Twenty-four state attorneys general have requested the Supreme Court to intervene in a case involving a high school football coach who was terminated for praying after games.
Coach Joe Kennedy, former assistant football coach at Bremerton High School in Washington, was sent a letter to stop praying at midfield after football games in 2015. He didn’t, and his contract was not renewed, ending his job at the school.
Kennedy sued the school district and lost in the liberal district court. Now conservative leaders are hoping the Supreme Court will intervene on behalf of his religious freedom.
“While the district appreciates Kennedy’s many positive contributions to the BHS football program … Kennedy’s conduct poses a genuine risk that the district will be liable for violating the federal and state constitutional rights of students or others,” the school district in a letter to Coach Kennedy.
What risk did he pose? Some young person might see a coach who prays in public? Are we so worried about people being triggered by a private prayer that we outlaw any expressions of faith?
That was the Bremerton School District’s plan. So far, not even a district court has intervened to help.
Texas attorney general Ken Paxton, one of the leaders behind the letter to the Supreme Court, wrote in defense of Kennedy’s actions.
“The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Coach Joseph Kennedy’s religious discrimination claim against the school district, saying that because Coach Kennedy prayed in view of students, his prayers are considered government speech that the district can censor,” Paxton said in a press release.
“The coalition urges the Supreme Court to review and reverse that decision because of the serious First Amendment concerns it raises. The Ninth Circuit’s conclusion threatens to make everything a public employee does while on the clock into government speech. In turn, that would require public employers to control their employees’ every word in order to avoid liability.
“The Ninth Circuit’s decision curtails the First Amendment liberties of public employees, which will deter individuals from seeking public employment to avoid being forced to give up their constitutionally protected liberties,” the statement continued.
Since 2015, the Supreme Court has now shifted to a new 6-3 conservative majority after former President Donald Trump’s presidency resulted in three new conservative justices added. Now we’ll see if they’ll flex their muscles to get involved in a case that has significant consequences for other coaches and school employees nationwide.
If a coach or school worker cannot pray in any school venue during working hours, this could be used to tell public school teachers they can’t pray before a meal, pray for a sick student or even hold a moment of silence when a student passes away. Our founding fathers would jump out of their graves if they could to defend this coach. It’s time our justices do their job and stand up for the religious freedom of Americans.
Not only is it time for our so-called justices to do there jobs but it’s also time for the American people (patriots) to do there jobs and quite being so spineless and cowards and stand up for our faith and our constitutional wrights that our great forefathers fought and died for
If we quit defending our brothers and sisters when they are wronged
Well you might as well wave the flay of surrender to the evil ungodly socialist, communist, liberals and give them this great nation over to these evil hordes
Today the Dems wanted this nation {USA } turned to communism .
Our nation created by majority are Christian, if they against it, please leave !!!!!
I totally agree with you..
Democrats are truly destroying our country…I wish they would come to their senses.
You are so right.
The constitution of the United States of America gives us the right to pray anywhere anytime of the day or night. We need to honor our constitution! We need to STAND UP for our rights or we deserve to loose them.
it is embarrassing to arrive at this point in time when a country founded upon Christian principles, by founding fathers who prayed and worshipped Our Lord God, now is pushed to shut down our faith. These people are making up rules as they go along and our rights are now like a pile of tangled Christmas lights. We need to turn back to God before it is too late. Prayer should not be regulated!
Thank you.
Amen, brother you could not have spoken truer words, the issue our once great country are having is because we as a country have stepped away from GOD so GOD is pulling his hand of protection away from the USA.
Yes, Rev. Timberlake, you are right on…
Absolutely agree with you but Democrats are against God and Religion and are really all communists so they are destroying our country!
I am ashamed of these so-called liberals under present administration. We as a nation is a joke to the rest of the world. What happened to the very foundation our great America was founded on..Christianity..not socialism like those in White House are pushing for. His ratings are down..looks like some of the very ones who put him there are now realizing what a stupid thing they did by electing him..he is an idiot pure n simple. But my God don’t like ugly n he will fix this mess..u wait n see..then all these other people will sit up n take notice n it will be soon.
Don’t waste your shame on those who have none
My thoughts and prayers go out to the coach. I respect his belief and no one has the right to deny it. As the pastor said in a previous comment. This country was founded on the religious values of our forefathers. Bless those who don’t believe.
