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While Democrats Debated in Iowa, Trump Traveled to Swing State that Really Matters

The differences between the Democrat Iowa debates and President Trump’s rousing rally in Milwaukee were striking:

The few left-wing faithful and curious independents who saw the debate cried, “Bored to tears!”

Donald Trump’s followers yelled “Four more years!”

Then there was the baffling choice the Democrats made on the location of the debate. Well, not totally baffling. Iowa is the first step in the primary season.

On the other hand, Iowa doesn’t do primaries. Iowa does caucuses—a quaint and outdated process where groups of neighborhood voters gather and knows how you voted. Want to vote in a caucus? Block out an hour of your time. Plan on shuffling back and forth across the room and scribbling your vote on a folded piece of paper!

Okay, the caucus process is antiquated, but this still begs the question: Why stage a Democrat debate in a state where Donald Trump won by 10 points in 2016? Why not go somewhere like, say, Pennsylvania or Ohio where the losses of those states cost Hillary Clinton the election in 2016?

President Trump got it right. On the night of the meaningless debate for Democrats, he went to Wisconsin, where Hillary’s neglect cost her another swing state. The Democrats’ debates are delusional draws for people who think Elizabeth Warren can actually beat Donald Trump head to head.

But to be fair, there was some potential drama going into the debate. Pocahontas’s henchpersons are beginning to show their desperation (Warren has slid 8-16 points in the polls depending on which one you follow). Warren’s camp leaked an alleged conversation between Bernie and She Who Would Be Chief. Bernie, they claimed, said a woman could never be elected president.

“I didn’t say that,” he claimed. “Hillary beat Donald Trump by 3 million votes. How could you possibly believe I would say that?”

Well, actually, Bernie, Hillary lost the election. Give it up. It has been over 3 years and you are still lying to yourself.

The second knee-slapping exchange was Warren’s ambush of the male candidates. She pointed out that the only candidates the who have actually won elections in the last 30 years were the gals—Warren and Klobuchar.

The audience went wild as Biden, Buttigieg, and that other guy no one knows could have posed for a photo in the dictionary next to the word “emasculated.”

Instead of taking it like a man, Bernie tried a retort that proved he didn’t know what year it was. Actually, he said, he defeated an incumbent Republican for congress in 1990.

The look of amused pedagogy on Warren’s face was classic. Yeah, I said, “within the last 30 years.” Do the math, Bernie. 1990 was pretty much 30 years ago.

So, while the audience snored and giggled at the Democrat’s answer to the Muppets’ Statler and Waldorf, a Milwaukee full house cheered and happily wore their red MAGA hats. Some red-meat lines:

“Bernie and the radical left cannot protect your family, nor can they protect our country.”

On Joe Biden’s gaffes confusing Iran with Iraq: “When you do that you can’t really recover.”

Then there was Vice President Mike Pence’s quip, “You know, I heard they’ve got another debate tonight. If it’s anything like the other ones, those people are going to be standing so far on the left I think that stage is going to tip over.”

How did the normal folks in the audience feel about President Trump?

Here’s an example: “I think he’s done right by the whole country,” said one, 65-year old woman from Madison, Wis. “He’s fighting for all of us every day. I don’t know how you can even get anything done, but he does. So good for him and for us.”

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