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Was Brian Sicknick’s Death Caused by Police Actions on January 6th?

Two years ago when we were all being blood libeled over Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s tragic death, I wondered whether he was vaccinated. That would have been very early in the days after the initial vaccine rollout, but it still seemed like a fair question. Sicknick was not bludgeoned to death +with a fire extinguisher like the media falsely claimed. His vaccination status doesn’t seem to have played a role, either. Instead, it looks like his deadly stroke may have been induced by his fellow officers that day.

Now that some of the January 6ers are finally getting their day in court, more police bodycam videos are being obtained. New videos from the bodycam of Officer Daniel Thau shows a very different outcome for Brian Sicknick on that fateful day than any media outlet or prosecutor has previously hinted at.

First, the DC cops simply claimed that Sicknick died from injuries sustained by scuffling with protesters. Then the New York Times fabricated the “murder by fire extinguisher” story out of thin air, so the entire media and every coward in Congress ran with that story for a few days. Finally, the medical examiner revealed that Sicknick had died from a stroke the day after January 6th.

We’re still waiting for that apology from everyone in the media who blood libeled us by claiming Trump supporters killed Sicknick, but… I’m starting to think that an apology is never coming, aren’t you?


Just to be clear, we have nothing personal against Brian Sicknick or his family. By all accounts, he was a good guy and actually a hardcore Trump supporter. It’s not his fault that his death was politicized by Trump haters in Congress and the media.

But since we were all collectively blamed for his death, we deserve the truth about what really happened. Shady prosecutors and Nancy Pelosi have refused to release all the footage from that day, so we’re only just now realizing this latest bombshell news.

Officer Thau’s body camera shows that Brian Sicknick and other officers were accidentally gassed with a chemical irritant on January 6th. As Thau’s footage reveals, he was standing next to a cop named Richard Khoury who had a gas grenade launcher. Thau ordered Khoury to fire a canister at protesters who were on the scaffolding outside the US Capitol.

“Fire it in the air,” ordered Thau. “Just f***ing shoot.”

Khoury totally botched the canister launch and then asks, “What the f***?”

A big cloud of chemical irritant instead exploded in the air in front of the scaffolding, and doused the officers beneath it. Heavy winds then blew the cloud to the south, where Sicknick was stationed. He got dosed with the chemical irritant as well, whatever it was. Many officers who were enveloped by cloud, which came from friendly fire, were seen gasping for air and bent over with pain.

Thau orders a second canister of the irritant to be fired into a peaceful crowd of Trump supporters who were clearly not attacking anyone.

“Drop one in there,” ordered Thau. Moments later, officers are shouting, “Wind! Wind!”

Thau’s orders had just got the police doused with the irritant again, because it was very windy that day.

A few minutes later, Brian Sicknick shows up on the bodycam footage as well. He’s hunched over and rinsing his eyes with water. Thau’s footage then shows him helping injured officers. One police officer screams at him, “Stop doing the goddam pepper spray!”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, solves the mystery of what the chemical irritant was right there.

Wait, isn’t pepper spray supposed to be a non-lethal irritant?

Now that you’ve asked, there’s actually some solid evidence that pepper spray can cause a spike in a person’s blood pressure, which then leads to a stroke. Suddenly, Brian Sicknick’s death seems to make a little more sense, doesn’t it? Healthy police officers in their early 40s don’t normally have fatal strokes.

There’s no evidence that Brian Sicknick was ever struck in the head by any Trump supporter, with a fire extinguisher or other. We can probably rule out the vaccine, since those only came on the market in December of 2020 – it was probably too early for him to have been vaxed. But we do have video evidence that Sicknick was doused with pepper spray by the other reckless and violent cops that day. And as this 1999 study in the North Carolina Medical Journal notes, pepper spray can and does induce strokes in some people.

Here is Officer Thau’s bodycam footage, which was released in court last week:

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21 thoughts on “Was Brian Sicknick’s Death Caused by Police Actions on January 6th?”

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  4. The first can of Pink Mase came from the top balcony. The Cop had a plain white shirt over 6′ tall. The first can landed inside the barricade this was constitutional Avenue side rear of Capital. The Maryland Avenue side is where the violence started, and the first barricade was taken down, by Nazi Larry Hogan’s national guard. They were wearing a camo patch yellow sickle and hammer. They used a 4″ strap conveniently left there by Scaffold Resources, the people that own the scaffolding. I was there just ask Capital Hill police officer Brown. This happened less than 10 after the first gunshot. Antifa protestor wearing a red white and blue straw cowboy hat was the first person pulling on the barricade.