Stand up or fall for anything! If you believe in FREEDOM AND LIBERTY AND GOD! You will start pushing back! These LIBERAL JUDGE ARE NOT FOLLOWING THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! Time to removed them! Ninth circuits court is NOTHING BUT A KANGAROO COURT! One that refuses to follow the CONSTITUTION LAWS! Making attack on people who believe GOD IS REAL! BUT WILL LET OFF A CRIMINALS FOR RAPING A GIRL! Matter of fact GOD NOT DEAD, HE SURELY ALIVE TODAY!
Liberal and atheist are fool! Just as it say in GOD WORDS! PSALMS CHAPTER 14! Who give you the right to judge someone else? You are not the CREATOR! He has every rights to pray as you have every right to deny there is a GOD! If you think you can shut down GOD , you are surely mistaken! God created you in your mother womb, he knew you before you were born! So Liberal fool you will be judged by JESUS! By the way we have a CONSTITUTION THAT GIVE US THE FREEDOM TO PRAY! It still around and it still the LAWS! NOT YOUR PLACE TO CHANGE IT!
The Biden administration just shows how far left the Democrats have swung. We as Christians & God fearing patriots, must take a stand & fight for our rights, & do whatever it takes to stop this evil madness before America is turned into a socialist communist trash heap. I pray that all of the millions who have gave their lives in defense of our nation, only to let it be taken over by trash !
Liberals are just insecure people . Just because you don’t Believe in God they have no right stop me from praying if it was a Muslim I don’t think they would say a word they hypocrites. My dad fought WW11 for are freedoms and so will i.God bless America!!
I’m surprised that the school district didnt release the lions. Guess thats next.
The supreme court sucks now also! Schools are run by the the demonRAT Marxists!
Shame on all these politicians allowing so many bad things to happen, and when people do the right thing they are punished. These politicians are for criminals not for God. God will punish them.
Home school until you can force this liberal trash out of schools an government this what you get when you vote Democrap
Firing that coach is a direct violation of our constitution. He was doing to harm to anyone or attempting to sway anyone toward his beliefs. He was merely exercising his right to personally express his own religious freedom as an individual. The school and federal judges are exercising their own beliefs by firing/upholding firing him and are not following the constitution. It doesn’t take a lawyer to figure that out.
We are seeing the result of so many lost souls, insecure in their own skin and when they see an individual who is secure, has faith and is not afraid to give thanks and be humble before our Lord, they become enraged and jealous, all they know how to do is to lash out any way they can because they are so so lost. Let us pray for them and ask God to forgive them. For our Lord father has said, let the those among you who have not sinned throw the first stone.
Sad I am 93 and lived during depression and WW 2 where a lot of my uncles and others realities gave us the freedom we now have.also some died fighting for those people in DC. Including Biden he claims to be Catholic but does not follow that faith. Should be kicked out from church and office.
Time to replace the anti-American school board in Bremerton!
Yet, schools allow Muslims to pray on campus. Double standard.
Sue the living hell out of them!
This only proves that the greatest threat to our freedom is not China, but our own Democratic party.
People need to know that it was the GOVERNMENT who paid for and distributed BIBLES to schools, among other national entities, the Constitution and the BIBLE were required reading as well as a curriculum that explained all that was fought and won through the Revolutionary War. Bibles were distributed to schools, all Americans, including school children were taught the Pledge of Allegiance. The founding fathers believed in the validity and truth of the Bible and PAID for the Bibles. The pledge of allegiance was taught in EVERY school and was said EVERY day before the opening of the school day. The American people understood the sacrifices made to allow the freedom they enjoyed. If anyone disputes the price paid for the freedoms we know and fought and died for then go to any federal cemetery. Freedom is NOT free, it is the blood shed throughout our history and continues today to bring freedom to other countries. If you will not stand for the National Anthem, say the pledge of Allegiance and inform yourself of the responsibility and privilege of being an American then you really do NOT belong in this country. Take your sorry self to another country and you just might begin to understand the privileges that you have as an American. Americans are not fleeing this country to go to China, Mexico, etc, if America is so bad, so devalued, then I strongly suggest you go to China, most African countries, many eastern European countries and maybe then you might begin to understand what “privileges” you have, and that many of you do NOT deserve what America is.
I could not have stated it any better, thank you, as the old saying goes “You Hit The Nail On the Head!” Concise, informed, all encompassing and should be shared with one and all.
Patriotism and Christianity revivals should go hand in hand which would certainly be appreciated by our Founding Fathers and God himself. Have a great day.
Very well-written Lee. I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you so very much.
If you want to keep America under our Constitution you need to prepare and be ready to fight the Communest that are in our political arena and even put it all on the line
These Liberal Judges are stepping out of their seats and tempting God to strike them and All the DAMMED liberals DOWN!!!!!!!!!!