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Top George Soros Director Has Visited Biden’s White House More Than a Dozen Times Since October 2021

The Biden administration continues to be exposed as perhaps the most corrupt ever to hold the oval office, with White House records now revealing that Joe Biden has been teaming up with a familiar name George Soros!

The son of far-left radical billionaire George Soros has met with top U.S. officials at the White House officials at least 14 times since Joe Biden took office.

Alexander Soros, 37, is the chairman of the infamous Open Society Foundation, a donor network used by George Soros to funnel massive amounts of money into left-wing candidates who agree to push radical Marxist policies to “reshape America.”


The Democratic fundraiser’s son most recently traveled to Biden’s White House on December 1, when he met with then-Chief of Staff Ron Klain’s adviser Nina Srivastava.

He also enjoyed a lavish dinner – paid for by American taxpayers – with the intent of honoring French President Emmanuel Macron set up by the president and first lady themselves.

On October 6, 2022, Alexander met with Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer and Kimberly Lang, a National Security Advisor executive assistant. Alexander met with Finer on three separate occasions.

Madeline Strasser, another adviser to Klain, met with the younger Soros in October 2021 and April 2022.

These meetings are particularly important because the Soros family is best known for installing radical district attorneys all over the country – including Alvin Bragg, the leftist prosecutor indicting former President Donald Trump.

The fact that the young Soros has been cozying up with the Biden administration gives more credence to the theory that Bragg is going after President Donald Trump with a corrupt politically motivated attack designed to keep him out of the race in 2024!

George Soros donated $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which in turn spent $1 million on efforts that boosted Bragg’s campaign for district attorney. George denied knowing Bragg, trying to gaslight conservatives after the link was exposed.

George Soros’ other son Jonathan and his wife Jennifer Allan Soros donated directly to Bragg’s campaign in April 2021.

Mike Howell, Heritage Foundation Oversight Project director, said that Alexander’s time in the White House is concerning, adding that the Soros family “has done incalculable damage to our country.”

“The death and destruction of their policies are evident at our borders and in our crime-infested cities,” Howell said. “The left is addicted to their money, and they don’t even bother hiding it anymore.”

Alexander has also been rubbing elbows with other top names in the Democratic party. He has posted photos of himself alongside Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and former President Barack Obama.

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11 thoughts on “Top George Soros Director Has Visited Biden’s White House More Than a Dozen Times Since October 2021”

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  3. I think, I can never earn over which I paid by my precedent employer, e but I was wrong, world is so large to try their fate. but now I am making $52/h even more,and easily earn minimum $1300/week, on the experience everyone must try to do work online, easy way to earn, here’s an example…..

  4. I don’t know what the prior post was all about. I thought this space concerned a former German Nazi and his sons buying and selling elections in the United States. It seems to me there should be some kind of election law which makes this illegal, and can be used to negate the Soros family. I am not an attorney, but believe these elections interferences should be stopped by the Federal government, and probably would, if our whole.federal government wasn’t run by a bunch of crooks. And thieves (Democrats)..


    2. Ron, yes, agreed that this corruption should be stopped immediately by the federal government.
      Unfortunately, it’s being CAUSED by the same people who should be stopping it.
      I don’t like George Soros, I was also hoping that he might not be around too much longer causing this country so much grief. And now I learn he’s got a 37 year old son taking his reigns.
      There seems no way to get past this administration’s complete and utter fuckery.
      Isn’t this a magical moment in time?!
      And at a place when China is going to invade Taiwan at any moment, will we be jumping to the task? We’ve got no ammunition left here in America because corrupt Joe Biden has given it all to Ukraine. This diabolical son of a bitch has brought us to our proverbial knees.
      Just shy of 2 1/2 years, and this man has completely obliterated. Any sense of sovereignty this nation once had.
      Strap yourselves in America, only God knows where it goes from here

  5. Why the F**K is this corrupt and treasonous family still walking free? Their funding of radical left violent extremists and buying off Political Leaders that pursue an agenda that violates the Constitution and the Republic for which stands. It’s long past the time for Soros and his sons to indicted, prosecuted & convicted for their criminal treasonous activity. Their assets should be confiscated and disbursed to all the states that were victims the Soros funded violence, that’s caused & causing $ billions in damages!

  6. I have a list of the 243 “Front Groups” that Soros funds with a yearly average of $150 Million and he has sons Alexander & Jonathan. Alex runs the “Open Society Foundation” and Jonathan is the extra “go between” that sets up “destinations” for disruptions and damages. The Soros Objective is to permanently “change the American Society” thru leftist campaigns and supporting radical ideas and their professors. My greatest [laugh] come from one of his favorite assigns is “The Center for American Progress” which in effect does just the OPPOSITE. There will be a special place in HELL for this rich but mentally bankrupt soulless jerk.

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