Why Are Republican Governors Implementing Vaccine Passports?

Years from now, historians will be baffled by the fact that so many elected Republicans were so out of touch with their own base. We’re all laughing at Pete “Marie Antoinette” Buttigieg this week (which he earned) after he told us all to just buy $150,000 Tesla vehicles if we can’t afford high gas prices.

But meanwhile, five Republican governors have quietly implemented vaccine passports in their states – and three more Republican governors are about to join them. What in the world is wrong with these people? Do they never go outside and talk to everyday Americans?

The following Republican governors have quietly implemented vaccine passports in their states: Doug Ducey of Arizona; Spencer Cox of Utah; Doug Burgum of North Dakota; and Tate Reeves of Mississippi.

Virginia’s vaccine passport was implemented by former Governor Blackface Northam. We want to be fair to newly elected Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin, but he has yet to nuke the vaccine passport program from orbit and has not even indicated whether he has plans to do so.

In addition, Governors Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, Henry McMaster of South Carolina, and Jim Justice of West Virginia all plan to implement vaccine passports in their states within the next month or so.


None of these people are calling it a vaccine passport. They just refer to it as an app on your smartphone that “empowers” you. When you stop laughing, just let it sink in that they really are saying that about the vaccine passport. It “empowers” you. In fact, all of these governors claim that the vaccine passport is NOT a vaccine passport.

Those Republican governors, along with 15 Democrat governors, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have all adopted the use of the SMART Health Card. But it’s not a vaccine passport, they say. Really! It’s just a smartphone app that you show to someone else so that they will know that you’re vaccinated. (And do you see how that wizard spell works? It’s a SMART card. Guess what you are if you don’t have it!)

And it’s totally not a vaccine passport. You just need the SMART Health Card in those states so that you can go to a concert, eat at a restaurant, have drinks at a bar, get a haircut in a salon, or get on an airplane. If you don’t have the SMART Health Card on your phone to prove that you’re vaccinated, you can’t do some or all of those things in their states (these sellout governors are allowing private businesses to decide whether they will serve the unvaccinated). If you’re one of those dirty unvaccinated second-class citizens and don’t have the SMART Health Card, you can no longer eat at Chili’s. See how empowering that is?

Dr. Brian Anderson is the founder of a group called the Vaccination Credential Initiative, which wants to force everyone in the world to use a vaccine passport system like the SMART Health Card. Anderson says:

“What we’re going to see over the next month is a growing number of red states recognizing and appreciating the importance of empowering their individual citizens in their states.”

There’s that word again: Empowering!

Do I really need to spell it out for these retards? Apparently, I do.

Yesterday, I had the ability to go anywhere I wanted in this country. I could get a haircut, go to a concert, get drinks at a bar, or get on an airplane. I didn’t have to share any of my private personal medical information with the waitress if I wanted to eat at a restaurant. But today, because you have implemented the SMART Health Card in your states, I can’t do any of those things unless I provide you with digital proof that I had myself injected with a dangerous and experimental new medicine that I didn’t want or need in the first place.

If that is the case, you have not “empowered” me. You have stolen freedoms away from me and turned me into a second-class citizen in a country my ancestors colonized, conquered and founded. You are a pig and a tyrant if you believe this “empowers” me, and you are just as out of touch with your own base as Pete Buttigieg is with the American people.

Maybe these Republican governors actually do know how much the American people hate the idea of vaccine passports. That might be why they all quietly rolled out the SMART Health Card in their states without telling the people that they were doing it, and are letting private companies enforce it.

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36 thoughts on “Why Are Republican Governors Implementing Vaccine Passports?”

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  4. I sss as if all along Governor Ducey is a treasonous traitor and is one of the reasons Americans are suffering. He pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes.
    I don’t need to go out to eat and I can have a family member that was duped by her doctor into getting the vaccine despite her having a very rare autoimmune disease with no cure. Now her whit blood cells are extremely high which will eventually lead to leukemia.
    Instead of standing up to the dictator in the WH he cowed down to him.
    Remember he along with the Secretary of State called the election for Biden even before the votes were all counted and irregularities were discovered
    No vaccine for me under any circumstance so if I have to I’ll sell everything and move to a free state free if treasonous dictators.

