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Stop the Steal 2022: Republican Party Sues Maricopa County 5 Weeks Out

Maricopa County, Arizona has been trying to pull of a stunning move in the upcoming midterm elections on November 8. There are supposed to be equal numbers of poll watchers from each political party hired to keep an eye on things on Election Day. But that hasn’t happened in Maricopa County.

After the county was more heavily scrutinized than any other location in the country in the wake of the 2020 “election,” Maricopa County has hired 145 fewer Republicans than Democrats as poll watchers. It’s an unbelievable stunt. The Republican Party of Arizona and the Republican Party have filed lawsuits to try to stop this, before another election can be brazenly stolen by the Democrats.

The RNC and the RPAZ have been protesting Maricopa County’s obvious cheating antics for weeks. They finally filed suit this week, 35 days before the election, when it became obvious that the Maricopa County Board of Elections had no intention of running a safe and secure election.


To date, the county has hired 857 Democrat Party poll workers, compared to 712 Republican Party poll workers. Each location with poll watchers is supposed to have an equal number from each party, obviously. That’s clearly spelled out in Arizona state law, and in every other US state. It would be mind-bogglingly stupid to ever allow one party to have more poll watchers than the other. There’s no way to ensure election transparency and fairness otherwise.

The way Maricopa has distributed its lopsided Democrat Party-favoring poll watchers, there are 11 vote centers that currently have ZERO Republican poll watchers. Maricopa County includes Phoenix and is the most populous county in Arizona. And they have no GOP poll watchers at all in 11 vote centers. And it’s not for having a lack of applicants.

Hundreds of Republicans, who are furious about the stolen 2020 election, have volunteered to work as poll watchers. Maricopa County Republican Committee chairwoman Mickie Niland provided a list of hundreds of names to the Board of Elections. Despite having that list of hundreds of people who were volunteering to work as poll watchers, Maricopa County’s Democrat poll watchers outnumber Republicans by 145 people.

There’s also a massive disparity on the county’s receiving/inspecting boards, where ballots come in for initial inspection. There are supposed to be two Republicans and two Democrats there to observe each receiving/inspecting board. Instead, Maricopa County has hired 58 Democrats and 10 Republicans to cover that portion of the midterm elections.

It also appears, according to the lawsuit, that Maricopa County is treating poll watcher applicants differently based on party affiliation. They’ve gone out of their way to make it easier for Democrats to become poll watchers, by making special accommodations for them and making it easier for Democrats to find shifts that work better with their work or life schedules. Republicans are being weeded out by having much more rigorous standards applied to them. They’re offered lousy shift schedules and have more burdensome hurdles to cross just to become a poll watcher. A lot of them have probably given up in frustration, which accounts for the 857 to 712 discrepancy.

Hundreds of names of Republican volunteers were submitted, yet a ton of them were weeded out. A disparity like this is obvious. Maricopa County is brazenly hoping to just cheat right in front of everyone’s faces once again. And why wouldn’t they? No one ever had to face accountability for the stolen 2020 election. No one went to jail, and no one was tried, convicted and hanged for treason. They figure they may as well cheat again.

There’s a lot at stake in Arizona, too. Blake Masters is neck and neck with the Democrat incumbent Mark Kelly for US Senate. Kari Lake is pulling ahead in the race for Arizona governor. Both are Trump-endorsed, and both firmly understand that the 2020 election was stolen in their state. If Kari Lake loses, it will be to Katie Hobbes, the lunatic Democrat Secretary of State who certified the stolen 2020 election after helping to facilitate it (allegedly).

If the midterm election is stolen from Kari Lake due to Democrat Party shenanigans in Maricopa County, red-state Arizona could end up never voting red again. There’s a lot at stake.

Hopefully the RNC and RPAZ will prevail against Maricopa County in these lawsuits. It’s beyond absurd that we’re five weeks out from an election and they have zero Republican poll watchers in some vote centers.

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8 thoughts on “Stop the Steal 2022: Republican Party Sues Maricopa County 5 Weeks Out”

  1. I am presently raising another $33,000 or many months from home by doing terribly honest and easy on-line sports activities from home. The month comes from this interest at home.~px310~ im currently interacting in short throughout this interest and creating plenty of cash online victimization the usable helpful resource of by using the balance at intervals
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  2. A Dollar to a Dime says, Sec. of State Katie Hobbling the knob is behind this stunt. She is running for Governor of the State, & the only way she could win is VIA a Cheat/Scam. The Skank was sued for racism & lost on two counts costing the tax payer millions. AZ. took the nations spot light on questionable election law changes & tactics & needs to have their elections scrutinized & watched over with impartial oversight.

    1. Same ol same ol. “Not a shred of evidence….” Blah blah blah. How do the dimocrats sleep at night? Drunk?

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  4. Does this surprise anyone? Remember no voter fraud found anywhere in 2020 with assistance of DA’s and the judicial system. Yet how many are going to prison for voter fraud? The democrats have all the right people in the right places for the steal again. Like I have said for years now, please take photos of your completed ballot and then print it off and store it in safe place. Then proof is all ours and can mail democrats in their election rigging once and for all. I for one only do a paper ballot at the polls. Democrats can’t win elections if they don’t cheat. But they underestimate the American people. I would never allow anyone but me to touch my ballot for harvesting. We need to make sure every city in every state has poll watchers and equal democrats to republicans for every aspect of the election. I would never use a drop box. After seeing ballots from the postal service not being properly handled I would never mail it either. To many democrat puppets out their right now. When a judge denies voting laws that are working not to become law you know they are corrupt. Way to many lier’s out their right now and law breakers never being held accountable. We can’t let them keep doing this to us. You hear or see something then memo, pictures, videos and other things need to come out for proof but please get off your phones cause they have a way of erasing it from your devices. Make sure store it in safe place till needed and make many copies so they don’t destroy the only one you have. I don’t think democrats will like it if they steal another election. My vote counts period. If they allow illegals to vote let’s pray they vote red. It’s illegal if you aren’t a citizen in this election at midterms anyway. Ya I know democrats are above the law just not anyone else.

  5. People that do early voting are the LOSER, people who do mail in voting are the LOSER, people who given other their information are the LOSER! All these ways were set up by DEMOCRAT so they can CHANGE YOUR BALLOT! If you can take your lazy ass to do groceries shopping or get a haircut. You can take your ass to VOTE IN PERSON! ONLY TAKE FIVE MINUTE! Or you still believe the crap pull by DR. FAUCI TO HELP SCARE YOU AWAY FROM VOTING? It a dam shame you didn’t learn a dam thing in school. All this about wearing a mask is not going save you! Even those shot are a joke! Did you hear what the CDC LADY SAY? NOBODY GOT THE SHOT THAT WORK AT THE CDC.

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