Some readers are probably rolling their eyes at the title of this article but bear with me. I’m not talking about you paying for other people’s student loans. What I’m suggesting is that student loan debt forgiveness is a wildly popular idea – and conservatives should steal it out from under Elizabeth Warren in order to hamstring her presidential campaign. Here’s the why and how of it.
If we can look at the fake news media and call them “the enemy of the people,” then what are American colleges and universities? They hate us just as much as the media does, but colleges do far more damage to America.
If a kid graduates from Rainbow Sparkles University with $130,000 in student loan debt and a BA in Gender-Normative Bathroom Deficiencies and minor in Socialism, only to discover that he cannot get a job because he’s been sold a false bill of goods, is he more likely to join Antifa to fill his free time, or the US Marines? Colleges are teaching American youths to hate their own nation, so colleges should bear the brunt of student loan forgiveness under a conservative plan.
Conservatives in Congress should push a student loan debt forgiveness plan that doesn’t involve taxpayer funds at all. There’s already another source to pay for the plan: The very same colleges that have been lying to American kids for years. “You won’t be able to get a good job in America unless you go to college, Junior.” Please.
Young people in America are embracing socialism because they have been frozen out of the American dream by the big college scam. Crippling student loan debt precludes them from starting a family or buying a house the way that millions of people used to be able to do. Mass immigration drives down wages and drives up housing costs even further. A lot of these kids are hoisting the black flag, joining Antifa and voting for Bernie Sanders because they don’t see any other option.
Meanwhile, the very same universities that push the “you can’t get a good job without our piece of paper” lie are sitting on $616 billion in endowment funds. Since endowments operate as investment funds, endowments grew at an average rate of 8.1% in 2018.
How’s the interest rate on your savings account, by the way? That $616 billion that the colleges are sitting on is larger than the GDP of 172 countries. Harvard has a $38 billion endowment fund, which is larger than the GDP of 96 different countries.
And what are the universities doing with those endowments? Growing them at an astonishing rate by taking bribes from celebrity parents, by giving slots to their dimwitted kids and passing over yours. Paying scholarships out of the fund to their friends. And that’s about it. The endowments are a slush fund for the liberal elites who are turning America’s young men and women into people who hate America.
American graduates can’t tell you what’s in the First Amendment after racking up $150,000 in debt. But they believe in anti-science falsehoods such as men being able to magically turn themselves into women, global warming, and “Thomas Jefferson fathered kids with his slaves.” Should we reward colleges for doing this to young Americans, by allowing the status quo?
When Obama was “elected,” he immediately went to work viciously punishing his conservative enemies and rewarding his liberal friends. This is the unspoken truth of why so many normal people dread elections – if a Democrat wins, we know our side will be punished. Let’s do the same to them. On a case-by-case basis, force universities to pay off the loans of students who have been shafted the worst by this scam.
The whole scam of having the federal government subsidize student loans – which has made the cost of a nearly-worthless college degree skyrocket ever since – was Bill Clinton’s idea. Let’s wreck it.
David Hogg, the anti-gun brat from the Parkland shooting in Florida, has been accepted into Harvard despite his 1270 SAT score. Does your son or daughter have a shot at getting into Harvard, despite probably having a much higher score than that? Harvard rewards its friends, because it hates you.
Let’s fix the student loan debt crisis by forcing these enemies of the people to pay for the problem they created. Plus, it would swipe a major populist plank right out from under Pocahontas Warren’s presidential campaign.