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Witness Says Avenatti Hatched Trump Extortion Plot with Stormy Daniels

A new witness from California who knew creepy porn lawyer (CPL) Michael Avenatti years ago has come forward with a remarkable story. This has the potential to throw a wrench in Alvin Bragg’s fake prosecution of Donald Trump over the Stormy Daniels debacle, right as the fake trial is set to get underway in New York.

The witness says Avenatti openly bragged to him multiple times about how he was planning to extort money from the Trump Organization using Stormy Daniels… who had been having an affair with Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen since 2006.

The name of the witness is Tony Seruga. He has a fairly big following on Twitter/X and is an investor and businessman in California. It looks like he runs several successful companies. One of his businesses in Newport Beach, CA, was in the same building as convicted scammer Michael Avenatti’s law firm. They would run into each other occasionally in the building and shoot the breeze.

Avenatti is a sleazeball and he had no problem openly bragging about how he was trying to bilk various clients out of money. Seruga states that he was told by Avenatti on more than one occasion that Donald Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, was having an affair with Stormy Daniels. He said the affair dated back to 2006. Avenatti seemed thrilled that Cohen was such a “deviant.” When Cohen’s client Donald Trump decided to run for president in 2016, Avenatti bragged to Seruga that he was going to use the deviant Cohen to try to bilk money out of the Trump Organization.

That’s when this entire extortion plot was hatched. For those who need a recap, Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels tried to extort a presidential candidate for money by using the idiot Michael Cohen. Extortion is a crime. Paying the person who extorts you is NOT a crime.


Avenatti and Daniels sprang the scheme on Michael Cohen at some point, because they intended him to be a co-conspirator. Cohen, however, is neither brave nor smart. He chickened out on the scheme because he was worried that it would wreck his marriage if the story got out that he was having an affair with some disgusting porn chick.

So, Cohen took out a reverse mortgage on his home and paid off Avenatti and Stormy for $130,000. Trump was never aware of any of this taking place. Cohen never mentioned it to him. Trump never paid him back.

Keep in mind that the “official” story to this day is that Donald Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels (*ugh!*) and then paid her hush money to keep her quiet before the election. That never happened. That story never even made any sense.

Donald Trump is a notorious germophobe. There’s no way on earth that he would want to have sex with some gross porn whore who is not even very attractive. That story was as fake as the Russian potty hookers story to anyone who is not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

When President Trump sued Stormy Daniels for defamation—and won—Stormy admitted on the witness stand while under oath that she and Donald Trump never had sex. Stormy still owes Donald Trump $670,000 in unpaid legal fees, which she is refusing to pay.

Tony Seruga’s story checks out. He sounds like a credible businessman and Michael Avenatti’s law office was in the same building as one of his businesses in 2016 until Avenatti got evicted for not paying the rent.

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman also likes to eat at a restaurant in that same building. Seruga says that Avenatti bragged about the extortion plot to Rodman, and he can confirm the story as well. So far, Rodman hasn’t spoken about it, but hopefully, he’ll come forward now too.

Trump is facing 34 counts after Alvin Bragg indicted him over the so-called “hush money” payment that Trump never made. Not only did Trump not pay off Stormy Daniels, but he also didn’t even know that his moron of an attorney had paid her off.

There are conflicting reports that the Trump Organization may or may not have paid Cohen back the $130,000 that he tried to bill as “legal fees.” Even if that were true, Trump would have divested from the Trump Organization by that point in 2017, because he was busy being the President of the United States. He wouldn’t have known anything about it.

This entire case is BS and almost everyone involved in it committed crimes except for Donald Trump. That’s about par for the course.

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8 thoughts on “Witness Says Avenatti Hatched Trump Extortion Plot with Stormy Daniels”

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  2. So as We the People, who believe in the Truth, See that it finally comes out to Vindicate President Trump as we all knew it would! Lies have a habit of changing or being adjusted to conform to the Liar’s agenda by Contextual claims or claims of misunderstanding, but the Truth Wins out in the End!

