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We May Have Won the War Against the Vaccine Fanatics – But at What Cost?

Several more high-profile deaths of young and healthy people happened over the weekend. They all died from Suddenly or from a Coincidence. It’s getting to the point where there are too many to keep track of. One upside at this point is that vaccine uptake has plummeted to near zero. No one is taking the latest booster shot as evidence continues to pile up that it reduces immunity to COVID. Many in American society are now begging for an amnesty for the people that forced this upon us, even as people we know continue to die.

Independent journalist Alex Berenson, who has done some great work covering the pandemic, the botched response to it, and the potential dangers of these experimental shots, sent out a disappointing message on Twitter over the weekend:

“I will try not to use the term pureblood anymore. It was necessary when unvaccinated people had to stand together against overwhelming pressure (I can’t believe that actually happened, but it did). But no one is bragging about being jabbed anymore. We won. Let’s be graceful.”


No. No, I don’t think I will.

What we witnessed throughout the pandemic was unprecedented. Some of it was flat-out unbelievable. Some of it can only be prescribed to evil, like the Democrat-induced nursing home mass murders in New York, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Many of us who are still purebloods had good reasons for rejecting the jabs. We all had different reasons, and all were equally valid. Some of us were too smart, some were too paranoid, some were too nervous because they were planning to get pregnant soon. Many Protestants, Catholics, and Muslims are opposed to vaccines in general because of the use of deceased baby parts in the vaccine manufacturing process.

The fact is that the end of the day, all of us purebloods who didn’t submit to the pressure got it right, and all of the liars and vaccine fanatics and people who were afraid, got it wrong.

A lot of us knew that something was “off” from the earliest days of the pandemic. The media was in a fever pitch of fearmongering. Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was telling us every day that the situation was bad, hospitals were going to overflow, and they were going to need to pile bodies in the streets.

But then when President Trump sent the USS Comfort to the New York Harbor, the ship only treated one patient the whole time it was there. Franklin Graham had Samaritan’s Purse set up a 20,000-bed field hospital in New York, and it never treated one single patient. Meanwhile, nurses were recording synchronized dances at work, because they never actually had many patients to treat.

And then these same people who lied to us about everything from masks to social distancing to “bodies in the streets” turned around and told us, “Just take this shot. It will fix everything, it totally works, and then we can all get back to normal! Safe and effective!”

Nope. Hard pass.

And then, the vaccine fanatics turned into monsters right in front of us.

They wanted vaccine passports. They wanted concentration camps for the unvaccinated. That actually happened. People and doctors on CNN were saying, out loud and on camera, that my children should be taken away from me permanently so they could have the Pfizer/Moderna gene serums forcibly injected into their arms. I don’t have a burning desire to die in a gunfight with the police, but when the vaccine fanatics started threatening me like that, well…

So, yes, we’ve won the battle. But I can’t be gracious with people who were either A) too stupid, or B) too evil to see that their proposals were so anti-American, anti-constitutional, and anti-freedom. No virus should be an option for suspending the Constitution the way that Democrat Governors and then Joe Biden were proposing. That option should have been laughed out of the room when it was proposed. But it wasn’t. An awful lot of people went along with it.

What’s this going to do to the country in the long-term? What’s going to happen to health insurance rates, now that somewhere between 70 and 100% of vaccine recipients have heart damage? What’s going to happen to life insurance rates, since companies won’t be able to underwrite vaccinated people in another year or two? What other changes are going to happen to our society, when young and healthy people keep dying or can’t conceive babies?

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5 thoughts on “We May Have Won the War Against the Vaccine Fanatics – But at What Cost?”

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  3. At first blush, this may seem off-topic, but it’s really not. The picture may be bigger than the elites merely, directing governments of the world to restrict food and energy production out of fears of “Global Warming”. This has already caused starvation in Sri Lanka, and great social unrest from farmers in Europe and Canada. Rigged elections just smooth the way for the “Great Reset” and killing us off with Fentanyl, Covid-19 and the Covid vaxx—which the Govt. VAERS website indicates has killed over 32,000 Americans–may ACTUALLY be part of the same plan.
    Too, the gay/transgender agenda that our own government is pushing on all of us is likely part of this same ambitious scheme dreamed up by ivory tower liberals back in the 1970’s.
    The 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul and Anne Ehrlich and Obama’s “Science Czar”, John P. Holdren called for the ELIMINATION of 7/8 of the Earth’s human population, ostensibly because the Earth is running out of resources. Strict control of all human reproduction would be required. Some of the ways they recommended to achieve this end was mandatory vaccinations that would decrease human beings’ fertility, the lacing of municipal water supplies with similar compounds (coincidentally, many municipal water sources in the US that include treated sewage are nowadays contaminated with estrogen. This can’t be filtered out). What long-term effect this may have is unknown. Compulsory abortion for unapproved pregnancies would be required, as would societal ENCOURAGEMENT of homosexuality, as such people don’t reproduce and add to the Earth’s human population burden. My understanding is that anyone going through the hormonal “transition” into the opposite sex will FOREVER be unable to reproduce, even if they manage to “transition” back…
    Med Alerts dot org. Use the drop downs, all 32,000+ of USA vaxx deaths with details of each patient are there.

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