There may be, at last, a new day dawning in the Washington, DC Democrat liars’ swamp. Ironically, that new light of truth could be shining from a city just 40 miles to the northeast: Baltimore, Maryland.
It may have begun with yet another Democrat representative grandstanding. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) decided to verbally beat up President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security Chief Kevin McAleenan over the treatment of detained children at the U.S. border.
President Trump had had enough from posturing Democrats. He called out Cummings’ and pointed out that children of illegal aliens at the border had it far better than Cummings’ constituents in the disgraceful conditions of Baltimore.
Baltimore is undoubtedly one of the worst-run cities in America. About one quarter of its citizens live in poverty. Many live in rat-and roach-infested public housing. The city’s schools are the lowest achieving in the state.
USA Today reported in 2018 that Baltimore has the country’s highest homicide rate. Even the Washington Post reported that “Fourteen Baltimore neighborhoods have lower life expectancies than North Korea” and “eight are doing worse than Syria.”
Nowhere on mainstream media sites (except Fox News) are there photos of Baltimore’s blight or interviews with city residents. There were no NBC, CBS, ABC, or CNN reporter walkabouts or press tours of Baltimore’s trash-strewn neighborhoods and broken down, substandard public housing.
What did make the airwaves were the quick and virulent responses from Baltimore city officials in defense of Rep. Elijah Cummings. There were also a number of interviews where outraged Democrat pundits quibbled about the word “infested” as being somewhat of a trigger word for racism. And, they argued, because Trump attacks minority political leaders, he meets the accepted criteria of being a racist.
As usual, Trump haters missed the point. They failed to learn the lesson of the Mueller investigation as pointed out in the President’s tweet: “TRUTH IS A FORCE OF NATURE.”
The closer the President gets to the truth of Democrat failed leadership, the more they cry “racist!” The more they cry racist, the less effect the charge will have on people who can separate name-calling from reasoned arguments.
The problem is that normal people know what racism is and what it isn’t. There are many definitions of racism. Meriam-Webster’s Dictionary is as good as any: Racism is “the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”
The Democrats’ definition of racism is criticism of minority Democrats who engage in stupidity and hypocrisy. Therefore, pointing out that Elijah Cummings should tend to the needs of the people who elected him is, by their definition, racism.
Criticizing left-wing zealots like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her dopey crew is also racism—except when Nancy Pelosi does it. In the latter case, they utter the instant pardon, “I don’t believe you are a racist, but…”
Even the mainstream media, who should know better, don’t know what racism is. Primetime news outlets saw fit to add the adjective “racist” when talking about his suggestion that Cortez and friend should “go back where they came from” and fix their problems. Typically, President Trump ignored the pushback and doubled down.
Yet, by their defensiveness Democrats seem to know the truth of their failure to wipe out crime, poverty, and drug abuse in many of America’s big cities–which they run. Those cities and their people of color are casualties of over 50 years of Democrat rule. Democrats know that, and like roaches scampering from the light, they fear that President Trump is finally going to expose them.
Likewise, President Trump knows the truth behind the Democrats’ support of open borders. Democrats need a fresh supply of government-dependent constituents. Those replacements are now trying to flood in from our southern border. As these uneducated and unskilled people flood our cities and further overload the social services network, they will eventually form a new voter base for the Democrats—who need dependency and victims for their welfare machinery.
Nevertheless, President Trump has presented Republicans with a bullet-proof issue for the next election. Republicans can say, “Are you going to believe Democrat charges of racism, or the evidence of your own eyes. Our infrastructure is fractured. Let’s stop the charges of racism and fix it. Let’s secure our borders and let in people who can actually contribute to our society and economy.”
Hopefully, the Republicans will recognize the simple genius of President Trump’s attack on Elijah Cummings’ hypocrisy. Republicans can counter charges of racism by stating the truth and sticking with it.