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The United States Is Starting to Look a Lot Like Venezuela

The Wu Flu lockdowns and the rampant rioting are all part of the same master plan. You don’t need to believe in conspiracy theories, because it’s not a well-organized, top-down revolution. Instead, every idiot indoctrinated by Marxist principles thinks that they’ve come to the same genius conclusion. America is vulnerable, and now is the time to push for social revolution. It’s why lockdowns have been extended far past any justifiable usefulness. It’s why cities are on fire. And, it’s exactly the same way every communist revolution in history took place. Just look at the most recent example of Venezuela. The United States looks a lot more like a Maduro-era Venezuela than any of us would care to admit.

Marxism and communism utilize a three-pronged attack to get rid of freedom. The first prong is the culture war. We’ve been seeing this in the U.S. for decades; cancel culture is just the latest iteration. In Venezuela, the culture war helped elect Chavez because he promised to care about the poor and give them things. Does that sound familiar?

As soon as he was elected, revisionist history began. Statues were torn down left and right because the historical figures didn’t mesh well with the new culture. For anyone trying to keep score, you now know what stage of socialist revolution we’re in.


When the culture war makes enough progress, there’s enough political backing to go into a planned economy. This is where the state rapidly boosts its own authority and power. In Venezuela, most industries were nationalized. The biggest industry there is oil, and it was one of the first to be nationalized. In the United States, the largest industry is health care. It’s not hard to connect these dots.

In fact, the U.S. just used a health scare to enter into a planned economy. Remember when governors shut down most forms of commerce for “two weeks to slow the spread?” The U.S. economy is still largely shut down on gubernatorial order. We’re literally in a planned economy. That’s what creates the social unrest necessary for the final part.

When everyone is too overwhelmed by poverty to think straight, the purges start. Political opponents are arrested. Brown Shirt style gangs oppress anyone who dares disagree with the new culture. You get top-down totalitarianism.

The brilliance of the communist attack is that most of the brutality doesn’t come from the police or the military (at least at first). It comes from the fanatics who just watch their culture war bring ruin to their own home. Rather than learn and adapt from their failures, they double down. History is full of examples. Cities are burned, starvation gets worse and society collapses. It’s always the same story.

So, now that you have some strong comparisons between the United States and Venezuela, let’s test your knowledge. Which of these stages have already been completed in the U.S.? Which have yet to be initiated? How close do you think we are to complete and total ruin?

What are you going to do about it?

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2 thoughts on “The United States Is Starting to Look a Lot Like Venezuela”

  1. biden is chavez. maduro is a scumbag from the same party as biden. thy’re pullng tol over our eyes

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