The Medical Community is Quietly Erasing Its Fraudulent COVID Research from 2020

The government and the media have spent the past three years lecturing us about The Science, but it turns out that they’d like us to forget all about The Science now. More than 300 scientific papers written about the Chinese coronavirus have quietly been retracted in recent months.

These studies have been found to have used shoddy research, or to have been completely fabricated out of thin air. The real scientific evidence has surpassed all of the lies, so they are trying to now quietly cover their tracks.

We now know that COVID isn’t all that dangerous to healthy people, but the untested experimental vaccines are. Much of the freakout over COVID was actually leftist scientists and the enemy of the people media trying to unseat Donald Trump. They lied to us, and many scientists went so far as to fabricate false evidence in scientific papers just to scare everyone, and to convince us that Trump was being reckless and out of control.


A group called Retraction Watch reports that 330 scientific papers on COVID and potential COVID treatments from 2020 have been retracted. The group says that papers were yanked because they lacked scientific truthfulness and researchers did not follow ethical guidelines.

In some cases, researchers used trials with sample sizes that were too small to draw meaningful or accurate conclusions. Other scientists had used copy/paste on original articles and then drew intentionally deceptive conclusions.

Here’s a truly outrageous example. The Lancet used “fraudulent research” to write a study claiming that hydroxychloroquine “caused an increased risk of heart arrhythmia and even death” in COVID patients. The media and their talking sock puppet “doctors” used that as an excuse to claim that President Trump was an idiot who was trying to get people killed.

They told us that a man drank fish tank cleaner because he saw that it had hydroxychloroquine in the ingredients, and it killed him. They used that story and the Lancet study to “prove” that Trump was crazy and reckless and a danger to humanity. Only it turned out later that the guy’s wife was arrested on murder charges, because she had poisoned her husband by putting the fish tank cleaner in his Gatorade. Hydroxychloroquine has turned out to be very effective at treating COVID-19 patients.

The Lancet literally faked scientific evidence to try to “get Trump,” and then turned around and endlessly told us to “trust The Science.” And that wasn’t the only time.

Trump touted a revolutionary treatment from researchers at a medical university, in which they insert a tube into a COVID patient’s windpipe and bathe the interior of the lungs with virus-killing ultraviolet light rays. President Trump noted that the treatment “disinfects” the lungs, so the media told everyone that Trump was telling people to drink disinfectant. The story got so bastardized and twisted that Nancy Pelosi claimed that Trump was “telling people to inject bleach in their arms.”

The University of Manchester retracted a paper that claimed that COVID caused “vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus.” COVID does no such thing to people, but there is a certain vaccine for COVID that does cause those problems, along with blindness, sexual sterilization, facial paralysis, spontaneous vaginal ulcers, spontaneous herpes, rapid-onset terminal cancers, and a bunch of other unpleasant stuff.

And who could forget the cheap, effective, Nobel prize winning wonder drug called Ivermectin? The FDA, the Democrat Party, and the mainstream media told people to “stop eating horse paste,” when they knew full well that Ivermectin also comes in a human-formulated pill. There is no evidence whatsoever that any human being ever tried to eat horse paste to cure COVID. That would be totally dumb.

Everyone knows that you squeeze about an inch of the paste out of the tube and dissolve it in a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon. Because the people who make the horse paste packaging are LIARS and it does not really taste like green apple flavoring. It would be super dumb to just try to eat a whole tube of the stuff. You need to mix it with something.

Anyway, after lecturing us to “follow The Science,” it has once again turned out that The Science was a bunch of lies. They lied about the virus, they lied about safe treatments for the virus, they lied about masks, they lied about social distancing, they lied about lockdowns, and they lied about the vaccines. All of us “conspiracy theorists” and “misinformation spreaders” turned out to be right about everything.

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5 thoughts on “The Medical Community is Quietly Erasing Its Fraudulent COVID Research from 2020”

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  3. At first blush, this may seem off-topic, but it’s really not. The picture may be bigger than the elites merely directing governments of the world to restrict food and energy production out of fears of “Global Warming”. This has already caused starvation in Sri Lanka, and great social unrest from farmers in Europe and Canada. Rigged elections just smooth the way for the “Great Reset” and killing us off with Fentanyl, Train wrecks, Covid-19 and the Covid vaxx—which the Govt. VAERS website indicates has killed over 34,000 Americans–may ACTUALLY be part of the same plan.
    Too, the gay/transgender agenda that our own government is pushing on all of us is likely part of this same ambitious scheme dreamed up by ivory tower liberals back in the 1970’s.
    The 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul and Anne Ehrlich and Obama’s “Science Czar”, John P. Holdren called for the ELIMINATION of 7/8 of the Earth’s human population, ostensibly because the Earth is running out of resources. Strict control of all human reproduction would be required. Some of the ways they recommended to achieve this end was mandatory vaccinations that would decrease human beings’ fertility, the lacing of municipal water supplies with similar compounds–coincidentally, many municipal water sources in the US that include treated sewage are nowadays contaminated with estrogen. This can’t be filtered out. What long-term effect this may have is unknown. Compulsory abortion for unapproved pregnancies would be required, as would societal ENCOURAGEMENT of homosexuality, as such people don’t reproduce and add to the Earth’s human population burden. My understanding is that anyone going through the hormonal “transition” into the opposite sex will FOREVER be unable to reproduce, even if they manage to “transition” back…

  4. Only pychotic evil nutjobs think and use fake depopulation logic to justify their corrupt doings. Proven world is underpopulated and all this chem trails purposely done and paid and all this intent contaminating anything is sick narcisstic egotistical criminal money making schemes to steal taxpayers dollars. The wife is charged with poisoning her husband seems like to get narrative for dems Trump said bleach. She is charged so all these weak no moral compass nutjobs should be charged and administered the lethal jab hourly. No excuse for criminal intent to harm any person period. And to interfere with any lives. God sees all of this and the chains in Scrooge are not going to be long enough. However humanity needs to heal and rise up again like a flower and use the dirt of these people evil bodies as rich fertilizer.

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