Shocking Abuse of Power by the Democrats’ Sham January 6 Committee

If you were to ask most people to name the most abusive federal agency or entity in America today, most would probably choose the FBI or the IRS. But we now have a new federal entity in place that puts the IRS and the FBI to shame when it comes to abusing the rights of individual Americans. That entity is Nancy Pelosi’s partisan January 6 Committee.

This committee has now seized unilateral powers for itself that have been expressly prohibited by the Supreme Court on two different occasions. The committee is conducting parallel criminal investigations of Trump supporters over January 6, despite the fact that congress has no authority to conduct criminal investigations; that power lies within the Executive branch, and only under the supervision of the Judicial branch.

The latest private citizen to find his civil rights are being violated by the 1/6 Committee is a guy named Taylor Budowich. He’s a former Trump campaign spokesman. Budowich was in DC on January 6 to attend Trump’s speech, but that was all he did that day. Budowich did not march on the Capitol, he did not enter the building, he did not break any windows. In fact, when Trump’s speech wrapped up Budowich went home. That was the extent of his involvement in the protest.

Then, out of the blue, Budowich was subpoenaed by the Committee. He complied by flying to DC on December 21. He turned over his text messages and other information that the Committee had requested and testified to the Committee on that same day (Dec. 21).

When Budowich arrived back home on the evening of December 22, he had a letter waiting for him from his bank, JPMorgan Chase. Here is why it is so important to know your rights when dealing with any federal entity. Budowich’s bank informed him that they had received a subpoena from the Committee, and that they would be turning all his financial records over to the Committee on December 24.


When the FBI subpoenas a bank to try to obtain someone’s financial records, there are checks and balances in place to protect the individual’s rights. The person can go to court and explain the reasons why his financial records should be off-limits. Unless you are a terrorist or a blue-haired Antifa arsonist, there’s a very good chance that a court will side with you in the case.

The January 6 Committee originally went to JPMorgan Chase and asked for Budowich’s financial records no later than December 13. But the bank’s chief legal counsel made a counteroffer. The legal counsel asked the January 6 committee to set the deadline for December 24.

When Budowich went home and found the letter from his bank, he learned that he had less than 48 hours to protest his situation to a court. His lawyers frantically asked for an extension, but JPMorgan Chase refused to try to get an extension. The bank handed over all of Budowich’s financial records on December 24.

Say, who is the JPMorgan Chase chief legal counsel who set up this convoluted plot? That would be Loretta Lynch, Barack Obama’s former Attorney General. The bank informed Budowich that it would hand over his records on the 24th. They knew full well that this would prevent Budowich from mounting any sort of legal objection to it. There simply wasn’t enough time, and all the courts would be closed for the long Christmas weekend.

Just to be clear, no congressional committee has the authority to subpoena and obtain the financial records of private citizens. That has been the case since the McCarthy era. That is simply too much power for a congressional committee to have, especially since there is no federal agency, body or court that provides oversight of Congress. Yet the January 6 Committee has now claimed this power for itself.

The January 6 Committee’s lawyers argued before a court that none of the safeguards in place to protect citizens’ rights from the FBI actually apply to the Committee. The Committee has claimed for itself a power to invade the privacy and financial records of citizens that no other federal agency could ever get away with. And there is no court looking over the Committee’s shoulder to ensure that Americans’ rights are not being violated.

If the January 6 Committee can seize the financial records of Taylor Budowich – a person who was nowhere near the Capitol on January 6 – then it can seize your records on a whim as well. No one is safe from a committee that is claiming unlimited powers for itself, and which is submitting to no oversight from any other branch of government.


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24 thoughts on “Shocking Abuse of Power by the Democrats’ Sham January 6 Committee”

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    1. Amen on the wast of time and money but on the other no way would not wish her on my worst enemy or touch her with a 20 foot pole.

  5. It is pass time for the Republicans to get off their collective ass and put a stop to this.
    Start leaking this committee’s dirty little secrets, they all have skeletons, they are politician!
    This is nothing but fear and intimidation. How many lives did they ruin with the Russian BS. If the Conservatives who are left standing can not stop all this BS , we as a Nation are LOST!