    1. Excellent post, as I would HOPE that Mr. Seruga who did witness much of this bull crap, WOULD come forward and state his proof under Real Law, NOT the Corrupt Obama’s Democrat ‘Two tiered system they use, but with his Puppet Master, Soros, rewrote whatever they wanted to STEAL MORE ELECTIONS, JUST as Soros said he would do to “Stop President Trump”

      This is ALL getting tiresome, as they have not only Lied and Attacked a Great Leader w/President Trump ‘Saving this Republic from those who DO Hate America and our citizens.’

      Time should be up for all this crap, as we now see the Three Amigos-COB…which stands for Clinton, Obama, Biden, who have joined forces to continue with their “Corny Lies and Con Game Against American Citizens who KNOW bullshit, when we see it!

      Hope someone has this witness come foward with a HUGE LAWSUIT against these Corrupt Lying, Filthy Cons and stop all the “BOGUS LAWSUITS by Soros’ Black Slaves he pays off! Check their bank accounts…all were ON THE TAKE!!!

  3. Not surprised here! When an individual works hard throughout their lives and becomes successful to the point of securing their future for themselves and loved ones, you can always bet on one thing? Someone else works diligently to undermind your success and plot ways to take from you what you have worked so hard to acquire!

  4. Donald would have produced and bragged of evidence of this nature . Try honesty and reality, you don’t give up with the lies/fake news.Give it time, the Truth will be known and
    you won’t have the support you claim.Lie repeatedly and some will believe-poor technique on your part.? Trump/Putin ?

  5. Democrats and rhinos are behind everything being done to President Trump. I would really like to know this one thing, can anyone answer it for me? If your rival truly lost an election then why do you attack him over and over? When ever they say President Trump did something my first thought is, “which democrat or rhino actually is guilty of this?” Why do you think the democrats opened the boarder to thugs and paying them to boot? You see they are in panic mode beyond scared. Those doing the Obama dirty work will be rewarded by him. Truly wouldn’t want to be you. Only way democrats win is by cheating. Remember too many people in positions of power have been bought off or threatened. We now have a long list of traitors in America. Democrats have enacted new rules just for them so republicans get it together and play by their own rules now.

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    2. Great post Pat, and 100% True. It IS Obama with his Puppet Master, Soros(who pays for those who lie and do his bidding)
      who orchestrated ALL things that are Wrong in America, that we fortunately had four ‘successful years of President Trump who DID SAVE AMERICA FOR ALL OUR CITIZENS-that the Evil ones tried to “Take Down ‘Arrogant(Obama’s Own Words)
      America”…..Obama wanted to continue his ‘evil against this Constitutional Republic his entire 8 years, and is behind ALL the ‘Race Issues that HE used to Divide Americans that he pushed the Race Card Daily, with using “Blacks to riot, loot etc. w/Ferguson, along with his corrupt A.G. Holder and ALL His Intel Agencies that did Obama’s Bidding.”

      He wanted Hillary to follow him in the W. House to carry on their ‘Marxist Agenda, as BOTH were/are cheerleaders of Saul Alinsky who wrote, “Rules For Radicals” and they STILL ARE!”

      Obama is SO Jealous of the Great Leadership under President Trump, that he is “Eaten up inside like a Cancer” as Trump did MORE for Blacks, Asians, Hispanics AND Women, something Obama NEVER DID; he only shredded our very own Constitution on a daily basis, hated our own Police and wanted the Corrupt U.N. as a National Police force for use on American Civilian Streets to Keep people in Fear and Lockdowns to Control us. He made this speech about a U.N. National Police Force before the corrupt U.N. in 2015, but it was in ‘2013 He Already PURCHASED 2,717 Mine resistant, Armor Protected Vehicles for use on American Streets…Also gave the Corrupt U.N. control of OUR Medical Coverage!!
      This, is counter to our Constitutional Rights ‘Guaranteed we Citizens to “Protect us FROM GOV’T OPPRESSION, that Obama and his ilk used on a Daily Basis.”

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