  5. Sadly, these RINOs think that if the first ones to jump on the domestic passport bandwagon are Republicans the passports will not become instruments of Orwellian oppression. All it will take is one more stolen election (and the left is planning that), another plandemic (and we know that the globalists and the WHO are working on that), a domestic emergency (a contrived war and fake insurrection, and we’ve got both) and we will have an illegitimate traitor regime in this country for years to come and not just until 2024. At that point the ability to exclude people from participation in society will become serious and will likely require revolution and probably civil war to reverse it.

  6. That smart vaccine app was being used in China beforehand: where people couldn’t travel to the market or to and fro without it : when the first beginning of the pandemic: now will this be the beginning of the mark of the beast chip promotion? Biomedical encoded and statilite tracking chip weapon of globalization groups taking away what you hold most dear the American dream of freedom of speech and worship God and bear arms in this nation and travel : to and fro the market place! Are we getting the precursor of the antichrist market? That the book of revelation speaks of: without the mark you won’t be able to work, buy,or Well? Time to get right with GOD OF HEAVEN: accepting JESUS YESHUA as the savior and the Reedemer of our soul : if you do this , we will rejoice in it:

    1. You are exactly correct, Blanca. The GREAT DECEPTION has begun and there are millions upon millions of people who will believe a lie. We must continue to speak the TRUTH, in every situation. The TRUTH has a name: Jesus Christ. He is the only way to everlasting LIFE. So many people are being lied to about the virus and the vaccine (bioweapon). If only people would research the TRUTH about all of this and NOT listen to the pundits on CNN and MSNBC and the other MSM outlets, they would SEE the LIES and make sane decisions.

  7. It’s called slavery folks. It’s the antithesis of liberty. It gives a select few the ability to rule the masses. Of course, I’m singing to the choir here. Those of you understand, already know. Those of you who do not understand are simply too stupid to breathe the same air as the rest of us. They’ll march you into the gas chamber or whatever Gulag is suitable to enslave you. They will have to kill me.

  8. A time to live and a time to died! Our politicians has betrayed us! We are NOT THEIR SLAVE! But we are their BOSS! Any politicians governor that trying to stop us or control us need to resign or face the consequences of the people.

  9. The unvaccinated will not be able to travel to these states. Therefore the states will be losing all of that revenue from vacationers. Let’s see how these retarded governors like that.

  10. Most of them lied to Trump at the rally on Saturday, which was in SC! So you know who the slum landlord is? God has a plan for the world and everyone must believe in God? If Ukraine falls we’re going to be on the world stage as we too will be headed into war?

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  11. First Off, I am old school, I do not download any apps on my phone. As for vaccine passports, you can shove them where the sun don’t shine. I will refuse to show anything as it is nobodys business but mine. That is private medical info.

  12. Utah IS NOT implementing a vaccine passport. The reportage of this site SUCKS. The bill HB 60 is to BAN vaccine passports and make vaccination status a “protected class” under the Utah Constitution. The governor wanted to see the bill changed to limit its structures to Covid 19 in the event a more more dangerous pandemic erupts.

  13. Way past time to weed out the sold out Republican Rhinos! I have more respect for the crazy liberal/progressive Democrats. At least they don’t pretend to be something their not upfront. The worst kind of politicians are the ones who are a fundamental Traitors to their own parties cause.

    1. With all that gas been recently published on the deadly and dangerous side effects of the mRNA vaccines we have passed the right of making informed consent to new be to the point of it being a crime against humanity to produce, sell or promote the use of the mRNA vaccines. To mandate vaccine passports is no longer just bad judgment, it is criminal. We have experienced over 22,000 deaths in America, over 100,000 deaths world wide, and hundreds of thousands of long term disabilities from these dangerous drugs that we now no do almost nothing to stop the spread of Covid. Further, currently more fully vaxed patients are dieing from Covid than are the unnamed. This lunacy and the criminal acts must be stopped immediately. These drugs must be pulled from the market and the criminals supporting their use prosecuted. Yes, that means Fauci and Biden must be prosecuted immediately if government and law enforcement is to have any credibility. These are crimes against humanity!!

      1. Thank you Donald. The virus is nothing more than a means to implement the vaccine, since it is the vaccine that is killing or causing the dangerous side effects on the people who have taken it. They have been working on this since, 2011, that I’m aware of. So this is nothing new. Fauci had been doing experiments on children even before 2011 looking for ways to exterminate people. You don’t do “gain of function” research on a virus, unless you want to do away with millions of people.