    1. Why doesn’t the SCOTUS step up! THEY have the authority and the power to put a stop to this ILLEGAL sham of a committee that isn’t even a LEGAL committee by their own rules!

    2. Amen! As a side note, the Dems are spinning newly passed Red State laws on Election INTEGRITY to be voter suppression, and a threat to Democracy. Yet their total abuse and illegal actions of the January 6 committee are the real threat to Democracy and the rights of Americans. Ditto for their BS attempts to throttle the Senate Filibuster. Strange thing is … the Filibuster is ok when THEY want to use it. [ The Dems have already used the Filibuster in 2022; And they used it 327 times in 2022! ]

    3. You hit the nail on the head with your statement and I agree 100%. But there are some of us like my grandfather served in WWI, my dad WWII, my brother in Korean War, my father-in law in Vietnam and my wife and I in the first Gulf War.

      That being said my wife and I spent a careers serving this country defending the freedom the Constitution of the United States of America gives all legal US citizens.

      We have a saying:

      I once took a oath to Defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all Enemies Foreign and Domestic, BE ADVISED THAT NO ONE HAS EVER RELIEVED ME OF MY DUTIES UNDER THIS OATH.

  6. It is a simple thing to expose the participants of this sham committee,, their names, addresses, phone numbers, where they shop, personal pictures, their vehicles, license plates, even photos of their homes, why? Intimidation, put the fear of God in them OR Pray for them to repent of their sinful nature, to seek God’s forgiveness and turn their lives over to Him! Jesus’ ? return is imminent and Heavenly Father wants to save everyone, no matter how corrupted they are presently, remember Saul in the Bible, come HOME to Him!! ?

    1. Well said GOD does not want anyone to parish but if you do not repent and ask GOD to forgive your evil ways he will judge you harshly when your time is up on this world.

  7. The “committee” has, thereby, created one more cause for being dissolved on the grounds of
    A. having been set up and selected against Congress Rules;
    B. acting beyond its powers (which it does not have anyway) and in a criminal way;
    c. usurping powers reserved to the Federation in its SEPARATION OF POWERS!

  8. This is a true story people and they have done this repeatedly and as far as the political prisoners who are being jailed illegally the ACLU is a joke just like the DOJ I don’t ever want to hear anything from the aclu about standing for people rights they are a joke and this is for the so called Republican Party if they think the people are going to stand for these treasonous politicians not being held responsible for their acts of treason and it’s going to be one of their made for TV congressional joke trials they are crazy They have done nothing to stand up for these people because they are cowards except for a couple So if you do some how gain control of the congress get ready

  9. The “committee” has, thereby, created one more cause for being dissolved on the grounds of
    A. having been set up and selected against Congress Rules;
    B. acting beyond its powers (which it does not have anyway) and in a criminal way;
    c. usurping powers reserved to the Federation in its SEPARATION OF POWERS!
    The duty to end it rests with SCOTUS!

  10. this is all being done to stop Trump from ever holding the presidency again. they know their cheating of the 2020 election is over. we know most of their secrets. they can’t use them again so this is the alternative that they have come up with. the 1-6 was thoroughly investigated, and found NO INSURRECTIONISTS. we would have to be pretty stupid to mount an insurrection and leave our guns at home!!!!!!!!!! if we wanted to overthrow this sham government, it would have been done that day by really intent “soldiers:” of freedom. all it was a bunch of older people who remember right and wrong, and supported it. none that I viewed in real time looked anything like Rambo or Chuck Norris. but, the demon rats fled in terror that people actually cared about the stolen election. AOC said she thought she was gonna die. 4 blocks from the capitol. yeah, right. as the saying goes, dimwit, you won’t hear or see it coming. people in this country are slow to wake, but when roused, never forget the injustices nor the people who perpetrate them. never forget 11-3-2020. never allow it to repeat. vote on Election Day, volunteer at polls to keep it legal, volunteer to help COUNT THE BALLOTS. as joey bribem says, its all about the people who COUNT THE VOTES. be one.

  11. Lawlessness is what we get when Democrats are in power. They stole the election from Trump and us and now they try to pass their bill to totally control elections forever. Washington DC needs a giant enema. Bring Trump Back!

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