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Why Are So Many Trans People Committing Mass Shootings Like the One in Nashville?

Before the media “memory holes” the latest tragic mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, TN, maybe we should pause for a second and ask why so many transgenders are committing mass shootings these days.

Senators Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn are probably already working with the Democrats on a new gun control bill with the Democrats. But before Congress moves to take more of our rights away, isn’t it worth thinking about why this is happening? A 28-year-old woman who thought she was a dude just walked into a school and murdered 3 children and 3 teachers, before the cops shot and killed her.

Some are already trying to make this crazy broad a martyr. After all, she was a holy trans person and she only murdered a bunch of Christians. Didn’t they sort of have it coming for oppressing the shooter or something?


It’s not as if the shooter was breaking any glass ceilings here by committing mass murder. The Colorado Springs mass shooter who killed 5 at a gay nightclub in 2022 said he was “non-binary” – which is apparently a mental illness that’s so bad that a person doesn’t think they even have a gender. (Pro tip: Look down.)

The killer who shot two administrators at a Denver high school last week was a transgender dude. The 2018 shooter who killed four people outside of a Rite Aid in Aberdeen, MD was a transgender. And now this mass murder in Nashville.

When you dig into the numbers, you can’t help but run into the disturbing fact that the vast majority of mass shooters in the US have been second-generation immigrants since the 1990s. Most have been on various psychotropic drugs for depression and other mental health problems. The latest trend the past few years does seem to involve more gender-confused individuals shooting the place up.


For one thing, the public schools are brainwashing and confusing kids at young ages and turning them into transgenders through some weird social contagion that we don’t really understand yet. Teen girls are especially following this new fad by claiming they’re “non-binary.” When we suddenly have a lot more transgenders in society as we do now, because of the public schools, we’re going to see an uptick in mass shootings committed by them. Just the numbers and common sense tell us that.

There’s also the fact that transgender people are being radicalized into domestic terrorists by the Democrat Party and the teacher’s unions. Every time we turn around, there’s another announcement that there is a “genocide” against “trans-women” being committed by all of those hateful straight white male Christian Trump supporters. Is this true? Eh… not exactly.

Someone crunched the numbers and found that 40 transgender lady-dudes were murdered in America 2020. So, it’s not exactly a genocide. And even if it were a genocide, we should be able to figure out a profile for the sort of person who kills transgenders.

In the 40 homicides of transgender streetwalkers in 2020, the races of 19 of the killers were identified. 12 were black men. 7 were Hispanic men. Zero white men were involved in the supposed “genocide.” This lets us come up with a profile for the sort of person who would kill a transgender prostitute: The killers tend to be young black or Hispanic men who visit prostitutes, but then get an unexpected surprise when they get “her” into the back of their vehicle.

So, there’s not exactly a genocide, and the killings are not exactly being carried out by straight white cis-males as the predominant MSNBC narrative would have you believe.

But back to the real question of why more transgenders are committing mass murder these days. It used to not be a controversial thing to notice that trans people are severely mentally ill.

When you tell a mentally ill person that straight white men are out to murder them, and you hammer that mentally ill person with that message 24/7, guess what that mentally ill person is eventually going to do?

Instead of gun control, how about if we stop lying to ourselves as a society? Transgender people need mental health care, and the media needs to shut up about a “genocide” that isn’t actually happening.

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15 thoughts on “Why Are So Many Trans People Committing Mass Shootings Like the One in Nashville?”

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  1. Trans people are completely confused. They all need to be committed to institutions that could possibly help them. All of them should be locked up “before” they snap. Instead, the liberals have unleashed transgender insanity on society just to get their votes.
    Literally all of these school shootings are committed by individuals with identity issues. Transgender people should be completely restricted from buying or even in possession of firearms.

  2. A group of people in this country are exploiting any races or splinter groups ( trans, BLMs , Antifa) in an effort to destroy America. It is easy to convince a mentally challenged individual that they are a victim. These people then use the criminal acts committed by the mental victims to legislate away our rights under the Constitution. A Russian Leader many years ago stated America would be taken without them firing a shot. We would be taken from within by the weaknesses of our political system and greed. Our founding fathers stated we should never elect lawyers to public office if we wished to keep our country. DC is 90 percent lawyers and foreign operatives.

    1. The Founding Fathers were certainly right about putting “lawyers” into office – the rot really started with Barry and Meeshelle but now its everywhere you look. It is not Rocket Science to work out that lawyers will “use” the so-called legal system as a weapon to destroy the country – that is the way anyone can expect a lawyer to think or work – and once the costs problem are resolved ( thanks George S ) then its a hunkey-dory ride to leftist Paradise, and Republican nightmare.
      Bye-bye America – it was almost good whilst it lasted !

    2. There is no reversing what the democrats and schools have done to there brains in my opinion kill them all and let God sort them out save our children and get rid of all school unions nothing but evil and destroying our children’s minds with all there garbage time is not on there side

  3. A group of people in this country are exploiting any races or splinter groups ( trans, BLMs , Antifa) in an effort to destroy America. It is easy to convince a mentally challenged individual that they are a victim. These people then use the criminal acts committed by the mental victims to legislate away our rights under the Constitution. A Russian Leader many years ago stated America would be taken without them firing a shot. We would be taken from within by the weaknesses of our political system and greed. Our founding fathers stated we should never elect lawyers to public office if we wished to keep our country. DC is 90 percent lawyers and foreign operatives.

  4. If you are looking for truth, you won’t find it in our current government. Most of them need to be put in a mental hospital. What we have now is a combined Communist/Nazi ideology with a false religion like Islam thrown in.

    1. Spot on C.C.Risenhoover ! I’d like to bet Joe is kicking himself for not using nazi terminology – everything else fits simply perfectly !
      Maybe we need to practice our Zieg Heils ?!! Maybe not – Nancy might change her mind about leaving !

  5. Who to blame for this??? Anybody saying BILL CLINTON AND DEMOCRAT? Do anybody recall they were the ones who CLOSE THOSE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER! So just as there so many democrats in DC that belong in a mental health center. Biden one of them! PELOSI another, Schumer, Nader, MCCONNELL, man, they ready fool the people who voted for them!

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  7. It should be illegal to do anything to anyone under the adult age of 18, by anyone (just follow the money and you will get the answers)!

    1. The very reason this transgender problem exists is because a liberal parent thinks their precious little child can do no wrong and is entitled to act however it pleases. The perpetrators of all of these school shootings and mass shootings were raised by parents with this same irresponsible liberal attitude. All these parents should be held accountable for unleashing their sick little abominations on society. Their abomination should be executed if it didn’t already die and the parents responsible should be put in prison. Liberal parents would have a completely different perspective if they knew they could be held accountable for their little brat kid.

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