Busted Again: Yet Another Democrat Candidate Caught Committing Voter Fraud

We’ve been covering several high-profile cases of Democrats committing election fraud in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 in recent weeks. Three of the biggest cases have been a September mayoral primary race in Bridgeport, CT, which was just overturned due to massive ballot box-stuffing; city council races in Paterson, NJ in 2020 and 2021; and a case involving the 2021 race for mayor in Plainfield, NJ. Now a FOURTH case has just been blown wide-open in neighboring deep-blue Massachusetts.

Weird! It’s almost as if Democrats across the country feel like they have a license to cheat in elections ever since the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump!


The preliminary election for mayor of Springfield, MA took place back on September 12th. The top two vote-getters, incumbent Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and 10-year city council member Justin Hurst emerged from a field of six candidates, and they are appearing on the ballot on Tuesday, November 7th. Just four days prior to the general election in Massachusetts, someone released surveillance video of Justin Hurst’s campaign workers bribing homeless people to vote for their candidate in the September 12th election.

In the video, which is clear as day, one of Hurst’s prominent campaign workers pulls up in front of City Hall in an SUV for early voting back in September. The man’s identity has not yet been revealed, but he’s a large black man with an extensive criminal history, who is not allowed to vote himself. People in Springfield know this guy, but his identity has not been released yet because there’s probably a criminal investigation under way now.

A group of people who are clearly low-income and probably homeless pile out of both vehicles. Justin Hurst’s campaign staffers shepherd these people into City Hall so they can cast their votes. When they come back outside, the Hurst employee is clearly seen passing them cash for voting. He gives one woman some cash, then gives her a hug, and then appears to also pass her a gift card.

The surveillance video is so crystal-clear that you can tell he’s passing $10 bills to these people for their votes.

George Washington famously won his seat to the House of Burgesses in 1758 by getting all the voters liquored up. He bribed them with whiskey, rum, beer, and wine, and that was enough to persuade people to vote for him in the same election that he had lost three years earlier. It’s quaint to read about it now, but bribing people for their votes has long since been outlawed in all 50 states and at the federal level.

18 U.S. Code § 597 makes it very clear:

“Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote… shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

Democrats, of course, are notorious for bribing people for their votes in modern times. Bill Clinton’s campaign was caught giving out cigarettes to homeless people if they’d vote for Slick Willie. Back when James O’Keefe was still running Project Veritas, they caught Rep. Ilhan Omar’s campaign paying Somali immigrants anywhere from $20 to $200 if they’d give the campaign their unfilled ballots with a signature on the envelope.

Justin Hurst is still on the ballot for the November 7th election in Springfield, but he was trailing the incumbent mayor by a lot in the preliminary race back in September. The news that his campaign has been caught bribing voters probably isn’t going to help him much this week. There appears to be a state criminal investigation under way, but it’s not clear whether the US Attorney’s office is going to get involved with federal charges.

What’s happening here? Are Democrats suddenly cheating a lot more, because they feel braver about it since the 2020 election?

No. As many of us have been saying for years, Democrats always cheat in elections, because they are immoral, power-hungry communists. We’re simply catching more Democrats cheating in elections these days, because our eyes are open, and we know where to look. This should be a lesson to the Democrats heading into 2024. We’re watching you, and you’re not going to get away with it again this time.

Here’s the video of Justin Hurst’s campaign “allegedly” bribing people to vote for him:

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