  5. actually Brian’s family disputed the fire extinguisher theory shortly after his death by stating he died from a stroke. It is very unusual for young men to do such but can happen. I wondered what event brought that on. Good to know the patriots were never involved in that. I never thought they were.

    1. Ya well his family is sueing Trump and 2 supporters even though there not to blame…why don’t people blame the right people and put them in jail….the wrong people are in jail who is going to make it right them people are suffering because of the lies and corruption….what the video and capital punishment… And john Sullivan from antifa went to CNN and got 35,000 and then went to MSNBC and people are going to say he was not there when they were I saw it when OAN was still on where the truth was…this was a set up from the beginning…

      1. Of course. The liberals that caused all this will sue anyone. If Biden and his minions weren’t in the White House, none of this would ever happen. There has been sick people forming all kinds of organizations so they can riot and rip this country apart. Biden and his minions allowed all of this shit to happen. Never in the history of this country has a POTUS ever caused so much violence. The question is, why has this idiot not been impeached. What about Maxine Waters in the bullhorn telling everyone to go to the streets and riot! Won’t waste my time with Pelosi who should have been sharing a cell with Killery long ago. They people are a disgrace to our country and no one will stop them.

        1. Dems are pissed about committee removal payback. When the Jan. 6 truth comes out completely, they’re gonna go ape shit!

      2. You said it correctly! John Sullivan was seem walking around the capitol with PELOSI AND SCHUMER! He even was arrested for trying to pull down the fence. Once he was arrested he told the capitol police he was doing what he was pay to do! Then they released him! That why he when on CNN AND MSNBC. OAN got ban by the FFC so that part would not be played.


      1. I beg to differ with you, Nancy Pelosi will probably never see any kind of punishment over any of her bad deeds. We all know that it was primarily Nancy’s fault for the J6 protest/riot. After all, she denied the NG and Capitol Police were totally overwhelmed. As you have probably noticed, Democraps very rarely ever get reprimanded for their actions and the American People suffer through it. Let’s pray that in 2024, things take a turn for the better and we elect someone that really cares about the American People and our Country. Freedom and our Rights are at stake.

  6. It will eventually come out that this was a set up. to certify the election electoral college count which was flawed by four states. Election dispute could not happen so this distraction was set up to deter that from happening. It worked very well indeed. So the left certified the election and stole the country.

    1. You remember what (Russell) Wyatt Earp told the cowboy at the train station? Well let me put it this way. YOU TELL THOSE COMMUNIST DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN, YOU CALL DOWN THE THUNDER, YOU TELL THEM HELL COMING AND THE PEOPLE COMING WITH IT!

  7. This was, as the videos will show when they are finally released, an induced riot by the swat team of the police. Everything was peaceful until they started shooting these gas canisters and flash grenades into the crowd. Was it stupidity or calculated is the only question.All the lying has already happened. And where is Ray Epps? Surely if you can arrest someone in the parking lot eating a sandwich you can bring in Ray who was filmed inciting a riot.How about the 8 other FBI agents (that we know of) in the crowd?

  8. Personally I believe it time to hold ALL ACCOUNTABLE that were shooting these pepper spray. And The media should lose it rights to the 1st amendment od FREE PRESS! PELOSI IS THE ONE WHO NEED TO BE EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD! It was her who gave the order to violation other people RIGHTS TO PROTEST! BUT NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT ANTIFA AND BLM WHO PROTEST THAT SUMMER IN DC!

  9. About time the truth is being shone…..what a bunch of keystone cops…and of COURSE people are going to get anxious and aggressive if they are bombarded with tear gas and beaten with clubs and shot in cold blood like the retired vet…and basically….are the ones being attacked…and incited….which was exactly their plan…..agree with your assessment….but all a little too late…and in vain….the clown got in and the circus came to town….and we’re paying for it dearly….and there are still people in jail over this set up…..but I’m still not ready to roll over….but something has got to be done about these elections…..or we’ll NEVER win another….

  10. The capital police are to blame for everything and antifa and ray epps and fake news and the Democrats and the feds there all to blame and Nancy…the wrong people are in prison… watch capital punishment… And all 14,000.00 hours of video…it shows everything…let them out…

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