stop you from getting or spreading covid strikes me as nuts. Prove me wrong.

  3. How the heck do we know what is right , do we get the shots or not. So far I am up to date and I have no symptoms of anything every thing is A -ok. I am 77 yes old.

    1. I’ve been tired of hearing about Covid for sometime! It’s a Political Disease that’s been weaponized. If you’re tired all the time, change your diet and start exercising. Get away from the sugar and Carbs, they’ll kill you!!!! If you’re overweight, drop some pounds, cutting out the sugar and Carbs will help you with that.

  4. My natural immune system and faith in God are taking care of me. Nobody needs the jabs. It is most beneficial to do your research before submitting to a jab that is not a vaccine. It is a truth that the mRNA manufactures spike protein which is extremely dangerous.

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