  14. Your medical info is PRIVATE and should remain private. PERIOD. And why do they keep ignoring NATURAL IMMUNITY obtained after surviving Covid. It’s better than vaccine produced immunity that fades and is short lived, and less strong to begin with. Vaccines are to make Covid illness less severe, that’s the function. Natural immunity works better. Per recent Johns Hopkins research publication, vaccine protects from hospitalization at 16% level. Vaccine + booster. 35%. Natural immunity, 66%.
    And when is our government going to ignore their investment returns from the vaccine and push TREATMENTS, some of which cannot PREVENT THE COVID from even entering our healthy cell walls. In Africa and India they have found a MUCH LOWER amount of Covid because of readily available, cheap treatment meds that they’ve used for many decades to prevent malaria. Our government needs to acknowledge other options, and forget about Nazi-like “empowering” (NOT) “passport”. We are not Nazi Germany of the 30s, 40s. We are not a Marxist or Communist country and need to make sure we don’t. WAKE UP, GOVERNORS, CDC, etc.

  15. I checked the house bill 60 in Utah just now. it says that private businesses cannot use your vaccination status to deny service. it also forbids governmental agencies and employers from discriminating against the unvaxxed. perhaps there was a misunderstanding on what the bill says??? that is why I urged a friend NOT to relocate to a northern state until this madness is under control. sold everything here, a free state, and left. I hope where they relocated stays under republican rule. I would not leave my free state for anything. I do love the seasons, but I love my freedom more. I don’t like to be bullied by ignorant people. I can’t help but think all demon rats were bullies as kids, and now want to continue that power trip. I believe in live and let live, to a point. but not the “woke” crap. I too am old school. I dont look for fights, but I dont run either. I feel pity for those who had to rush out and get the jab because a demented old man said they had to. you will have a lot of medical issues before you leave this world. always think for yourselves. research. decide what is best for YOU.

  16. MAY they get PRIMARIED . . . PERMANENTLY and ASAP! One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  17. This article is erroneous. Ducey actually BANNED them! So this article is either fake news or the author has wrong info. Please check your sources.

  18. Repent your sins and turn to God. The after life is definitely better then this one full of wokeness. Book of Revelation says they will be thrown down in the pit by Jesus himself. Won’t that be amazing to watch.

  19. First, I hope and pray it is not true. Next I hope everyone of them gets voted out, or better yet recalled. It is disgusting. I can’t even imagine what they are thinking. What I am thinking is money, promises whatever. You know. There really is a God, and he really does judge. Good luck traitors.

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  21. People better wake up! Either you want freedom or you want communism, there is no middle of the road. These are, chameleon Republicans, politicians that steal the lollipops while kissing the babies. These are the wolves in sheep’s clothing, if you really care about your children and grandchildren you better start thinking about their future liberty. If you think Commucrats were the only ones behind the fraudulent election, think again! Make all the excuses you want but the fall of America for which so many have died is upon us. This is and has been a part of the plan all along, either stand up or stand down. This is not the time for cowards.

  22. Yes, Republican governors who require vaccine passports, as your article states–are “pigs and tyrants”. Some people cannot get the vaccine because they have autoimmune diseases which would put them at risk of dying due to “overstimulation of their immune system to the point of failure”–Read Epoch Times article– called a cytokine storm. These people should be allowed to live their lives just as people with the vaccine do. Those with the vaccine can also spread covid 19 variants. This is a KNOWN FACT–which has finally been reported.

  23. While I understand that we are living in an electronic age, not all people are comfortable using devices that could be turned against them at some later point in time, nor can all people actually afford such devices. When choosing among food, medicine and cell phones, I would hope that cell phones remain in third place. Thus passing laws that require ownership of either unwanted or un-affordable electronic devices leans very much towards discrimination with bases in 1) Religious Beliefs, i.e. Amish, 2) Low Income Families, 3) Traditionalists who prefer pen and paper to computerized paraphernalia and 4) Anyone who has been burned, scammed, phished or otherwise exploited when using electronic devices. I would expect several of the above constituent groups would have solid legal grounds for both challenging any said law and suing any said government officials attempting to implement said law. Our government leaders really need to start thinking things through before they start setting off undesirable, time-consuming and expensive chain reactions.

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